Part 80 Gina's Castle

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Zelena and Elphie stood outside. Both with their own broomstick. She had never seen er daughter this happy since the divorce. "Okay, what you do to let it appear in your hand is very simple." Her daughter was listening patiently. "Think of your broom and make a little quick and fast movement in your arm, like you want to grab something but nothing is there."

Elphie did what her mother told her and in one time she succeeded. "Wow, this is awesome!" She threw her leg over the broomstick and waited for the next instructions. "What's next?"

Zelena also got on her broomstick and stood next to Elphie. "Give a little tick to the ground and point your broom up to the sky. Like this." Zelena demonstrated and was inches above the ground. "Now you." She was impressed what a quick learner she was. Elphie already flew higher then her and went from the top of the house to the closest tree of the woods they lived next door from. "Elphie hold up!" She stood still so Zelena could catch up with her. "Okay, now stay with me." They we're flying high over te trees of the enchanted forest.

"Woahh... and this is where our family came from?" Elphie enjoyed her view.

"Uhu. Most of the people in Storybrooke you know, are originally from this forest."

"And that?" Elphie pointed to a dark spot in the middle of the woods. "What's that? Who lives there?"

"Stay up high." The witch said to her daughter and took a dive down to the tops of the trees next to the dark place. "Strange..." She said to herself and got up again. "It's nothing. Just continue flying." She said and urged her daughter to fly along.

Elphie kept looking back but when she did, she lost control of the broomstick. "Woah!"

Zelena repositioned her daughter quickly with her magic. "Lesson 4: always pay attention to where you're flying."

"Yes Mommy." Elphie has learned her lesson and not much later they arrived at Gina's palace. "Do people still live here?"

Zelena laughed. "Well, yes. The Evil Queen and Robin Hood, the wish realm versions at least."

"And I'm gonna meet them?" Elphies eyes widened from joy. It was like a dream come true.

"You wanted to visit so, yes. We are. Don't be shy." Zelena got off her broom and let it disappear in the sky.

Elphe looked at her mother's magic. "Okay, how do I do that..."

"The same way as how you let it appear."  Zelena said and saw her daughter succeeded.

The 2 girls arrived at the entrance of the big beautiful castle. "Mommy, I'm scared..." Elphie's voice trembled.

Zelena picked up her daughter. "Hey, there's nothing to be scared off. You know Aunt Regina. This version is just a little different but not scary. She knows me and heard of you, just never met you." She repositioned her daughter on her hip so she sat more comfortable.

"And Robin? Is he like Robins daddy?" Elphie whispered in her mother's ear.

Zelena chuckled. "A little but don't tell your sister." She knocked on the doors.

The evil queen heard the knocks on the door and went to open it. Nobody ever really visited them so she was curious who it was. "Zelena?" She asked suprised.

Elphie immediately hid in her mothers collar. She was scared by the Evil Queens appearance. "Hey sis." Zelena couldn't help but chuckle at the reaction Elphie had. "We thought we'd step by. Are we interrupting?" She looked at her daughter who clearly wasn't used to her aunt dressed like this.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, I might look scary but I won't do anything" The evil queen smiled at the little girl "You must be Elphie."

Elphie nod, keeping her arms still around her Mothers neck. "Yes... are you Gina?"

The evil queen chuckled. "Yes I am but just a little different."

Zelena made her way in the castle. She knew Elphie would be herself just by keep talking calmly and exploring the building. "Do you want to tell the Queen what we just did?" She asked in a childish way.

Elphie nod and looked at the Queen. "I had my first fly lesson." she said proudly.

"Oh did you? That's great!" The queen saw how proud the little girl was "maybe you'll get better than your mom."

"Who was it, m'lady?" Robin asked. He didn't see them yet.

"Zelena and her daughter Elphie." They walked into the room where Robin was.

"I am better then Mommy." Elphie said determined.

Zelena laughed. "We'll see about that, Ellie." She put her daughter on the floor, she went exploring through the room. "Hey Robin. It's good to see you."

"How are you, m'lady? Haven't seen you in a while." Robin smiled at Zelena and her daughter.

"Could be better. After 2 years of fighting, the divorce is final." Zelena sighed. It still kind of hurt to talk about it. "Sorry for not visiting as much the last 2 years as before but I couldn't handle that.

"Oh... I'm so sorry to hear that" The evil queen knew how hurt Zelena must be right now.

"It's okay. I should have known it would never work out with someone from the outside world." She still loved Chad but he clearly thought otherwise. She looked at Elphie, she meant the world to the witch. "Luckily Elfreda is a beautiful girl that looks more like me then her father."

"She's adorable and the sweetest." The queen looked while Elphie walked around the room and looked at everything.

"Do you guys want something to drink?" Robin offered.

Zelena chuckled. "No thanks Robin. But maybe the munchkin want some?"

"Do you have Cocoa?" Elphie asked. She didn't know if they would have that in here.

"I'm sure we have some somewhere." The evil queen chuckled.

"Do you want anything babe?" Robin asked. He walked over to her and kissed her softly on the lips, he could't help it.

"No, thanks." The evil queen smiled against his lips and watched as he walked away go get a cocoa for Elphie.

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