Part 64 "My place?"

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Chad stood next to Zelena and put a hand on her waist. "She's so adorable with her cookies. Can't wait until ours is born." He whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek. "Hope, can I have a cookie?"

"No!" Hope giggled and walked away with the bowl of cookies. "They mine!"

Zelena have a soft chuckle. "You are not allowed to get a cookie now, they're for dessert, aren't they hope?"

"Esectly!" Hope put down the cookies on the table in the living room, far away from Chad so he couldn't grab them whilst they had dinner.

Once Zelena had plaited the table with her magic because she was too lazy to get it done all by herself, everyone sat down. Chad looked at the prepared food. "What's this we're having?" He questioned.

"All my favouwite!" Hope chuckled while Zelena put her down in her chair.

Chad looked at his wife. "And that is..."

"It is spaghetti with-" Zelena looked at Hope who was dying to complete the sentence.

"Mewmaid tails!" Hope said enthusiastically.

"Mermaid tails..." Chad gave Zelena a questioning look.

Zelena put Chads hand in hers. "Don't worry, they're fish sticks, just don't tell Hope."


 Emma heard a text come in. She ignored the first but as more came in she started to worry slightly "Sorry, I just gotta check real quick. Hope is staying at someone else's tonight."

"Oh it's totally fine, I get it." Roni watched as Emma checked her phone.

Emma smiled when she saw the pictures. "Nothing is wrong, just got a picture spam." She chuckled. "Do you want to see them?" She asked Roni.

"Yes, ofcourse!" Roni smiled. She loved kids a lot. Emma handed her her phone. Roni looked at the pictures and smiled. "She's adorable." Roni gave one more look to the pictures. "Wait... is she at Kelly's?" She asked in disbelieve.

"Uhm, yea she is.." Emma didn't want to look Roni in the eye.

"What the hell? You let hope stay with her? You might as well Hope home alone. Kelly's way of raising children isn't good. Look at how it ended with Margot, she left her mom." Roni was angry.

"Roni, that you have a problem with Kelly isn't my problem and how long haven't you talked to Kelly? She might as well have changed but you wouldn't know, right?" Emma got angry about the things Roni said.

Roni realized that her words had upset Emma a lot. "You're right, I'm sorry. I'm sure you know what's best for your daughter." She apologized. She was not fully convinced that what Emma did what was right.

Emma didn't respond to Roni's apology. Instead she took her phone back and took another bite from her food.

"Emma, I truly am sorry." Roni tried again. "I barely know you and shouldn't judge so much."

"It's fine, Roni." Emma smiled at her.

"You want to go over to my place?" Roni asked after they had finished dinner.

"Sure." Emma smiled. They got back to Roni's car. Instead of driving to Regina's house what Emma was expecting Roni drove to another house. Ofcourse Roni didn't live in a house as Regina did.


"Sleep tight little monkey." Zelena whispered and closed the door of the nursery. She got downstairs and found Chad cleaning up the kitchen. "Well well Cinderella." She laughed. "Hope will be asleep soon, she was pretty tired today with her cookie adventure."

Chad finished up cleaning the table. "She sure made a pretty big mess, no wonder that she's so tired."

"She's one little cutie and in 5 years, we'll have one of our own and we have to clean the same spot because our little 4 year old made a mess by baking cookies with daddy." Zelena slipped out but saw Chads emotions change. "Sorry..." she hung her head in shame.

Chad walked over to Zelena. "It's okay... I just need to get used to the idea." He put his arms around her.

Zelena held a hand in Chads neck and the other one on his lower back. "Are you happy? Really, have I made you happy?" She looked him into his eyes.

Chad chuckled softly. "You did, even though the pregnancy is going a little bit different then I thought..." he kissed Zelena gently on the lips and led her to the couch.

Zelena sat down next to Chad, threw her legs over his lap and led her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for that one... I know how you felt about having children and I'm sorry. I was selfish and hoped that a child would make your parents see that I am the perfect girl for you, or at least Frank."

"My father only cares about his high educated family which I was never a part of. My mother would be a great grandmother, she adores kids and was the only one who cared, even for you." Chad kissed Zelena on her forehead.

"Have you told them were expecting?" Zelena searched for Chads eyes.

"I haven't but my mom asked us over for thanksgiving, which is in 2 months and you'll be showing by then with your 4 months?" Chad guessed.

Zelena smiled. She loved his mother but his father was the one she feared for. "I am already 4 months. With thanksgiving I'll be 6 months... I'll be showing a lot. But we could accept her invitation? They will find out sooner or later." She said carefully.

Chad didn't want it to come to this but he knew there was nothing more that could hide this pregnancy anymore from his family. "Yes, we can. My father just has to face it. And if he doesn't accept you, well, shame on him." He smiled.

"You would really do that for me?" Zelena's voice was broken.

Chad leaned in to kiss Zelena. "For you, anything." 

"I love you." Zelena whispered against his lips. And pulled his face even closer to her, taking her husband down with her.

"Oh, no.. not here, in fact." Chad gently pushed Zelena's legs from his lap. He stood up and reached out a hand to Zelena. "Where we're going is for me to know and for you to find out." 

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