Part 116 Samdi's secret revealed

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"How about we drop by for a moment?" Emma softly bumped her shoulder against Regina's when she saw Regina looking at Zelena's place.

Regina shrugged. "She probably doesn't even want to talk to me."

"Oh come on, don't be ridiculous." Emma laughed. She took Regina's hand and dragged her with, knowing that the door would probably be unlocked. She dragged Regina with her inside. "Hey-"

"What the hell?" Regina looked at the scene in front of her and had no idea what was going on.

"Regina, not now. I'm quite in the middle of something!" Zelena snapped she didn't had time for her sister to be honest. She stood up and stood next to Samdi. "Do it." She ordered.

Regina looked at Emma who was just as confused as she was, so she just let it happen. 'What the fuck is this'

"As you wish." Sadi nodded and ignored Regina and Emma. He went over all the steps that Zelena had taught him and in no time Malerie was no where to be found.

"What the hell." Emma whispered underneath her breath.

"Okay, what.. the.. hell just happened?" Regina raised her eyebrow and looked at Samdi and Zelena

"Something I should have done weeks ago when it entered my house..." Zelena stated. "But where is she?" She questioned. She looked under the couch and found a little sleeping green frog. That was not the colour green she was used too. "You changed her into a frog?"

"My dear Zelena, you knew when I asked you to learn me your trick. You knew I was missing a human frog into my collection. Dead or alive doesn't matter." Samdi smirked. "You got what you wanted and now I got what I came for." He looked at the wives and back at Zelena. "Thank you for everything."

"Any time." Zelena laughed and looked at the little frog in her hands and gave it to Samdi. "And if you ever-" She got interrupted by her sister.

"What the hell Samdi. You can't just go around and turn people into frogs!" Regina practically yelled. "As much as I hate that woman this is just so wrong. You idiot."

"You think this is wrong what I do, Regina?" Samdi asked calmly.

"How much clearer do I have to make it?" Regina scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"As clear as you want it to be."

"You." Regina paused for a moment and walked over to Samdi. "Are a freaking idiot. In everything you do there's only this need to get whatever you want. You don't care about anything at all. So, you're an idiot."

Samdi laughed. "Regina, you're right. I always have my needs and by these words I may even have it twice." She smirked and did what no one expected. He disappeared in a cloud of black smoke together with the frog and Regina.

"Gina?!" Zelena looked around her, she wasn't here. "Samdi?! What did you do!" She yelled around the house but she got no answer.

It took a few seconds for Emma to realize what had happened. "Zelena what the hell is Samdi doing?" She blamed Zelena, thinking she knew what was going on

"Why should I know?" Zelena was hurt that she again was blamed. "I only am in the Malerie plot! I don't know where he is!"

"Well I thought you would know because you're the one that's dating him." Emma paced around the room. "Do you have any idea what he is planning to do?"

Zelena couldn't help but laughed slightly. "We were never dating. It was a cover up so we could smit our plot also outside our houses. I never liked him!" She laughed but was serious on the subject. She saw Emma worrying and needed to find a solution to calm her. "I don't know what he's doing to Regina but I know his plan with Malerie.."

"And that is?" Emma looked at Zelena.

Zelena took a deep breath. "He's keeping her for his collection... a month of 2 ago, he contacted me if I could help him with an assignment. Back then I hated him like I've always done but when Chad introduced Malerie to me and Elphie," She sighed. "I knew she wasn't going to be sticking around for long and she was one that met the rules for his assignment so I contacted him about her and it was a deal. And when Regina speculated that Malerie wasn't really the woman she said she was, it was the end of her story." She shrugged her shoulders. She didn't care about what would happen to Malerie eventually, the only worry that started to grow was how to let Chad know his girlfriend is no longer there.

"He isn't going to turn Regina into a frog is he?!" If anything Emma got more worried by what Zelena was telling her.

This made Zelena worry more as well. "I don't know... we need to find her!" She took Emma's hand in hers. "Even if it's there last thing I do. No one dares to turn my sister into a frog but me." She let go and smiled softly.

 "Not really helpful in this situation." Emma scoffed softly. "But good to know." Emma chuckled. "Where does that guy live?"

"I'll bring us there, just give me a second. I need Chad to sit Elphie while where gone." Zelena said and left Emma alone downstairs.

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