Part 85 Circus freak

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Malerie looked at the place where Emma and that little girl just stood. "What the- does everyone has magic in here?" The ugly girl said confusing. "Even the gays?"

"I said back off!" Zelena snapped  turned to Chad. "Keep your monkey down, will you?" She didn't really wanna talk to either of them.

"So, why did you call me back?" Chad started but Zelena didn't want to answer. She turned around, ignoring him.

Regina bit the inside of her cheek to not scream at Malerie. "Actually I thought it would be a great idea if the two of you talked and I mean really talk not this constant fighting."

"Well, I have nothing to say." Chad put an arm around Malerie to make Zelena jealous, hopefully.

"You have mister! Stop just barging in my house like you won the place. It's my house and you don't live here anymore. If you want to see your daughter, just please call first or check the schedule I made with Elfreda. She decides which dates she would like to be with you." It always sounded weird to call her daughter by her birth name.

"Is there any possibility I could just see her now?" Chad calmed down in his temper.

"Like I said, she's not at home. Elphie is at the Queen's palace. I can't just poof her home, she's with her broom and not allowed to come home alone, she's just 5."

"Hold up? The Queens palace?" Malerie was quite jealous. Did they know a queen?

"It's basically another version of me. Just.. different." Regina explained. Sometimes she could forget how dumb people are. She saw the confused look on Malerie's face. "Years ago I split from my evil half. She's still called the Evil Queen and I am the Good Queen. I rule over all realms." Regina didn't even know why she bothered explain this to such a moron

"You're a queen?" Malerie looked regina up and down. She wasn't dressed like one. "You just sound ridiculous, you can't split one is to two."

"I can explain it real quick. My sister is twins. One is good, one is bad, now stop whining." Zelena lost her patience. "Can I kill her, please?!" She snapped.

"Zelena!" Chad snapped back.

"You know she's ruining the only chance of seeing your daughter more often. She's now one of the reasons I don't want my daughter close to you. Someone with no respect. It's pathetic."

"Sorry Zelena." Malerie obeyed the ex of her boyfriend.

'Wow... that's a quick appologise.' Zelena thought. "Anyways. Chad, give Elphie some time and she'll let you know when she wants to see you." She looked at her sister, hoping she did at least one thing good. She needed to be the bigger girl in this conversation and with already an apologising homophobic, she could even make that woman pay for what she just said to her sister.

"Malerie, why don't we go to the kitchen. You can shoot your questions at me and they can talk in peace." Regina said without any emotion in her voice.  She smiled at her sister. She was really trying not to fight with Chad and she was proud of her. As much as she already hated Malerie she had to give Chad and Zelena some time to talk without anyone there.

Malerie looked at Chad and then to Regina. "Fine..." She turned her attention back to her boyfriend and kissed him intensely. It was gross to see.

"Gross, he surely hadn't upgraded in taste." Zelena whispered under her breath. She saw a slime drip connected Chads and Malerie's lips. She made a gagging noise to make them clear it was disgusting.

The sister laughed at Zelenas impressions, at least something funny that had been happening. "God and you say gays are disgusting? This is worse." Regina made her way to the kitchen and didn't look if malerie was following her.

"Don't miss me too much." Malerie stood up and followed Regina.


"You- are- disgusting." Zelena said to Chad when they were left alone. "Where did you even find her?"

"Do you remember that time we went to the circus one last time with Elphie to let her know that her parents will always be there for her?" Chad said carefully. He already could feel Zelena be pissed.

Zelena rolled her eyes. "That was half a year ago... when the divorce wasn't final yet. You're not gonna tell me that-" She shook her head. "Oh my god. You had something with her when we were officially still married?!"

Chad calmed Zelena down. "No of course not. It's just that I met her that day, we really started when the divorce was over."

"Oh, just don't say anything more. She better wasn't working at the circus..." Chad kept silent what Zelena said enough. "Yikes, dating a circus freak..."


"Tea?" Regina asked when she heard Malerie enter the kitchen. She didn't turn around to look at her

"Sure..." Malerie replied. "Have you always been gay?" she asked, not long after.

Regina still didn't turn around. "No, actually I'm bi. I've been with men before and now I'm with a woman."

"And what? You couldn't stick with the man? Weren't you satisfied enough?"

Regina's head snapped up. She turned around and looked at Malerie. "It's not like that. It's not about being satisfied or anything." Malerie looked at her like she was crazy. "Like how someone is straight feels attracted to men I can feel attracted to both. It doesn't mean I can't choose or wasn't satisfied."

Malerie didn't say a thing. It all sounded just confusing. "What did a guy do to make you gay?"

"I'm sorry what?" Regina couldn't believe the words she heard. "No guy ever did anything to make me gay." She sighed. Regina supressed the anger that was boiling inside of her

"You know, You haven't met the right guy yet." Malerie said filled with confidence. "One day you'll realise that this was just a phase."

"I think I'm pretty sure I'm okay like this. I married the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of my life with her." Regina smiled to herself. She saw malerie wanted to say something more. "Safe it." Regina handed her a cup of tea angrily.


Another really annoying Malerie is published!😂😂 I hope you hate her as much as we do. We're trying our best to make a statement that it's okay to be gay 💚

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