Part 22 back to storybrooke

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Everyone went back to the hotel soon after Chad and Zelena had left to pack their stuff. Soon they all found themselves on the airport. Heading home after a long weekend.

"Even though with all the drama I had a fun weekend." Emma kissed Regina softly

"Me too." She smiled. Later they got on the plane. Regina laid her head on Emma's shoulder and fell asleep. Emma woke her when they arrived.


Robin and Alice were the first to come through the security. Luckily both weren't checked. "Hey Ali, I got a surprise for you. No one knows yet." She whispered while she saw the rest of her family coming through.

"What is it?"Alice asked excitedly. She loved suprises.

"If its a surprise, you can't know, silly." Robin chuckled and took her hand. "Hey, so we are already heading back with my car. But I'll see you all tomorrow?"

"Of course. Drive safe, and let me know if you get home." Zelena fired all her motherly concearns on her daughter.

"I'm staying over at Alice, but of course I'll let you know." She gave her mom a hug. "Love you. Love you all bye!" She said to the whole family and took Alice her hand.

Emma sighed. "I'm going to pick up Hope from Granny. God I missed her." She only just realized how much she missed her daughter.

"Want me to come with you?" Regina asked. She loved Hope a lot.

"Yes of course." Emma smiled and reached for Regina's hand and intertwined their fingers as they walked away.


Chad realized something very important when he saw the crowed thinning out. "There's only one thing..."

"What's that babe?" Zelena asked.

"Robin didn't have her car, she rode in mine on the way to the airport and kept the keys." Chad laughed.

Zelena laughed as well. "No problem... Snow, can we ride with you?"

"Of course! We can drop you off at home" Snow smiled at Zelena. She was glad everyone had kept her secret.

Charming got his wife's and his stuff and took it with him to the car.


Robin and Alice arrived back in Storybrooke. She parked Chads car in front of a house with a sign that said 'sold'. "Surprise!"

"Oh my god! Is this really ours." Alice threw her arms around Robin's neck and hugged her.

Robin held on tight to Alice her hug. "Yes! We got it. I first wanted to tell you in Disney and give you the key there but then the stuff with Mom and Chad happens plus Regina and Emma coming out... but this is our home!" She took her hand and led her inside. "And I got another surprise for you."

Alice couldn't stop smiling. This all she had ever wanted for Robin and herself. "What is it?" She asked curiously. "I love your suprises." She smiled lovingly at her girlfriend

"Close your eyes. I'll be right back." Robin saw Alice closing her eyes and led her to the living room. She crouched down to the floor next to a cage with 2 little rabbits. One white and one brown. "Now open your eyes."

Alice opened her eyes and her heart melted immediately when she saw the rabbits. "Awww they're so cute!"

"It's too early to think of children, obviously..." Robin chuckled. "So I thought, when we move to live together, we get to start a new adventure, and I know you love rabbits." She smiled at Alice her happiness shining through her eyes. "They don't have a name yet... so..." She teased her girlfriend.

"Can I name them?" The looked at the little rabbits. "They're the cutest. I can't believe you got them." She kissed Alice.

Robin kissed Alice back intensely, she was so lucky to have a girl like her. "Yes you get to name them. Pick what ever you want." She kissed her girlfriend again.

"Okay so... I'll call them.. Pua and Hay Hay" she took one more look the rabbits. "The white one will be Pua the brown one Hay Hay."

"Robin chuckled. "They're perfect. Just like you." She got the rabbits out and gave Pua to Alice. "I can't wait to live here." She smiled and petted the little one.


Hope was asleep at Granny's while she wrapped up the diner. When the doorbell rang she woke up immediately. "Mommy!" She screamed while she saw her mom approaching.

"Hey little princess!" She picked up hope and kissed the little girls cheek. "I've missed you a lot" She looked at her cute daughter.

Hope chuckled and yawned at the same time. "I miss you two!" She held her moms neck with her little hands and hugged her tight like any 4 year old would do.

"Hey little girl." Regina smiled at Hope. "Let's get you home to sleep." She said as she saw Hope yawn.

"She really is a sweet girl. I'm happy to sit her again." Granny laughed. "An angel like that is precious. Ruby wasn't like her at all when she was as little as Hope."

"Home..." Hope mumbled and almost fell asleep on her mind chest.

"I'm glad to hear that she was behaving well. Thank you so much for helping out." She kept her voice soft as Hope was falling asleep. Regina got all Hope's stuff which was an awful lit for a 4 year old that was only staying a few days. Emma placed Hope in the children seat and drove to her home. She got hope out of the car and immediately brought her upstairs to her own bed.

For the first minutes, Hope tossed and turned because she was in her own bed and had just get used to the bed at Granny's but eventually she fell asleep.

Emma walked downstairs and met Regina in the kitchen. "Want to stay the night?" She asked and yawned.

"Ofcourse." Regina smiled and walked over to Emma. "Come on, let's go get some sleep." They got upstairs.

Emma put on her sleeping clothes and got into bed next to Regina. Emma felt Regina cuddling up close to her. Emma wrapped an arm around Regina and kisses her forehead. She played with Regina's hair and heard her breath slow down. Soon after she also fell asleep.


"Thanks mates, for bringing me home! I loved the weekend!" Nook stepped out of the full car of the Charmings and got safely home as well.

Chad and Zelena were left alone on the back seat. Neal, who sat next to them, had already fallen asleep ages ago. Zelena laid her head on Chads shoulder as they held hands. She was enjoying every minute she could spend with Chad before he would find out, which she hoped was never.

"Bye guys, see you soon!" Snow smiled when the happy couple stepped of the car. They got home. "I'm not even gonna bother to unpack now. I just want some ice cream and then head off to bed." Zelena put down her bags and walked to the freezer. "You want some?"

"Ice cream? Now? At midnight?" Chad laughed when his wife walked to the freezer and got a lot. "You're a cute one." He smiled and took the bag and suitcases upstairs. "I'll be down in a bit!" He yelled downstairs.

"Ok!" Zelena yelled back with her mouth filled with ice cream. She didn't need to wait for him. She was just really craving for ice cream. Chad same back down and looked eyes widened at her. "What?"

Chad chuckled. "It's all over your face..."


Chad got a tissue and clear his wife's face. "God, your cute..." Not much later they too were ready to end the day. It was a tough weekend but after all it was a family bonding that they hadn't done in a long time.

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