Part 69 convinced

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Emma walked by an alley and saw Ruby. She hadn't been in storybrooke for a long time but what crushed her heart was the person kissing her. It was Roni. Once Ruby broke the kiss, she saw Emma. "Hey Ems!" She said excited and walked over to hug her.

Emma just stood there while her friend pulled her in a hug. "Hey Rubes." She said confused.

Roni looked at the two but couldn't help but notice the pain in Emma's eyes. 'What's wrong with that woman? We barely know each other.'

"Ruby!" Hope giggled and waited for her turn to hug.

"Hey little one!" Ruby picked up Hope and gave her a big hug. "How's my favorite little girl?" She booped Hope's nose.

"I am cute." The little one meant to say that she was fine but she always had her own way of telling. Ruby laughed at Hope.

"Hey Rubes, I got to get going but let's meet up later to catch up?" Emma wanted to get as far away from Roni as possible.

"uhm.. okay?" Ruby asked questioning but Emma didn't answer, she just left.


Tilly found Emma an hour later, sitting alone on a bench, crying. She sat down next to her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing I can explain to you if I'm honest. It's pretty complicated." Emma sighed.

"Try me?" She really wanted to help the blonde.

Zelena spent the day at Regina's vault. She found her mothers spell book and multiple spells they could investigate in. She dissapeared in a cloud of green smoke to her house and messaged Emma to come as soon as she could. The blonde messaged her back that she would be right over. "I gotta go to Ze- Kelly's." She corrected herself.

"You know what? I'm coming with you. Something's off here and I want to know what." Tilly heard the mistake Emma had made. Emma sighed deeply. She started walking to Zelena's place. There was no getting rid of Tilly.


Zelena heard the knocks on the door. "Coming!" She left her brew and went to the door. "Emma come in!" She saw Tilly standing next to her. "Tilly? What are you doing here? I-is Margot with you?" You could hear the worry in her voice.

Tilly shrugged "Margot was acting mean and I know there's something off about this whole situation."

Emma sighed. "I don't know what she's talking about." She lied.

Zelena closed the door behind the pair and led them to the kitchen before they would pass on to Zelena's cellar where she had prepared a few brews. "What do you mean with Margot's acting weird?"

"Well she's so mean to everyone the past few days. There was no reason for her to and I'm worried. Also Kelly, you're acting strange, the stories don't add up." Tilly was looking at Kelly and Emma who looked at her in shock

"I don't act strange, I am just being myself..." Zelena lied. She knew she had to be different then she used to be when Margot was around and everywhere Margot was, was Tilly.

"You do act strange! Just admit it. I notice these things!" Tilly shouted.

"Tilly stay calm, please."

"We can explain everything but you won't believe it anyways..." Zelena tried to come to her senses.

"Just explain. Everything is better than this stuff that doesn't make any sense." Tilly answered annoyed.

"Okay, okay. So what if we told you that who you are, isn't really who you are?" Emma looked over to Zelena for some help, how was she ever going to fix this?!

Zelena saw the desperation in Emma's eyes. "It's like another personality that you can't remember currently. You, Roni and Margot are actually Alice, Regina and Robin... you are pretty much the same only Margot and Roni aren't..."

Tilly looked at the both of them in disbelief. "That can't be right? I'm Tilly and always have been same with Margot and Roni." She said. "You're making this up, Kelly!"

"That's what you think but we know you differently." Emma wanted Tilly to believe her.

This wasn't going to help. "Tilly, do you remember the first time you met my daughter?" Zelena tried to take Tilly on a different course.

Tilly started to think. Her mind racing trying to figure out when she met Margot. "I-I don't remember."

Zelena sighed. "That's okay, just stay here, I'll be right back." She left Emma alone with Tilly and went to her cellar to get her brew. She stayed away for a few minutes.

"I'm so confused." Tilly shook her head. She got a headache from trying to figure it out. "This can't be. No, I mean, I've always known Margot and Roni and you, Kelly! This can't be real..."

"I know it's quite confusing but we are close to finding out. Me and Kelly promise you, it's going to be okay."

Tilly frowned. "I should trust a hippie and the lover of Roni?" She said out loud. Zelena tried her hardest to ignore it. She knew that it wouldn't be long for the potion to be done and there maybe could be some solution. This had to stop. One way or another.

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