Part 112 at the sloths

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Chad and Elphie took place on one of the benches not far from the sloths. He knew his daughter could stare at her favourite animals the whole day. He took out a bottle of water for them both and gave one to Elphie. Not much later he heard a familiar voice. 'Emma?' He thought. He looked up and saw what he expected. It was the family of Zelena. When he saw how happy they were, the perfect little family of 3, he felt depressed, reality hit him. Watching Hope being happy with her parents made him realise what he did to his marriage with Zelena. It was his fault that Elphie had parents who split up. His decision is the cause that Elphie doesn't have a clear image of 2 loving parents, 2 who do raise a child together. It was his fault that he broke Zelena's heart into a thousand pieces and he made it only worse when he got into a relationship before the divorce was final. Just at this moment, it all got to him.

Elphie took a few sips from her bottle and gave it back to her father. When she did, she saw her father getting emotional. "Daddy? Are you okay?" She asked.

Chad dried his tears and put on a fake smile. "I'm fine, Ellie. I really am." He gave one more look at the happy family. They had everything figured out, something that he ruined and never could get back.

"Maybe do you want to look at the sloths? They can make you feel better." The wise Elphie said. "You can learn a lot from them."

Chad gave his daughter a kiss on the head. "I'm fine, right here. You should enjoy them! We stay here as long as you want."

Elphie gave her father one last hug. "Thank you." She whispered and run off the the sloths. When she arrived there she couldn't believe her eyes. "Hope! You here too!"

"Elphie?" Hope asked confused and hugged her. "What are you doing here?"

Regina looked up when she heard the name Elphie and saw Hope and Elphie. She frowned and looked around. At some distance she could see Chad and to her relief his idiotic girlfriend wasn't there.

"I'm watching sloths! Why else would I be here!" Elphie joked and hugged her niece.. "Are you here with mommy too?" She asked hopeful. 

Hope hung her head. "No, I'm sorry but how about we go watch the other sloths?" She asked trying to cheer her niece up.

"I'll ask daddy, be right back!" Elphie out on a smile and run towards her father. "Daddy, daddy! Hope is here! Can I go with her?"

Chad nod. "Of course but stay around so I can see you okay? I don't want you to be lost."

"Thank you again!" She smiled and run back to her niece. "It's okay, come on let's go!"

"Moms? Elphie and I want to watch the sloths some longer. Can I?" Hope asked.

"Of course you can." Regina smiles softly. She watched Hope run off again "Stay around!"

"How about we go over to Chad?" Emma looked at Regina who nodded unsure.

Chad looked at all the happy couples around him. Most of the parents had kids aged around 5 just like him only those kids had 2 parents. It was just a small detail but it made him only feel worse about himself.

Regina and Emma made their way over to Chad. "Hey" Regina sat down next to him. "How are you?"

Chad took a deep breath. He had no intention to talk about his real problems. "I'm fine, thank you..." He didn't look at his previous family. "Are you having a nice day with the family?"

"Yea, we thought it'd be fun to take Hope to one of her favourite places." Emma smiled.

"And you're taking Elphie here for the sloths I assume? She loves those animals." Regina looked at Hope and Elphie who were talking while looking at the sloths

"Yea, I am. She never seen them in real life so I thought it would be at least one good memory with her father to cherish." Chad sighed. "How's Zelena? I'm sorry for asking..."

"Hey, Elphie has more good memories with you than only today." Regina tried to cheer Chad up. "And Zelena is doing really good." She said with a fake smile.

"Let's just hope she has, she has a better mother then a father." Chad looked at Regina. "It's good to see you 2 have such a strong relationship. I see it's doing Hope some good."

Regina smiled at Emma. "Well, the fact that Zelena and you got divorced might now be hard for Elphie but also for you and Zelena. I guess over time it'll get a bit easier when you get used to it."

Chad couldn't take it anymore. "It won't be easier if I'm still in love with her!" He said without realising what he just said. 'Fuck...'

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