Part 41 the heroes plan

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"He already got..." Chad took a deep breath. "He set me up to kiss Regina when she was present. He makes her believe that we are not worthy of her and we let her down. She doesn't trust us anymore, only him... we need someone to get through Zelena without hurting her. All the believes right now is fake..."

"Wait, he did that?" Regina felt relieved. It was still awkward but atleast it wasn't his doing

Chad sighed. "He did. Did you really think I would kiss the sister of my wife?! I love Zelena and only her."

"How the fuck could I know it wasn't you?! For fucks sake."

"Regina" Emma hissed. "Hope is still here."

Nook sat down next to Chad. "How can we trust this information he told you, you're drunk, Chad..."

Chad sighed. "Would I ever lie about the conditions my wife is in!? She's in danger and she doesn't even know. Scar said that if we ever talk about this to her, she wouldn't know. He has her in his power, I'm telling you!"

"Fine, I believe you. What do you suggest we do?" Regina was tired of the whole day and wanted to sleep.

"We have to know who we're fighting... if we know that, we could find out that persons weakness..."

"We're fighting Scar and Zelena. We know Z her weaknesses but Scar his weaknesses are a mystery."

"I'll call Robin and Alice so they can come over and help us with the plan."

"Oh uhm by the way Robin now works with me."

"Wait..? You know what, fine." She called Robin.


"Hello!" Robin picked up her phone in Alice her accent.

"Hey Robin." She noticed that she was trying to do Alice her accent and smiled. "We're making a plan to defeat Scar.. You guys should be here to help us."

"Yes, sure," Robin looked over to Alice. "We'll be right down, yours or Emma's?"


Alice gave her girlfriend a questioning look. Why did they have to go somewhere at this time

"Okay, we'll be there in 10." Robin hung up the phone and saw Alice looking weird. "We need to go."

"What's going on?" She got up and got the carkeys

"It's Regina. They need our help to defeat Scar and mo-" Robin had a little trouble saying it. "and mom..."

"You knew this day was coming. I'm sure they'll find a way to defeat Scar and save your mom." They got in the car and drove over to Emma's place.


Chad heard some knocking on the door and opened. "Robin, Alice glad you came."

"Of course we came. So, what's up?"

"We have to defeat Scar before he completely ruins everything." Emma filled them in.

Regina sat on Emma's lap and played with Emma's hand. "We only don't really know in what way we can do it without hurting Zelena too."

Chad kept silent and on the background. He worried so much about this situation. There was nothing he could do. He had no such thing as magic to help his wife get rid of this horrid lion guy.

"I agree with Regina. We cannot hurt mom or the baby. She's too venerable now..." Robin looked over at Chad. He looked away when she mentioned her unborn sibling. "Did Scar day anything about when this fight will be taken place?"

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