Part 92 the twist

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Zelena approached her sister and while she walked passed her, she grabbed her by her sleeve and the two disappeared in a closed of green smoke. Not much later they arrived at Regina's back yard of her mansion. The view was admiring. "You needed to get away from there. I don't know what's going on with her but her home is in an asylum."

"Next time she says something like that again I will kill her and you won't stop me." Regina sighed. She sat down on the bench that was placed in her backyard.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous. You've faced people like this before, she's no different." Zelena rolled her eyes. "She just needs to stay away from everyone, even Chad..." she whispered.

Regina heard what her sister said. "Yes she does." She agreed. "She is awfully intrested in you though." She tried to make her sister realize what she meant

"In me? Why? She was only snapping at you." Zelena frowned. She was too tired to understand.

"The way she talks to you and thanked you?" Regina raised her eyebrow. "I'm telling you she's into you."

Zelena's eyes widened. "What the hell?! I'm not gay!"

Regina chuckled. "You don't have to be gay for someone to be attracted to you sis and it does explain how homophobic she is."

"It's not funny Gina!" The witch magicked a drink in both their hands, her secret recipe from when they were working at the bar. She took a sip from it but it was stronger then realised. "What do you mean, that explains it?"

"Well, a lot of the time people who are homophobic are gay themselves. They just don't realize it or don't want to admit it so they end up hating on it." Regina tried to explain. She took a sip of her drink

"Really?" Inside Zelena could only think about how Chad would feel if he found out. She couldn't wait to see his depressed face. "She does have good taste tho. I mean... she liked Chad, now me. Just look at me! I'm a delicate thing!"

Regina shook her head at her sisters reaction. "As long as you don't end up dating her all will be fine." Regina said jokingly

Zelena made a gagging noise. "Iew, have you seen how she looks? No thanks! I keep it at guys if you don't mind." She finished up her drink. "What should I do next then?"

Regina shrugged. "Nothing? Just try and ignore her just like we already do?" It was the only thing that made some sense to do in this situation.

Zelena leaned over at the bench. "So, just wait and see? What if she attacks me, huh?" She reacted slightly panicking. "I'll smack her face, not gonna lie."

"Zelena, she won't attack you." Regina laughed. "And if she does I'm not stopping you from hitting her."

Zelena smiled softly. She knew in what content her sister meant it and she loved it. She looked over the landscape. It became quite foggy. "You know what, let's go inside. Is Emma home? Or Hope?"

Regina looked at the time. "Emma is probably home by now and picked up Hope from school."

Zelena jumped on her place. "Damn, Elphie needs to be picked up as well! What's the time?" She asked quickly, hardly being understandable.

"The school ended about 10 minutes ago." Regina saw how stressed Zelena was. "Just poof there and poof back to here."

Zelena smiled. "Thanks. I'll be back later then. Maybe I'll see Emma with hope along the way home?"

"See you." Regina watched her sister disappear.


Zelena arrived at the school to see only her daughter and her niece, standing all alone at the playground. "Where's Emma?" She whispered to herself. Her daughter let go of Hope's hand and run towards her. "Hey little munchkin, sorry I'm late..." She took her in her arms and walked to her 9 year old niece. "Hope? Where's your Mom?" She asked.

Hope shrugged. "I don't know. I thought she'd be here by now." Hope looked at the ground.

"Mommy, auntie Em didn't come." Elphie whispered in her mothers ear. "Is she coming already?" She said and suck her thumb.

Zelena listened to her daughter and turned then to Hope. "Sweetie, I don't know where your mom is now but we can look for her?"

Hope shrugged again. "Sure." She looked at her aunt. "What if she just forgot about me?"

Zelena put Elphie down and leaned over to Hope. "She didn't, monkey." The thoughts her niece said out loud, were emotionally touching. "Your mother would never forget about you. You know how much she loves you and I know your mother, she would never, never do a thing to disappoint you." She held her Daughters hand and looked at her youngest. "What do you say? Shall we find her?"

Elphie nod. "Yes! Auntie Em probably lost track of time." She held her nieces hand. "Your family always finds each other right?"

Hope could smile again. "Yea they do. Let's find my mom."

Zelena walked alongside Hope down main street while Elphie run from one side of the sidewalk to the lanterns on the other side of the sidewalk. She saw how disappointed Hope was that Emma didn't pick her up. She decided to try the distraction trick that always worked on Elphie when she was sad at the time when her dad left. "So, Regina told me you are really good at maths and arts?" She said impressed. "Just like your brother! That's so good!" She hopes the confidence she showed were getting Hope back on her happy tracks.

Hope smiled. "Yes! Everyone in my class thinks it's weird that I like maths." She shrugged. "I think it's just because they don't understand it. I do like more though."

"There's no such thing as being weird just to like something, you're just like your family and you should be proud of that!" Zelena smiled. Not much later they arrived at the station. "Why don't you check if your mom is inside? I think Elphie just passed the station so we'll be right up okay?"

"Okay!" Hope ran into the police station right to where her mother would probably be.

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