Part 37 the kiss

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Not much later, Chad heard the leaves on the ground crisping behind him. He turned around to see Regina. "Hi..." He said as he kept his fake smile.

"Hey.." Regina pressed her lips together, seeing that Chad wanted to hide his sadness. She sat down next to him. "You don't have to pretend to be okay, I know you're not."

"I'm sorry. I just miss Zelena terribly, I want to go home every day after work but I just can't..." Chad hung his head in shame. 

Regina put a hand on his shoulder. "I get that, it's hard.. we'll make sure it'll all be fine again soon."

Chad looked up to Regina, focussing on her beautiful eyes. "I do hope so." He honestly hadn't felt more comfortable around his sister in law then before. 

"We will fix this. You need your wife back and I need my sister back." Regina tried to smile. She broke the intense eye contact with Chad.

"Yea..." Chad looked away but soon held Regina's hand in his. "Did you know Zelena and you have the same look in your eyes when you're nervous?"

Regina looked at their hands but didn't take hers back. "I'm not nervous." She said clearly nervous. She looked back at Chad.

"Yes, you are. I can feel it." Chad said as he carefully got closer to Regina, keeping it still classy.


Zelena and Scar arrived at the edge of the woods. "So, what now?"

"Just keep walking, enjoy your time here." Scar said as he linked his arm with Zelena's.

Scar stopped Zelena in her tracks. "We're here." He whispered.

Zelena looked around to look for any clues. "Chad?" She was happy to see him and Regina sitting on the tree around 30 metres from the place they stood. "But I don't understand, what am I doing here..." She whispered.


Regina moved a bit back, now taking her hand back. She didn't like where this was going.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, everything is fine." Regina smiled.

Chad picked up where they had left off until Regina had moved back. "Well, that's good," he whispered and stroke her cheek lovingly. He didn't know why he did this, it just happened.

"I-I don't like where this is going..." Zelena wanted to turn away but Scar took both her hands and put them on her back, like she was being arrested and was being pushed against a tree, bruises began to appear on her wrist from his grip.

"You listen, Witch." Scar threatened. "Watch it and no one will get hurt." He said through gritted teeth.

Regina looked down. She didn't want to hurt Chad but also didn't want this. "Chad, I'm with Emma.." she whispered. Why wasn't she moving away from him? Why let him do this?

"Emma doesn't have to know... and so doesn't Zelena." Chad gave Regina a kiss on the lips, moving his head a little.


Zelena's heart broke into a billion pieces. How could Chad kiss her sister. His own family! "I want to go...." She sobbed and turn around, facing with her back to Chad and Regina.

Scar smirked. His first step in the plan has worked. "Okay, we'll go home, okay?" Zelena took his hand as they vanished in a cloud of smoke.


Regina pushed Chad away immediately. "CHAD! Gosh, I know you're hurting but this isn't the way to fix it. I love Emma." God how was she going to deal with this situation

"I'm sorry... I didn't know what happened..." Chad ready couldn't explain it himself. Did he really just kissed his sister in law?

"God, how do I tell Emma this." Regina had tears in her eyes. How could she let this happen. "I g-gotta go." Her voice cracked as she was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry..." Chad yelled after Regina but she was already gone. He sat panicking at the tree, how could it have come to this. He never had experienced this in forever.


The Witch and the lion arrived at the living room in Zelena's house. "My love, are you okay?" Scar put an arm around Zelena.

Zelena turned around in his arms and sobbed. "No.... I can't believe Chad did this..."

Scar acted like he cared. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea... Zelena..." Scar lifted up her chin. "This isn't your fault. You well know who is in the wrong here. Chad. He doesn't accept you and your baby, he hasn't visit you, hasn't return your calls and messages, he's betraying you... you don't deserve this." He tried to hurt Zelena's feelings. He needed her filled with revenge again for his plan. He never cared about her.

Zelena dried a few tears with her sleeve. "I know we're on a break but why? Why would he do this?" She looked Scar in the eye, they were so enchanted and beautiful. Without realising she wrapped her arms around his hips.

"I don't know why." Scar held Zelena close. "But I care for you. What is it you want?"

Zelena couldn't think anymore, her thoughts were all being controlled by one man. "You..." Her hands moved to his cheek and kissed him softly. "Screw Chad and Regina. They need to pay for what they did."

Scar smirked. "She's evil. She said she had changed but you see, she hasn't."

Zelena scoffed. "She may be evil but I'm wicked. And wicked always wins."

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