Part 47 Regina's words

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Chad kept stroking Zelena's hair and saw Regina approaching. "Hi, Regina." He looked down to Zelena, she was looking exhausted. 'What did Scar do to you while you were away?'

"Hi" Regina stayed silent for a while. "Sis, how could you let him get to you?"

Zelena twirled with her head, she didn't quite understand her sister. "Wha-what do yo-you mean?" 

"How could you let Scar get to you like this? Did that one little argument with Chad made you so desperate to find some comfort? You know you could have just gone to me or Emma!"

Zelena reacted very slow. "Wha-what do yo-you mean?" She repeated. Scar had drained her to the lowest point to be.

"Whatever." Regina scoffed again. "Trying to explain thing to you is a waste of time anyways."

"Regina! What's wrong with you? Can't you see she's pretty damaged by that beast?" Chad protected his wife.

"She got us all in danger! Chad, she almost killed you. Emma got hurt, you and her daughter got thrown away without her blinking an eye. Can't you see that all she can do is mess up?! Goddamnit!" Regina was screaming her anger.

Zelena moved in Chads arms. "It-it's so cold." She mumbled.

Chad turned his attention to his wife before attacking Regina. "It's summer babe, just keep strong then we'll go home." He stroke her cheek gently and kept her close to his body to keep his wife warm. "It wasn't Zelena who did this. You off all people should understand! And yes she almost killed me but I saw in her eyes she didn't, she was being controlled by a cowardly lion!" He felt that Zelena was getting sleepy. "Babe? Just stay awake, we'll go home soon." He chuckled softly, wanting to make sure she was okay.

"I understand A LOT but not this. She was controlled but you saw she had the will to do it, you could see it in her feisty eyes. She broke, suddenly when she looked you in your eyes she broke down, why did she snap back? huh, can you explain it to me?" Regina went on.

"Regina, stop it." Emma had walked up behind her and placed a hand on her back. "Please, babe. I'm okay, just stop it for now."

"No Emma! She hurt you a lot. I'm so done with her, she can just drop dead!" Regina snapped, couldn't keep calm anymore. After today, she didn't need to see her sister any longer.

Chad looked up to Regina. "You can't be serious..." He felt Zelena's head fell on his legs with an amount of weight, she didn't move and he panicked especially after the words Regina just had said. "Zel? Zelena? Babe, babe wake up..." He felt her pulse, there was no pulse. "No no no! What the hell is happening..." He stroke her cheek constantly. "Stay strong, my love..." He turned to Regina, tears were streaming down his cheeks. "Regina? What kind of magic spell did you use on her, now I am never going to get her back!" Chad looked with tears in his eyes. "Zelena? I'm here, please don't leave me..."

Regina stood by, feeling a numbness inside, the anger was gone. All she could do was stare at her sister, who was laying on the ground. Not moving anymore. Emma panicked lightly. "I'll call an ambulance." She walked away and dialled the number. Not even a minute later, she returned. "They're on their way."

Robin, Nook and Alice saw all the commotion that happened around her mother. Robin saw Chad all focussed on her mom. "Aunt Regina... what's happening to her? Why isn't mom back to normal? She has her heart back now, right?" You could see the nervousness in her eyes.

"I-I don't know." Regina's voice was breaking. She didn't know what was going on. She still didn't feel anything.

"Zelena isn't breathing." Emma said quite calm. Stressing in this situation would make it even worse with more people all at once. "Help is on it's way."

"Oh my goodness..." Robin crouched down next to her Mom and held her hand, just as Emma had told her, she didn't feel a heartbeat. "Mom... i'm here, just hold on. The ambulance will be here any time soon." A tear rolled down her cheek.

Regina only now realized what was going on. Her hands started to shake. "No, no, no, what did I do?" She kept repeating. "What have I told Zelena?"


The ambulance arrived and the doctor got out. "Everyone out of the way!"

Robin let go of her mom who was having a quick checkup, the look on the faces of the doctors weren't positive. She kissed her moms hand and stood next to Regina, she felt the tense that had gotten to her. "It's going to be alright." She sobbed, how much she wanted to believe that right now. She noticed the still shaking hands of her aunt and held them in hers.

When everyone made place for the doctors, Chad wasn't planning of leaving her side. But the doctor forced him to go and stand with the rest. The doctors surrounded Zelena and started the CPR. The next few minutes were the most important. Regina stared at how every single saving attempt led to nothing. Until they saw smiles on the doctor's faces. Chad felt his heart raging. "I'm going with her..." His voice trembled. He finally had his wife back out of the darkness but at the same time he hadn't, not in the slightest.

''What if this is the last thing I've ever said to her. I-I. This is terrible.'' Regina whispered, she felt terrible. She walked over to Chad who was getting into the ambulance. ''I'll see you at the hospital, okay?'' She hoped he wanted her there, even though they were not in a good position.

Chad was still mad at her for the things she said but now with Zelena's condition, he had set those feelings aside. "Uhm, yea.. sure... I'll see you there." He said emotionless and closed the doors of the Ambulance and held Zelena's hand tight as they drove away.


Robin was left behind together with Regina, Emma, Alice and Nook. "Regina, it won't be the last thing you said to her. Don't think that way." She sounded unsure of herself.

"I'm not so sure Robin.'' Regina admitted. "I said she could drop dead and now look at where she's going, without a sign of an active life..." She stared at the ambulance that just got around the corner, out of sight.

''Robin and Alice, you can come with us to the hospital. Nook can you drive by my parents to tell them what happened and come to the hospital later?''

"Aye, although, wouldn't that be too much for Zelena?"

"We're going with you." Robin said and looked at Alice, she was her support in situations like this, she knew she could always could count on her. "I know mom will be okay, at least... I hope so."

"Or you can just stay at my parents, spend some time with Hope or go home I don't care whatever you want." Emma sounded meaner than she intended but she wanted to go. She led the slightly panicking Regina to her car and Alice and Robin followed her. Once they were all in the car Emma drove to the hospital.


A while later the ambulance arrived at the hospital and Zelena was being transferred to the intensive care where only the doctor was allowed to go in. Chad sat on a chair with his hands in his hair. He had no idea how Zelena was getting on.

In the car, Regina managed to text Chad to ask where they needed to be. She didn't receive an answer yet. The drive went so slow Regina thought hours had passed.

Chad saw his phone lighten up and unlocked his phone. He texted back. "4th floor, 3rd room on the right."

Once they arrived Regina immediately run inside to the place Chad told her he would be. She didn't tell the others wher they needed to go, they simply followed her. Regina only slowed down when she saw Chad sitting, staring at the wall in front of him.

''Any news?'' Emma asked

Chad snapped out of his trance. "They just put her to the IV and they're running some blood samples, scans..." Regina sighed. She was so worried about her sister. She sat down next to Chad in silence. They waited until they saw a doctor. It could have been minutes, seconds, hours. It was a waiting game.

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