Part 42 pancakes with Hope

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Scar watched Zelena staring through the window. He knew what she was thinking but it wasn't enough. He made her to hit the bottom rock. He walked over to her and sat down next to her on the couch. "Love, are you okay?"

"No... Chad is the worst. He can't just do this to someone who means the world to me who even is his own family!" Zelena cried. "Tomorrow he'll regret it with every vain in his body."

Scar put an arm around her waste. He knew he had to get involved in this subject. "When you were resting, I went to Chad and-"

"And what?"

"I saw him walking into your bedroom with Regina..." He put on his most worried face to make it look real. "30 minutes later they came out... I'm so sorry."

"No... that can't be true. They both won't do that..." How ridiculous it sounded, Zelena believed him.

"Zelena, I saw it with my own eyes. You know I won't lie to you." Scar knew Zelena had reached her deepest.

Zelena crawled up in Scars arms. Smelling his cologne. "I miss him..." she sobbed.

Scar didn't like Zelena saying that. He slapped her hard in the face which caused a blue eye. "How can you miss him after what he's done to you! You don't deserve him. As for your sister."

Zelena got scared. She felt her eye, it had swollen real bad. She knew Scar was right even though she missed her husband dearly. "You're right but-"

Scar didn't want to hear what was coming after the 'but' and slapped her again. "No, Zelena! You're with me now, stop whining about the past! Think of your future, that's more important."

Zelena tried to stop her sobbing but she was unsuccessful. "I know..." she shivered and to please Scar she kissed him softly but with scared feelings on his lips. "I'm sorry..."

Scar smirked. "You should get a rest now. You need to take it easy with your little one and the battle." He kissed her again but fierce. Zelena didn't like it at all. "Go. Leave me now. I'll see you tomorrow."

Without saying anything Zelena went upstairs, she tried to heal her eye with her magic but it only had gotten worse. She was scared and deeply hurt. She laid down in her empty bed and cried herself to sleep.


The next moring Regina woke up with Hope tugging on her arm. She looked at the time. It was still early

"Gina..." Hope whispered. "Come!"

Regina stepped out of bed and held Hope her hand. "What's going on Hope?"

Hope led Regina to her brothers room. "Look...." she pointed at her brother sleeping with her teddy. "It's mine!" She whispered.

Regina kneeled next to Hope. "How about we get it back?" She booped Hope's nose. "After all it's yours."

Hope put her hands in front of her mouth. "Oehh..." she giggled. She took a few little steps his way and got to his head. She took one move to get her teddy but Henry woke up.

Henry groaned as he woke up. "Hope what are you doing here?" He asked barely keeping his eyes open

Her brother moving made Hope jump in her own skin and fell on the ground on her bum. "You got teddy!" She said still in shock.

"oh what?" He looked at the teddy. "I'm sorry Hope, I didn't realize I had your teddy."

"My teddy!" Hope giggled a bit again. She got herself up on Henry's bed. "Gimme teddy!"

Henry got the teddy and gave it to Hope. "Here you go, I won't take your teddy again. I promise." He messed up Hope's hair

Regina leaned against the doorway and smiled at the two. Henry was the sweetest with his sister even when she was annoying him at some moments.

"my hair!" Hope tried her best to straighten it but it only had gotten worse.

"Come on we'll get your hair fixed Hope." Regina smiled.  "Also henry you and Hope will stay at Snow and Charming later today."

"Why?" The 4 year old asked.

"We have to take care of stuff today. You can't join."

"Sure." He knew not to ask questions when Hope was around.

"Why?" Hope asked again when she and Regina got downstairs to her little make up drawer to do her hair.

"Some things are for adults and not little princesses like you." Regina said and brushed Hope's hair

Hope hung her head. She felt like an adult anyways... She let out a typical toddler sigh. "You do my hair?" She Said and got her brush.

"I know it's sad you can't come with us but when you're older you can! Now you'll have a fun time with your grandparents and yiur brother."

"I am old! I'm two!" Hope showed Regina 3 fingers.

Regina chuckled. "Those are three fingers Hope." She was just the cutest

Hope didn't understand but she just went with it. A little while later Regina had finished her hair and she looked into te mirror. "I look bootyful!" She giggled and got off the chair. She run to her sleeping mom and woke her softly tapping her nose.

Emma woke up and knew it was Hope who woke her up. "Hey princess."

"Morning!" Hope seeked for her moms and and led her to the breakfast table. "I make you yogut!" She showed her moms and brother the breakfast she had made when they all were asleep. She all had made them yoghurt and whole pieces of fruit in it. She was so proud of the result.

"Looks wonderful Hope!" Emma quickly looked around the kitchen and saw the mess that was left.

Hope giggled and got on the highest booth. "Let's eat!" They all sat down and ate Hope her own made breakfast. It was surprisingly good for a 4-year old,

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