Part 104 Pink and green

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"Are we there yet?" Hope asked as she looked out of the window. She was used to her family living nearby.

"Almost." Emma made a turn and you could see the castle.

"Wow." Elphie's eyes widened. "They live there?"

Regina laughed. "Yes they do." When the car stopped she got out and got Hope her stuff.

Emma knocked on the front door and waited till someone would open the door.

"Hello Lady Hope. Ready for a new adventure?" Robin laughed as he opened the door for his 9 year old niece.

"Yes I am!" Hope smiled brightly at Robin.

Regina brought Hope's stuff inside."I'm sorry but we can't stay too long. Hope knows all what she has to do."

"Does she?" Robin asked.

"Yes, I know. You'll be fine but I am different then my niece so don't treat me like Elphie." the little one said being a stubborn one.

Robin laughed. "Okay, Hope. I noticed."

"Enjoy your date night." Raven smiled at Regina and Emma. They both had dressed up and looked beautiful.

"Thanks." Emma smiled at Raven. She was happy to spend the night with Regina without Hope being around. She loves Hope with all her heart but sometimes a night alone with her wife was nice. "Well, we better be going." Emma said when she looked at the time

"Be good Hope." Regina looked at her daughter.

"Always." Hope smiled innocently. She walked over to her moms and hugger them both. "See you tomorrow and have fun."

"Thanks princess." With that Regina and Emma left to the restaurant they had made resevations for.


Chad drove his car around before stopping in front of Zelena's house. "Are you sure you stay in the car?" He said when Malerie didn't want to let go of him. He got really tired of her but he didn't want to hurt her feelings just yet. She was everything he could held dear yet.

"Oh yes, I'm sure." Malerie bit her lip seductively what wasn't really that pleasant to see. "Can't we go for one extra round before we pick her up?"

Chad ignored his girlfriend and looked through the front window of the car and saw a little pink cloud making its appearance. "What the hell?"

"Daddy!" Elphie ran out of the disappearing cloud and run to her fathers car.

Chad let out a sigh of relief. It was just his daughter. "I forgot there was magic in this place..." he sighed and got out of the car. "Hi little one. Where's mommy?"

"She's in the house." Elphie smiled, she was glad to finally see her father but when she saw Malerie she took a step back. "Why is she here?"

"She just kept me company along the way. We drove hours just to come and pick you up." Chad said politely. "Isn't mommy gonna say hi before we leave?"

"Oh, she is here." Zelena said appearing in a cloud of green smoke. She saw Malerie sitting in the passengers seat and rolled her eyes. She knew enough.

"It's like watching the musical Wicked... pink followed by green. That's why you're the wicked witch!" Chad said with a grin.

"Oh shut up." Zelena scoffed. "You just concentrate on your pathetic little girlfriend and make sure she stays away from Elphie. If something happens to Elphie-"

Chad rolled his eyes. "You what? Send some monkeys after me?" He said sarcastically. It was as if last night had never happened. 

She looked over Chads shoulder and saw the way Malerie behaved. How could someone be like that in real life? She crouched down to Elphies height. "Be good okay? And no magic at daddy's. Sunday we can experiment again okay?" She smiled at the smile that she saw on her daughter's face.

Elphie gave her mother a hug. "I love you." She gave her mother a peck on the cheek and got in the back seat of her fathers car, together with her bag and her teddy monkey.

"Why do you encourage her in this magic. It's nurture for her not nature." Chad sighed.

"This is her nature! She agreed on not doing magic at your place and what she's doing at my place, her home is up to her." Zelena said and turned away. While she walked away she couldn't leave it then to say, "And don't do it in the car when Elphie is present!" She couldn't hold in her laugh and disappeared to inside her house. Inside she heard Chads car being driven away. Just one more hour to go...

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