Part 52 ~ "I'm fine"

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An hour had passed and the time had arrived where the entire family had been waiting for. Zelena winched with her eyes, it went slowly but with success. She had no idea where she was or how she got there. "Mom? Can you hear me?" Robin gave little kisses on her moms hand.

Zelena nod slowly. She looked around and saw most of family members, who had arrived by now, she gave a little smile for just a second. Chad watched from a distant. He wanted Robin and the rest to be closer to her then him. He still has a life time with her. "Hey sis." Regina sat next to the bed with tears in her eyes. "I missed you."

Zelena turned her head towards Regina. She didn't understand why she was tearing up. "What's... what's going on?" She asked softly spoken.

"Just take it easy for now, we will explain everything later okay?" She smiled at her sister.

"Why are you crying?" Zelena looked around the room, her energy level was low but she took her time. "You all are? Where am I?" Even though she had just woken up, she wanted answers like always.

"You're in the hospital. What is the last thing you remember?" Emma asked not wanting Zelena to hype herself up too much.

Zelena tried to think. The words she spoke were spoken softly but understandable. "Chad... he uhm, he was angry with me, he wanted me to do abortion and punched me hard in the face..." She spoke slow, a tear slipped her bruised eye. "He called me Wicked, packed his bags and then he left. He didn't even came back..."

"Wait what?" Regina looked over to Chad who was looking very confused. "He wouldn't do that Z."

"He did..." Zelena answered very sleepy and looked over at Emma and Regina. "We're over... is that why I am here, is the baby gone? Did-did I do an abortion?" She got emotional and really didn't want to think about the baby she thought she lost. "I've lost everything, haven't I?"

Chad looked away, he couldn't believe the thoughts what Zelena said out loud were true for her. Why couldn't she remember what had been going on?

"No, no your baby isn't gone. The past weeks you've spent with scar. He had you in his power and made you do things, terrible things." Emma spoke. "He infected you with dreamshade. We did everything to cure you and we succeeded." She looked at Chad. "Chad succeeded.." she whispered. "That's why you're here."

"Mom... Scar tried to take you away from us. More then once. Don't you remember?" Robin added to Emma's explanation.

"Who's Scar?"

"He made sure you would forget..." Regina sighed lightly, it was expected from Scar.  "Just rest and we'll tell everything later." It would be a lot for Zelena to take in right now.

Zelena turned to Robin and before she rested again she lifted her hand up to Robins cheek. "Love you." She smiled weakly. "And thank you for coming, I really appreciate it."

"I love you too mom." Robin smiled and watched her mom falling asleep for a short while. She stood up and walked over to Chad who stood outside of the room. "Dad, are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." Chad lied but he couldn't lie in front of Robin. "No I'm not... the last thing she remembers is me not accepting her!" He dried his tears. "Even though Scar is gone, he left a mess behind."

"Hey, mom will remember it all. Just give it time." Robin tried to calm Chad. "She just needs to wake up from this lie."

"Robin, she basically still thinks I hate her..." A tear rolled down his cheek and looked at Zelena. A few doctors arrived at the bed to take some tests now Zelena had woken up from the coma but now was resting instead. "She isn't going to remember..."

Regina looked at her sister. She was happy she was awake but upset that she had forgotten everything, mostly for Chad. Zelena remembered stuff that didn't happen. Emma overheard the two. "She will remember and otherwise we will find a way to make her remember."

"What way?" Chad asked desperate.

Emma thought. "Potions usually work to make her remember but first let's see if she'll remember by herself."


Chad sighed and looked at Zelena who smiled weakly to all the doctors in the room, she even laughed happily when they told her the good news about her baby.  The doctors came outside. "Mr Green?"


"It seems like she can go home tonight but she needs to stay the entire day. I suggest letting her alone for the day and we'll see you tonight."

Chad smiled sadly but he was really happy. "Thank you." He nod in relief.

"See, moms going to be alright. We're taking her home and that's a good thing, right?" Robin looked at Emma to give Chad some extra more confidence.

"It's great that she already can go home! She'll be back as she was before you know it." Regina heard Emma speaking and walked out of the room to her fiancée. "It seems like everything is going to be just fine." She said relieved.

"I'm going to mom one last time, then we can go home to clean up, she left a pretty big mess before this shit happened. Okay?" Robin didn't even waited for an answer and went in to talk to her mom.

Chad looked at his 2 favourite girls. Soon he hoped this was all over. "Emma, could you give us a ride back?"

"Ofcourse!" She said and waited for Robin to come back.

"I'll stop by my home to pick up some stuff and I'll be in my vault for the rest of the day." Regina said. "I just want to find something to help Zelena for if she doesn't remember." She said and left.

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