Part 86 going blind by love

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Zelena let out a long pause. "Do you want to see how Elphie is doing?"

"You just told me I couldn't." Chad was confused.

"I can't bring her home but I cam show her to you." Zelena let one of Regina's magic mirrors appear in her hand.

"You really can't live without magic, do you?" Chad sighed.

"If you have a gift, you need to embrace it. Not like Elsa." Zelena joked, she was a bit nicer to her ex then before.

Chad looked into the mirror and saw Elphie playing with Robin. "She's getting good at archery. Just like her sister."

"She learned it from her and it seems that it's a gift. Just like the magic she has." Zelena looked at Chad, she saw a little sparkle of happiness in his eyes when he watched his daughter. "She really is a good person, chad. She can control her powers. It's not dangerous or weird. Elphie is a special kid. You know that. She just misses her father's support because her father doesn't accept her for who she really is."

Chad heard the disappointment in Zelena's voice. "Zelena, you must have misunderstood me all this time. I know what magic can do. It killed you."

Zelena smiled softly. "And it brought me back to life. You had magic in you too."

Chads eyes widened. "Wait, what?"

Zelena almost and tears in her eyes, thinking back to the memory. "True loves kiss. It doesn't always happen to people, only if they truly love each other. I truly loved you, Chad..." She looked him in the eye. She knew he wanted to tell her something but he couldn't, Malerie and her sister walked back in.


"Hey sis, Chad." Regina smiled. She hadn't heard them scream at eachother for once in a long time.

Malerie sipped her tea and put it down on the table. "honeybear, could we go? We still have that appointment, I think we could still make it if we go now." She turned her attention to Zelena with a fake smile. "It was nice to get to know you, Zelena."

Chad snapped out of his trance. "Uh, yea." He stood up and said his goodbyes to everyone, when he stood in front of Zelena he wanted to give her a hug, very tight. But hearing the screeching voice of Malerie interrupted everything.  Not even a minute later they were gone.

Regina couldn't really respond. Supressing the anger wasn't a great idea. The empty cup in her hand ended up against the wall, shattering into pieces. "She's a bitch." Regina just wanted to snap that ugly head of her neck.

Zelena's laughter stopped quickly. She fixed the broken cup and placed it in the dish washer. "That's a rather soft expression. But I totally agree, what was her problem? I don't even know what Chad sees in her."

"I think he's gone blind." Regina scoffed. "Suddenly I feel the need to rip someone's heart out!" Regina hadn't been like this for a long time. "Ignorant bitch that she is."

"Okay, okay... calm down now." Zelena got out her phone and texted Emma to come this instant, even if she had to use magic. She knew that she really knew how to calm her sister like no one could.

"Why would I want to stay calm? The things she said. Just ugh." Regina groaned. She rubbed her forehead.

Emma received the text. "Hope I'll drop you off at your grandparents for a few hours, I'm sorry." She saw Hope pout. She dropped her off and teleported herself to Zelena's house

"Gina, getting angry now, doesnt help a thing. I've done that many times, you know How I was," Zelena was almost out of options to calm her sister.

"This isn't helping Zelena." Regina sighed.

Emma knocked on the door and waited for Zelena to open it.

"Who's that?" Regina looked at the door. If that annoying Malerie would be back she wouldn't get out of her sisters house alive. This thought scared Regina, she wasn't like this atleast not anymore

Zelena opened again the door with her magic. She quite liked doing it. "In the living room!" She yelled to Emma. Emma walked to the living room and saw Regina pacing around the room, fumbling with her own hands.

"Emma." Regina looked up to her but didn't stop pacing around. 

Emma stopped her. "What happened?" Emma locked eyes with Regina and saw the anger in Regina's eyes. She wrapped her arms around Regina.

"Malerie is a bitch, that's what happened." Regina snapped. She got herself out of Emma's grip.

"Malerie isn't worth your anger, Regina." Zelena was actually impressed by what she said. She never sounded that heroic in her life. "Chad is dating a pathetic ugly homophobic. She couldn't keep her opinions on things to herself." She said to Emma.

"I know she isn't worth it but the anger is still here. She just kept making comments about if I didn't meet the right guy yet, what a guy did to make me gay and if I wasn't satisfied enough or something." Regina herself didn't even know why this made her so angry.

Emma walked over to Regina again. She wouldn't look at Emma. Emma softly put her hand under Regina's chin. "Regina look at me?" Emma asked softly.

Regina looked up and sighed. "What?"

"Just remember that you love me and I love you. What others think of it doesn't matter okay? As long as we have eachother and our family who do accept us it's all gonna be fine." Emma saw Regina relax a bit.


Hi, it's Zelly!

I'm sorry it's been a long time since I've uploaded this story but reading through it, it made me determined to continue it! It might have been a long time but I will try to keep up this story now! xx 

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