Part 16 the toast

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A while later everyone arrived at dinner and ordered their drinks. Zelena stood up to make a toast. "If I may-" She started but Chad stood up as well she quickly sat down again as she saw only her sister watching her, the rest was already focused on her husband at the other side of the table. "What's he doing?" She whispered to her sister.

"I seriously have no idea.." she whispered back. She looked at Chad in confusion, waiting for what was gonna happen.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. I would like to make a toast, and now Zelena is getting better I just want to use the moment to thank you all. When I came into this family after that curse broke... It was really hard to get used to it for me. Suddenly Kelly wasn't Kelly and Margot wasn't Margot like I knew them and soon I discovered I lived with the entire enchanted forest. You've been all so kind to me and Zelena made me even happier when she said 'Yes I do' almost 2 months ago. Robin, you make our little family just perfect, you and Alice are starting your own adventure and I couldn't be happier to be part of the last 4 years I spent with you." He pointed his glass towards his beautiful wife.

"Awwe that's so sweet Chaddy." Robin smiled and turned to her mom when Chad and the rest did as well.

"Regina... what te hell..." Zelena began to panic.

"Don't worry." Regina whispered. "There's actually something Zelena wants to say too." She made the announcement and looked at her sister. "Do you want to tell them or should I?"

"Please, let me finish." Chad smiled like the happiest man on earth.

"Oh god no...." Zelena started panicking more.

"Zel. You made me a better man, you changed me for good but I don't want anything to change about you, you're gorgeous, smart and still my wickedly pretty wife. My Kelly and my Zelena." He raised his glass even higher. "I love you with all my heart. To Zelena."

Chad couldn't quite see the tears streaming down her face. How could she possibly tell now.

Regina looked at her sister. She knew Zelena didn't want to tell it anymore but she also had to. Chad had to know.

"So mom, what's your news?" Robin was very curious.

Zelena immediately put on a fake smile. "My news is nothing compared to Chads amazing speech."

Regina kicked Zelena under the table. "Sis! You know you have to do this."

"No, I don't." Zelena whispered under her breath. "That can wait till another day."

Regina rolled her eyes. "Do it or I will tell them."

"Don't you dare... I'll run if you tell now." She hissed.

"You fucking have to Zelana or else you won't!" Regina ordered.

"Mom... what's going on?" Robin had the same worried  look as Chad on her face.

Zelena's mood changed. "I'm done..." she stood up without saying a word to the entire group.

"Goddamnit Zelena!" She yelled before getting up and following Zelena.

The rest was all left in confusion. "Do you have any idea what's going on, mate?" Nook asked Chad.

"I honestly have no idea. My words were meant to be kind..." Chad said worried while he watched Zelena and Regina storm off.


Zelena went to a room next door in the hotel and heard her sister following. "Oh my god! Can't you just leave me alone for just one second?!"

"Zelena what the fucking hell, you know have to do this. You CAN'T keep avoiding this!" Regina yelled. She didn't know why she was yelling at Zelena. She didn't want to, she only wanted to help

"Can't you just understand how hard this is?" Zelena cried. "You told me so yourself I can easily wait with the news a few more days!"

"I can understand how it hard it is. I want to help you. What do you think everyone is thinking right now? I don't want you to get hurt. To be honest is Chad doesn't accept the fact that you're pregnant then he is a fucking asshole. Who wouldn't want a kid with the person they love?" Her voice softened at the end

Zelena scoffed softly, it wasn't an angry scoff. "Everyone just thinks we have one of our weekly sister fights, not a big deal... and the thing with Chad, I don't know... I just don't want to hurt his feelings and future..."

"This isn't... pregnancy isn't only about what HE thinks alright. It's about you, what you are feeling. If you being pregnant hurts his feelings.  I'm sorry but fuck him." Regina realized there was probably no way of getting through to Zelena.

"I did him and look where I am now!" Zelena lost her temper for a second.

"Zelena! You know what I mean." Regina groaned annoyed by her sister

Zelena took a deep breath. "Sorry..." she looked around and grabbed the nearest chair she could find. "Look, I'll tell him, okay but not tonight..."

"Okay, fine. Sorry that I was screaming at you."

"I'm sorry too." Zelena dried all her tears and gave her sister a tight hug.

"Is everything okay?" Chad had entered the room. He was still so worried about his wife.

"Yea, everything is fine. We just had one of our useless fights again." Regina tried to laugh it off.

"Are you for real?" Chad asked to be sure.

Zelena looked at her sister and smiled. "Yeah, we are fine." She walked up to Chad and took his hands. "I loved your speech, about me and us and our-family?" She tried to sneak it in but she saw that Chad didn't get the clue. She took his cheeks in her hands. "Gosh, I love you so much." She kissed him intensely. She knew she wasn't ready to tell it him just yet.

Regina stood awkwardly in the room. She smiled at the two and left them alone, walking back to the others.

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