Part 114 a morning in Storybrooke

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Malerie rang the doorbell of Chads house, it was really early because she was going with Chad to Storybrooke to bring the little smurf back home. She hadn't seen Chad him for 2 days and it killed her already. The only thing was that his daughter constantly was in the way. She knocked when he didn't open the door after a few minutes.

Inside it seemed like there was a party ongoing on. Elphie jumped on her fathers bed from one side to the other. Hitting her father with pillows. "Catch me then! I'm too quick!" She giggled and disappeared from one corner to the other one of the bed.

"I'll catch you one day!" Chad joked. Since his conversation with Regina and Emma, he had another vision on magic. His daughter was indeed special. He followed her everywhere she went and eventually caught her. "Got you!"

Malerie had enough of his waiting and decided to go around the house and looked up to Chads bedroom. She saw feathers flying across the room and sighed. "Chad!" She yelled.

Chad stopped with pillows throwing and walked up to the room. Behind him he could hear his daughter yawn. "Not her, daddy..." she complained. He opened the window and yelled back to his girlfriend"I'll be right down!" He didn't wait for an answer and closed the window again. "Get dressed, please. We'll leave in 15 minutes." He said and walked downstairs.

Malerie has found the key under the doormat and let herself in. "There you are! You said you would message me Saturday..." she complained.

"I know but I simply forgot." Chad said like he didn't care.


For the first time while when Hope was home Regina and Emma were able to sleep in. "I could get used to this." Regina mumbled as she cuddled closer to Emma. She had woken up in the middle of the night in Hope's bed and decided to go to her own. Regina sipped on her coffee. "I've been thinking about Chad." Regina put her cup down.

"Oh, you have." Emma raised her eyebrows and chuckled softly

Regina rolled her eyes and laughed at what Emma said. "Not like that. Just what he said yesterday."

"What about it?" Emma looked at Regina.

"I just think it's stupid what he's doing. I mean getting divorced even though he still loves Zelena? Come on." Regina scoffed.

"True and the fact how he has been acting when he's around her, doesn't make the situation any better." Emma sighed softly. "But it's not our mess to clean."

"But you can either keep talking about Chad or we can go do something fun later today." Emma raised her eyebrow.

"And what do you suggest we do?" Regina really had no ideas.

"Well, maybe we could go for a walk with Hope-" Emma started off.

"You think you make Hope happy with going hiking or something?" Regina laughed.

"I wasn't finsihed yet." Emma rolled her eyes jokingly. "Ofcourse I don't make her happy with hiking but I know you love it and maybe we can try and teach Hope some magic."

"That actually sounds like a good plan." Regina admitted.

Regina thought for a moment. "Or we bring Hope to your parents and well go for that walk and after we pick up Hope we teach her some magic?"

Emma shrugged. "That's fine by me."


Once in the car entering Storybrooke, Elphie couldn't wait to be back to her mom. She recognised the signs from a distance. After her aunt brought all the realms to Storybrooke, the sign had been changed to United Realms of Storybrooke. Once she was back in her birth town, she could finally be herself and don't deal with the ugliness she got to call her fathers girlfriend. 15 minutes later they finally arrived at her mothers house. When her father stopped the car, she opened the door and run to her mom who stood on the front porch. "Mommy! I saw the sloths! Finally!" She was beyond happy.

Malerie could hear the young girl and her eyes widened at Chad. "You, went to the zoo without me!" She couldn't believe he went without her.

"Yes," Chad simply replied. "Problem?" He ignored the rest of Malerie and stepped out, joining his ex-wife and his daughter.

Malerie scoffed. "The fucker...."

Zelena took her daughter's embracing hug by heart. "Did daddy behave?" She looked dispitely up to him. She didn't like this whole weekend without her daughters. Robin just kept her up to date once a while in between all the realm traveling and with Elphie out of town, she missed them terribly. She looked back at her daughter. Was it just her or did she grew?

"Daddy did! And I can do magic now at daddy's place!" Elphie was beyond happy, that was one thing she was never allowed to do with her father present in the past. "I'm inside!" She said and run off.

"Okay!" Zelena stood up and had to process the sentence her daughter just spoke out loud. "She- can do magic? At your place?" She said like she was in doubt. "If there is one thing you hate! It's magic! Especially Elphies magic!" She snapped.

"You don't need to remind me, Mills." Chad looked over his shoulder, Malerie was trying to get out of the car but so far was in successful. "You know that people can change... I gave you the chance back then, just give an open mind for me." He said half begging.

"We'll see." Zelena replied and got Elphie's bag. "And she's here too..." She motioned at Malerie.

"Zelena, just try to ignore her, then she won't be a problem." Chad knew how Zelena could act when Malerie was with him by now. "Can we come in for tea?" He asked politely.

"Fine, take that allergy into my house." Zelena sighed and opened the door for his girlfriend with her magic, she was unable to unlock it herself.

"Thank you, Zelena!" Malerie said happily when she got out of the car but Zelena ignored her when she walked up to them.

Zelena looked at Chad with a look that said she didn't enjoyed this at all. She led them into her house and made them tea. She heard her daughter unpack loudly, all the stuff was being thrown around. "Chad, could you help her unpack?"

"By all means." Chad smiled at Zelena, he gave a slightly worried look at Malerie and went upstairs.

Malerie and the witch were left all alone. "You have a wonderful house..." she said to get a conversation going which she knew was going to be awkward.

"Thanks... you said that before." Zelena said and tried to ignore this unwanted woman in her house. She noticed Malerie took the next step and sat down next to her. "What do you want?" The witch whined and rolled her eyes, she had enough of her.

"Nothing much." Malerie spoke. "I just want you to know that I admire you a lot. Just a single mom, facing every problem alone and still you are this powerful woman.. I really admire you. Part from the fact that you're Chad's ex." She unnoticed placed her hand on Zelena's.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" Zelena reacted fierce and in shock and took her hand back. She knew Malerie had been acting weird around her when she was in Storybrooke and now the words of Regina came true she had to believe it. "That is wrong with you?"

"Don't you feel it?"

Zelena's eyes widened. "NO! I don't!" She stood up and walked across the room with her hands in her hair. 'What is happening...' She panicked. She panicked even more when Malerie stood just behind her when she turned around. "It's my personal, please!" She took a step away but so did Malerie. "Don't you know boundaries?!"

"I guess not..." Malerie had no hesitation and took Zelena by surprise and kissed her.

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