Part 40 news

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"Your wife turned me down ages ago. She had the chance to be my queen and rejected me. When I heard she was in a fight with you I knew I had to make my appearances." He saw Chad breaking in pieces. "I am here to collect what I came for and I never thought she was this easy to enchant, the wicked witch..."

"Zelena is no Witch. She is a good person unlike you. She fights for what she believes in!" Chad let down a tear.

Scar scoffed. "Right now she only believes in me. I took her trust, it was me who let you kiss Regina, she doesn't believe in your marriage, only in me. You better call a lawyer. Because there will be a huge fight you need to prepare for." He said and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Since when does a lion have magic?" Chad thought to himself but soon cleared his mind. He needed to warn the others. He now knows what Scar kind of was upto.


Emma nodded and let Nook go upstairs. Hope looked at the situation confused.

Regina had laid down in bed. She felt like all she could do was cry today.

Nook sat down at the edge of the bed. "Gina, what's getting you down?"

"What do you think? I'm losing my fucking sister, her husband kissed me and I hurt Emma. I can't do anything right." Regina sat up and looked at Nook. "I only let people down."

"You don't let people down, love. You are sadly just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Chad is a drunk at the moment and because of him you accidentally hurt Emma, it's not your fault."

"I just feel so lost without Zelena. I miss her terribly." Regina sighed. Her eyes burned from all the crying. "I'm so sorry you have to see me like this." She apologised.

"Don't appologise. I've seen you worse in Hyperion Heights." Nook said. "You'll get Zelena back, you're sisters and nothing had stopped you before."

"That's true." Nook had seen her worst days jn Hyperion Heights. "and I hope so, it's just Scar. He's terrible."

"If what they say is true and Scar has your sister, we need to get her back. She's your and mine family and family does everything they can to stuck together."

"You don't know Scar. Nobody here does except Zelena and me. He knows all my weaknesses. I'm nothing against him. I'm useless. He already has Zelena and-"

"Regina, love. Listen to me, you're not useless. You are a great teacher. You can teach us how to defeat him. I know you have the strength in you. You're a good person. You're the Good Queen." Nook smiled. "I have faith in you."

"I guess." Regina shrugged. She wasn't believing a word Nook was telling her. Her mind was taking over.

Nook saw Regina panicking inside. "You have taught me so many things, you can defeat him without using your own powers and-" He was being cut by someone who knocked on the door downstairs loudly.


"Let's go get that." Regina got up and walked downstairs. Emma had already opened the door

Chad breathed heavily from all the stairs he had to get up. "Hi..." He sounded worried.

"Hey...?" Emma said confused.

Regina stopped mid stairs. She couldn't face Chad right now.

"I... I know what he's doing to her..." Chad continued breathing heavily.

Nook passed Regina on the stairs and walked up to his best friend. "Mate, you're drunk. Go home."

"No, really... I can help..."

Regina walked down too. She was curious now. "What?"

"I swear to god this better be serious or I'll punch you in the face." Emma threatened.

Chad entered properly and sat down on the couch. "He wants her to be zoned out by everyone so that he could get her all for himself. She rejected him ages ago when she had the chance to be his queen..." It didn't sound reasonable to Chad but he hoped to the others it did. "He jinxed her somehow and he warned me to prepare ourselves to fight if we ever wanted the chance to see Zelena ever again." His voice cracked.

"And when exactly did he tell you this?" Emma thought it sounded logical but why would Scar tell him this. Regina stood behind Emma in silence. She didn't want to talk to Chad.

"Just now... I just had to tell you this instant."

"Hmm.. okay. Well we have to make sure he doesn't get his way." Emma was extremely annoyed by everything Chad did. She couldn't have let this happen one more time.

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