Part 95 heating fire

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Once in Hopes room, Elphie shut the open window with her magic, it was pretty cold. "Okay, what do you want to learn?" The 5 year old asked her niece.

"Just something simple, I don't even know if I can do magic." Hope said unsure. It wasn't that her moms didn't let her use magic it's just that she never tried it before

"What about turning on lights?" Elphie suggested. It was the first thing her mother learnt her. Her niece nodded and Elphie now knew what she had to do. "Okay, so... what you do," Elphie warmed her hands. "Make sure your hands are warmed up and snap with your fingers while you think of a bright light."

Hope copied exactly what Elphie did. She thought of a bright light and snapped her fingers. Nothing happened. She sighed and tried again and it worked. "Wow!" She said excited

"Well done!" Elphie chuckled. "Okay, now switch the light off." She said like it was the easiest thing to do.

Hope frowned. "Just like turning it on only then thinking off turning it off?" Hope asked. She tried it after Elphie nodded and again she succeeded.

"Yes! You're getting good!" She said. "Okay, now 3 times on and off..."

Hope nodded. She could do this, she was sure. She snapped her fingers. The first two times went good. The last time something went wrong. Hope could hear a loud sound and glass breaking. She let out a scream.

Elphie saw a few flames coming from the light on the ceiling and panicked. "Auntie Gina, auntie Emmie!" She yelled through the halls. She tried to put out the flames with her magic but she hadn't learnt how to do that yet.

Regina heard Hope her scream from upstairs followed by Elphie yelling. "What the hell?!" She ran upstairs and Emma was right behind her. "What happened?!" Regina reached Hope's room.

Emma immediately saw the flames and put them out with her magic. "What happened?" She repeated the question that Regina asked earlier.

"I-I wanted to learn Hope some magic..." Elphie felt really bad. It was just the easiest form of magic.

Regina didn't know whether she should be mad or laugh. "Hey, it's okay." Regina crouched down in front of Elphie. "It is really sweet that you want to teach Hope magic but it is also dangerous."

"I'm sorry mom.." Hope looked down.

"You should've told us you wanted to practice in magic, we could've helped you." Emma said softly. "But no more of practicing without an adult around."

"Yes, it could've ended really bad." Regina agreed with Emma.

"I'm sorry auntie Gina. But it was just turning on the lights." She kept apologizing.

"Hey, it's okay. You're forgiven." Regina hugged Elphie.

"How about we have a hot chocolate before bed because you two need to go to school tomorrow." Emma suggested. They both looked quite shocked by what happened

"That sounds delicious." Elphie looked at Hope. She still felt so sorry for what happened.

Everyone went downstairs and Emma went to make the hot cocoa for everyone.

Elphie accepted her drink from the blonde and looked suspicially at the drink. "What's that pouder in my cocoa?"

"It is cinnamon. You can try it and if you don't like it I can make you another one without." Emma smiled. She gave Hope her hot cocoa. "I made you one too, don't know if you wanted one." Emma looked at Regina.

Regina took her cup from Emma. "Thanks." She wouldn't admit that she loved the hot cocoa from time to time.

Elphie took one sip of the cocoa and pulled a funny face. "No.. I don't like it." She scrunched her nose and licked her lips clean. "It's too savory in flavour..." She said, trying to pronounce it really good.

Emma chuckled softly. "I'll make you a new one." She took the cup from elphie and went to make another cup of hot cocoa

"So you all have cinnamon in your cocoa?" Elphie whispered to her niece.

"I do but mommy doesn't." Hope took another sip of her cocoa and looked at her mother.

"Which mommy?" Elphie whispered. She was too young to understand which of her moms she meant.

"Gina." She whispered.

Regina heard her name being whispered. "Hey what are you two whispering about." Regina laughed.

Emma came back into the room. "One hot cocoa without cinnamon." She gave it to Elphie.

"Nothing auntie Gina." Elphie chuckled and accepted her cocoa from her other aunt. "Thank you." She took a sip, even though it was too hot but with her stable magic, she let it cool down in no time.

"Up to bed." Regina said when they all finsihed their cocoa. "And no more practicing magic."

Hope nodded. "Yes." She gave both of her moms a hug. "Good night."

"No more magic... practising." Elphie whispered the last part and hugged her aunties too and got with Hope upstairs to get ready for bed. Hope fell asleep soon after Elphie.

"God I can't believe they almost set the house on fire." Emma looked at Regina.

"Me neither." Regina shook her head and looked at Emma. "Good thing nothing happened."

"Hey nothing bad happened." Emma looked at Regina who was obviously worried.

"I know but something bad couldve happened." She said softly.

Emma put her arm around Regina and kissed her on top of her head. "And we will make sure nothing bad will happen."

Regina cuddled close to Emma and nodded. "Okay."


Chad let out a deep sigh and landed next to Zelena on the bed. "I missed you so much." He breathed out heavily and put an arm around her.

Zelena chuckled but still had to get into her normal breathing rhythm. "Save that speech for later, Green." She laid her head on his bare chest and listened to his heartbeat. She felt Chad giving her a kiss on her head what made her blush even more then she already did. "So, what was this? Just a one time thing, right?" She intertwined her fingers with those of Chad and looked up to the ceiling.

Chad looked down at a calming Zelena. "Uhmm, yes of course. We all knew this was gonna happen eventually and you know I still care about you and Elphie." He gave her another kiss on the forehead. "I'm sorry to just barge back into your life like this but I just couldn't ignore my feelings I had for you today."

"What do you mean?" Zelena looked up to him and saw how Chads expression changed.

Chad smiled softly. "Oh, just... seeing how protective you are over the people you care about, how you're such a great mother to Elfreda. You know you can be very wicked to people you don't like... like Malerie?" He raised an eyebrow.

Zelena bursted out in laugher when he mentioned his girlfriend. "Allergy deserved this. She is pathetic and a homophobic who hurts my family. I honestly don't know what's gotten into you what made you move on with her."

Chad shrug his shoulders. "She's a weird woman and sometimes I don't even know why I have a relationship with her, she's sweet once you get to know her... but let's not talk about it now. I'm here with you now and I told her that I'll be out all night so I can stay as long as you want. Unless you don't want too." He added.

"Please stay..." Zelena bit her lip nervously. To be honest she loved having Chad for herself, even though they're divorced. She laid her head back on his chest and counted the heart beatings that she heard, it was such a strong sound. She thought back to what happened today. Now that she found out that Marlerie liked her according to her sister made her feel like a better person. That meant that Chad wouldn't have a girlfriend for long and that she could try to get him back. But it wasn't that time yet. She fell asleep in his arms and not much later, so did he.

Ahhh oml the title has 2 meanings! Yes I'm very creative! Not only did Hope and Elphie accidentally set thee room on fire but there's another couple that set a room on fire 😏 MY CHELLY!! They're kinda back together but on the other side they aren't... it's kind of sad but I knew that in this book, I had to do this and fml I love it! Hope you did too! Xx Zelly

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