Part 113 After all this time...

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"You what?!" Emma raised her voice slightly. "Why the hell did you even want to get divorced then."

"Because," Chad raised his voice but calmed down. "Because back then with all the fighting, we well, I thought that would be the only solution." He sighed. "It all started when we found out Elphie had magic too. I know what magic can do to people and I almost lost my wife because of it. It's dangerous. Zelena thought other wise and all we could do was fight over it. 1,5 years what led to a divorce last year..." the man sighed again. "I was a fool to leave my family and when I walk around here I realise how much I miss her."

"Well..." Regina paused for a few seconds before continuing. "Magic can be dangerous, if it's used by the wrong people. I mean, Zelena was wicked once but she learnt how to control her powers. I know for a fact that Zelena is only teaching Elphie the good stuff."

"And you might want to keep in mind that magic is also the thing that saved Zelena." Emma thought back of that terrible day in the hospital.

"I know, I know..." Chad looked up to Emma amd then at Regina. "I made the worst mistake of my life by divorcing her and I know she never wants me back. She would never forgive me."

"There's only one way to find out.. talk to her." Regina knew that deep down under all the anger Zelena missed Chad too. "But I'm telling you it won't be easy. Besides, I saw Zelena dating again. I'm afraid you're too late, mate."

Chad's heart sank to his toes. "She's dating?" Of course he didn't know how much they knew but it hurt him that she actually moved on. "Regina, the last time Zelena and I had a good talk, it ended a little bit different then I had in mind. I don't know if I ever can talk to her in person like normal people." He admitted.

"Well, if you don't talk to her there's no way you can fix your problems and I'd gladly kill Malerie for you." Regina chuckled at the last part.

"Regina!" Emma hissed and shot her a look.

Regina looked at Emma then back to Chad. "Okay, okay I'm sorry. You just have to make it really clear that you're breaking up with her and that you don't want her in your life anymore."

Chad scoffed softly. "Like I haven't tried that." He laughed. "You know, I'm really jealous of you. It seems like you have it all figured out and you work so well together." He thought back to the start of his marriage. Even back then it was a mess but after it got better, only not for long... "Hope and of course Henry are lucky to have parents like you."

"Come on, everyone had their problems but we keep communicating with each other, try to understand each other and do something with that." Emma explained. "Sometimes it goes better than other times but we always figure it out."

Regina agreed. "Communication is important and by communication I don't mean yelling at each other until one of you has had enough."

Chad laughed softly. "Yea, I know. I've learnt my lesson. But for now, all I need to see it that my daughter knows she has a father." He looked at 2 giggling children which were his and Emma and Regina's. "I would do anything for her."

"I know, so go have a fun day with your daughter and don't worry too much." Regina smiled at Chad.

"Thank you, thank you for everything." Chad stood up. "Before I forget, could you please not tell Zelena this? I know how difficult this is for her, plus being all alone.. I don't want her to know, not yet."

"We won't tell Zelena anything about this, don't worry." Emma saw a little bit more happiness on Chad's face and that was a good thing.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Elphie yelled from the distance. "Daddy! He moved, the sloth moved!"

Chad stood up. "Coming Ellie, I'll see you later." he said and joined his daughter and Hope.

"He really did! It's so cute!" She chuckled and held her fathers hand, with the other hand she pointed at the well hidden sloth. "Do you see him?"

"Hey Hope." Chad crouched down on the other side of his daughter. "Yes, I see him!" He smiled.

In the meantime Hope ran back to her mothers. "Moms can we go see the giraffes now?" She asked excited.

"Of course they're not far from here." Emma got up.

"Do you think Elphie and uncle Chad want to join us?" Hope still called Chad her uncle and there was no changing that.

Emma looked at Elphie and Chad and shook her head. "I think it's best if we let them have a day with just the two of them."

"Are you hungry?"

Elphie let out a deep sigh. "Like a tiger!" She stood up and walked with her father passed her family. "Bye Hope, bye auntie Em, bye auntie Gina!" She said enthusiastically while her father gave a simple nod.

"Bye!" Hope said just as enthusiastically.

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