Part 108 from a doll to a frog

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While later.... Zelena took the voodoo doll. If she succeeded the last test with this practice doll, she was ready for the real deal. She took a needle in her right hand, focussed on the doll that was connected with a Barbie doll and pinned the needle straight into the voodoo doll. She looked up to the barbie and it melted right in front of her. "I did it! Wow, this is wicked!" She laughed relieved. "It's quite excited though."

Samdi took the doll with the needle in it from the witch and places it on his desk. "I told you I never doubted you. You're a natural." He watched the barbie doll melt even further until there was nothing left of it. "I've been thinking about what you need to teach me."

"And that is?" Zelena's curiosity took over. "Disguising, fire, defying gravity, flying a broom?"

"You can turn humans into monkeys, am I right?"

Zelena cackled. "I pretty much invented that. What do you want?"

"My frog collection is slimming, human frogs are the only ones I don't have yet." Samdi smirked. "Care to teach me?"

Zelena raised her eyebrow. "Let me get my wand."


Regina sat down on the ground in silence. No matter how much she wanted to talk to Emma, she also knew her wife needed some time alone. She waited for a while but couldn't handle it anymore. She poofed herself home

Emma could hear that Regina got home but she didn't really care. She wrapped the blanket more tightly around herself.

"Babe?" Regina yelled through the house. There was no response. Regina knew that Emma was home but just not responding to her. She sighed lightly and went up the stairs to their bedroom.

Emma heard the door open but she didn't look up. She could feel the weight being shifted and she looked up at Regina. "Hi." She mumbled.

"Hi." Regina said with a sad smile. "I know that what I said may have sounded weird and I should've used different words but I need you to know that I love you and only you." Regina said after a while

Emma nodded and looked at Regina. Emma didn't know why this had gotten her so upset because she knew Regina loved her. Why did she worry so much?

"Come on Emma talk to me." Regina said softly and took Emma's hand in her own.

"I don't know why I'm reacting like this honestly." Emma said and sighed. "Maybe it's just you know you used to have that thing with him and I barely know how you felt about him and it just shot to my head I think."

Regina understood where where this was coming from. "I think I get what you mean. I don't blame you for feeling like this." Regina stroked Emma's cheek. "He didn't mean a lot to me. I mean we had sex a few times but for me there weren't any feelings involved. I hate him for many reasons and I just got annoyed." Regina sighed.

"Okay." Emma didn't know what else to say. She kissed Regina's nose. "I love you too by the way." She chuckled softly.

Regina laughed. "You idiot." She whispered. 

"You're an idiot." Emma chuckled.

"And I wouldn't want it any other way." Regina smiled. She lifted their hands that they were still holding and kissed Emma's knuckles softly.  "Sorry for ruining our date night."

"It's okay and the night isn't over yet so we can still make it a good night." Emma looked at Regina.

"I'd like that." Regina whispered.

Emma smiled. She unwrapped her blanket from herself and threw it around Regina too. "Netflix?" Regina nod.


Zelena looked at the results of Samdi trying turn a doll into a frog. "It's not that hard, it's just a tini tiny frog. It's not that hard!" She laughed at the many attempts  he tried. Even though she was not attracted to him, it was kind of cute.

Samdi sighed at the many failed attempt. "Can you show me one more time? Just one more."

Zelena looked at the baron and then back at the doll. It had normal legs with the head of a frog. "Okay, fine." She turned the doll back to its normal form and showed him how it should been done. "I'll give you one last attempt, if not..." she smirked teasingly. "Well, just see how this one goes."

2 more attempts later, a little frog hopped around Samdi's apartment. "It really works!" He said rather surprised. "Now, you finish the job." He took the voodoo doll from the desk and handed it over to Zelena. "Concentrate and the doll will do its work."

Zelena took a deep breath and focussed on the frog only. She prepared herself and pinned the needle again into his chest, the frog was dead. "Oh my god! That feels so exciting! Thank you!" She wrapped her arms around the guy.

"You're very most welcome, miss Mills." Samdi looked down at the lifeless animal on the ground and let it disappear. "I don't like bloodstains on my carpet, no one does." He looked back to Zelena. "When does Chad bring home Elphie?"

"Sunday, after lunch. He says anyways... if he does, I don't know." Zelena sighed. "He's a good guy but I don't trust that Malerie. She's one of the reasons he left before the divorce was final."

Samdi let Zelena sit down on his couch. He knew these symptoms of her. "You told me that name earlier before. Tell me, what does she look like?"

"Don't get me started on the ugliest woman in the universe!" Zelena laughed. Gossiping about her made her night a lot better.

"So," Samdi said after Zelena's daystare. "Why does she look like? I can see it in your eyes, you want to tell." He teased.

"Where to begin? You can't see her toes or her neck. She's chubby and short and her face....  yikes! Not pretty at all, the pimples are visible, especially the only next to her nose wing. Don't forget the blonde short unhealthy hair she has." Zelena kept complaining.

"I feel sorry for Chad now that he moved on with her." Samdi reacted shocked by the description Zelena gave of her ex-husbands girlfriend.

Zelena's eyes widened. "Please?! Don't think about it. What about we just hang out, just friends, you have games?"

"I think I have some coats games? I'll check." Samdi smiled and left. For the first time ever, the voodoo doctor and the witch had a normal day in their growing friendship.

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