Part 63 the boyfwiend

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Roni had gotten ready for her date with Emma. She had changed atleast 4 times because everything didn't seem right. She drove over to Emma's place, waiting in the car until it was 8. She wasn't used to being so early, mostly she was the one that was late. At 8 exactly she got out of her car and knocked on the door. A teenage boy opened the door.

"Oh hi, you must be Roni?" Henry said. Emma had already told him what was happening with Regina, Alice and Robin being cursed again. "Come on in."

"Thank you." Roni walked inside. "You must be Henry? Your mom told me about you yesterday."

"Yes I am." Henry smiled at Roni. "I'll go get her." He walked over to the stairs. "Mom, Roni is here!!"

Emma came walking downstairs and Roni softly bit her lip. Emma looked really good. "Ready?" She asked.

"Oh yes. Ready to get some booze in you." Roni laughed. "You look amazing."

Emma nodded. "Henry call me if you need me or anything." Emma said to her son.

"Mom, I'll be fine, don't worry." Henry said with a chuckle. His mom was always really worried about him.

Emma followed Roni to her car and they drove to the restaurant.  It was one of the better ones in storybrooke. Roni took Emma's hand and intertwined their fingers while they walked to the restaurant. She didn't know why she was doing it and why it felt so right. It scared her.


"When uncle Chaddy coming?" Hope asked while she sat on the little chair next to Zelena, watching the second bath of cookies being baked.

Zelena smiled at the little ball of energy. "Any time soon now..." she said while she prepared their dinner. It wasn't even 5 minutes later or Zelena heard Hope yelling through the house.

"Chaddy!" Hope thought she heard a key being put in the lock of the door and run towards the door with her little legs. "No one?" She closed the door again.

Hope was kind of right because she heard the door of the car being opened. "I'm home!" Chad yelled and closed the door.

"Chaddy!" Hope was happy now for real and run towards her uncle. "I bakes cookies!"

Chad lifted up Hope, rested her on his arm and walked to the kitchen. "Hello pretty." He kissed Zelena gently on the lips.

Hope didn't like what she saw. She put both her hands on their faces and pulled the 2 from each other. "No kissing!"

Zelena chuckled. "We can't kiss? Why?" She asked te curious 4 year old who stood now next to the pair, looking up to them while Chad wrapped her arms around her. He rested his hands on their unborn child.

"I can't kiss from mommy. Not even my boyfwiend..." Hope said disappointed.


Once they got inside Roni got them a table and they sat down.

"Sorry to ask but this morning.. why were you so mean to Ze-Kelly?" Emma asked and almost misspoke

"We just disagree on a lot of things which makes us fight." Roni shrugged.

"Kelly isn't the worst though and Chad is actually a really nice guy.." Emma tried.

Roni scoffed. "We're not here to talk about them alright?" She almost snapped.

"I'm sorry, you're right." Emma stayed silent for a moment. "What is the best thing you've ever done in life?"

"Well, I used to have my own bar and that was pretty awesome. I loved it." Roni thought back of the bar. "First I used to run it with Kelly and I used to run it together at first but then the whole drama started and I continued by myself."

Emma listened to Roni. She could hear she missed Kelly a lot but just wouldn't admit it.

"So, who's Henry's and Hope's father and where is he?" Roni had been curious about this since she met them.

"Henry I got when I was 18 and his father was Neal. I found out I was pregnant in jail, which Neal set me up for." She looked at Roni's confused face. "It is a long story. We wanted to go live togheter somewhere and needed money. He had some stolen watches and I went to get them. The police caught me. As I already told you I put Henry up for adoption and later came here. Here in storybrooke I met Killian. We had quite the story. At first I was annoyed by him and later it grew into liking him, to loving him. We finally had our wish and had our little princess, he passed away in a car accident."

Roni was shocked by what Emma was telling her. "Oh wow.. I'm so sorry." Roni whispered.  "And this Regina?" She asked curiously.

Emma knew this question, why did she have to say she loved Regina to Roni when she was drunk. "Regina is Henry's adoptive mother. At the moment she isn't here and she doesn't even remember me." Emma looked down at the table. Luckily the awkwardness was broken when their food arrived.


Zelena chuckled. "Your boyfriend?"

"Yes!" Hope giggled. "I have a boyfwiend."

Chad looked down to the little girl. "And what is his name?" He asked curious but confused.

"Neal." Hope put on her cute face.

Zelena crouched down to Hopes height. "Neal? From White and papi?" She asked. Luckily she remembered the nicknames Hope had given them.

Hope nod. "Yes, he is my boyfwiend."

"Oh little munchkin. That can't be. He's your uncle... he is not your boyfriend." Zelena saw the little one tearing up. "No No No... don't cry. You can have a boyfriend when you're older like mommy and auntie Z?"

Chad crouched down as well. "Hey little one, it's okay to have a boy-" he coughed loudly when he saw Zelena losing her patience. "You can have a boyfriend when you're as old as Henry."

"Really?" Hopes eyes shined.

Zelena looked Chad in the eye. "Yes, really..."

"Do you want to show Uncle Chaddy your cookies?" Zelena asked hope who sat patiently on a chair, watching how Zelena got the cookies out of the oven.

"Yes! And mommy too." Hope got of the chair and shoved the chair closer to the kitchen counter.

Zelena put the cookies in a bowl and handed the bowl over to Hope. She took out her phone and made a picture with Hope and all her freshly baked cookies. "Shall I send it to mommy?"


Zelena sent the picture immediately to Emma. She knew she was on a date with Roni but she knew how much Emma missed Hope. A little distraction couldn't hurt.

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