Part 57 drunken complain

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Margot and Tilly had the perfect night at home. They even got a little drunk, Margot more then Tilly. "You know what it is, Tillz... I don't miss her AT ALL. I just like the live we're living in. Just you and me and the little rabbits. I don't need her." She slurred her words.

"Miss who?"

Margot rolled her eyes. "Who do you think? Kelly of course." She never called her mother by her nickname 'mom' she had gotten at birth. Why do that when you can call your mother by her own name?

"Ohh of course. She only cares for you though, and she tries her best." Tilly knew how Margot felt about Kelly but still she tried.

Robin kept going on. "Sure she cares. She's my mom, she has to be but she just can't. She can just focus on one person at the time and now she only can care about her new Toy Boy..." She let out a deep sigh. Tilly knew it was the best to just listen to Margot right now and not to say anything. "This guy.... I honestly don't know why Kelly even likes him. He's cute, kind, not to mention smart, terrible in the kitchen, probably in bed too... it's all these things that mom isn't attract too. He'll be one of the next exes, let me tell you that." Margot gave a drunk chuckle. "What's his name again?" She couldn't even care to remember it.

"Chad." Tilly reminded her girlfriend.

"Chad? Really?! Who would name his kid to a country? In Africa, for gods sake! They're all poor there." Margot laughed. "It's like naming our rabbits to... I don't know, ridiculous characters from ridiculous movies."

"Babe we did name them after characters from a movie." Tilly laughed, it was quite funny when Margot was drunk.

You could see Margot thinking very hard. "We did? Who are they?"

Tilly tried her hardest not to laugh. "Pua and Hayhay."

"Huh..." Margot said lightly. "Oh well... I'm not gonna waste my night whining about my mom..." she kept silent for just 10 seconds and when Tilly wanted to speak she began again. "Roni," She chuckled. "Roni told me the other day that she saw Kelly and Toy Boy walking on the streets of Storybrooke and then she said that she saw them entering a house. She wouldn't be moving to Storybrooke now, does she?"

 "She cares about you." Tilly answered. "She probably misses you." 

"Mehh..." Margot shrug her shoulders. "Don't bother cuz I don't miss her." She rested her head on Tilly's chest, listening to her heartbeat. 


Emma downed another drink. She still didn't feel like it was enough so she ordered another drink. Roni saw her downing drink after drink and she decided to go over to her. "Wow, easy there!" Roni sat down next to her. "Looks like you got started early today?"

"Don't, just don't." Emma didn't look at Roni. She couldn't take it to look at her and know that she doesn't remember her.

"Okay, okay." Roni sighed, it was more difficult to talk to Emma than she had planned.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't put my problems on you, you're just trying to be nice." Emma looked at Roni and smiled. She could atleast have a fun evening with another version of Regina.

"It's all fine, how about that drink?" Roni asked hopeful.

Emma shrugged "why not?"

Roni got the drinks and slid one over to Emma, studying her as she took a sip of her own drink. "So what's your story?" She asked Emma.

"My story?" Emma scoffed. "It isn't that interesting." It felt weird talking to Roni.

"Okay then don't tell me, just so you know I'm good at keeping secrets." Roni bumped her shoulder against Emma's.

Emma laughed. "Well, that's great to know." She said and got yet another drink.

Roni stayed silent for a while as they both enjoyed their drinks.

"I'm seriously so sorry about earlier today." Emma had gotten drunk by now.

"it's completely fine." Roni laughed at the drunk Emma. "But you should probably get back home to your husband and daughter?" She asked

Emma almost spit out her drink "I don't have a husband, or a man at all." She said and chuckled.

 "You don't? Sorry I just expected with your daughter..." Roni felt stupid for every word that left her mouth. "It's fine." Emma moved closer to Roni, which didn't go as smooth as she planned since she was drunk.


Margots phone went off and she read the message she had gotten. 'Hi Munchkin, we finished the nursery, would love to check it out and let you have your opinion on it. Love mom x' She spit out her drink all over the just cleaned floor. "Oh my god! She's knocked up?!"

"What? Since when?" Tilly was as confused as her girlfriend. "Why wouldn't she tell you?"

"I don't know!" Margot stood up and staggered over to the coat rack. "I'm gonna go over... message Roni the address of that house I told you earlier off."

"You can't drive right now, we both can't." Tilly looked over at her girlfriend. "Walk?" 

"I'm already walking!" Margot knocked on the front door. "Why is it locked?!" She leaned against it and continued whining.

Tilly sighed. "I don't know..." She yelled to Margot.

"Can you open it, pleaaase?" Margot asked rather cute.

"Probably." Tilly chuckled and opened the door for her girlfriend. 

"Thank you." Margot chuckled and crashed her lips into Tilly's. "You're so sweet." She left off to her mom with Tilly. Tilly couldn't help but smile at the cuteness of her drunken girlfriend.


Roni looked at her phone and saw the message of her niece. She answered with giving her the address of Kelly but she didn't give much attention to it. " Sorry, got distracted." She chuckled and looked at the results of her well known date for the night. "God you're a mess." Roni laughed. She thought Emma was quite adorable like this. She looked at Emma who was staring at her. "What?"

"Nothing." Emma mumbles. She stared at Roni's lips. The more time she spent with Roni the more she realized how she was a carefree version of Regina. Emma closed the space between them and kissed Roni. 

Roni was a little taken back by the sudden action of Emma. She hadn't thought of Emma like that. After only a second she leaned back into the touch. "Well that was unexpected." Roni whispered as they broke their kiss. She had forgotten they were still in a bar.

Emma chuckled. She grabbed Roni's hand and dragged her with out of the bar. "Let's take this somewhere else."

"Where are you taking me?" Roni asked while she just followed Emma, still holding her hand.

"Honestly I don't know." Emma chuckled. She only just now realised that Hope and Henry were home so they couldn't go there

Roni laughed. "Well how about we go somewhere random in Storybrooke?"

"Fine by me!" Emma led them to the place where Henry's castle used to be when she first arrived in Storybrooke. It was special to her. "What is this place?" Roni asked. The question hit Emma. For Regina and her this was one of their favourite places, for Roni it was just a place.

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