Part 74 the new chapter

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"Regina and Emma, I would now invite you to publicly speak your commitment to your partner." Archie Hopper looked at the pair. "Regina, would you like to begin?"

Regina couldn't be happier but still so nervous. With all the stress of the wedding and the situations they were in currently, she didn't had time to write her own vows but knowing Emma probably wouldn't have either, it calmed her down. "Yes I would like to begin." She smiled and looked her wife-to-be in his eyes. "Emma, my Swan, today I take you to be my wife, I join my life with yours. I promise to love and to honor you. I want to grow old by your side as your love and best friend. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward."

Archie smiled and nod at Regina. "Emma, your turn."

"Regina Mills, today I take you to be my wife, you are absolutely the most outspoken person I ever have known. I promise to love you with my heart, my body and soul. You are the best thing that have ever happened to me. You make my family with Hope and Henry complete. I love you and I will never let you go. I promise, you're my happy beginning."

"That was beautiful babe." Regina whispered and wiped away her happy tears. 'Okay... no standard vows.. great.' She laughed inside, Emma was always one of surprises.

Archie spoke. "Regina and Emma please join hands." The pair did as they were told. "Regina Mills, do you take Emma to live together in the union of marriage? To take her as your best friend and partner in life? To honor, cherish, and love her, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, for all of your days?"

"I do."

Archie turned to Emma. "Emma Swan, do you take Regina to live together in the union of marriage? To take her as your best friend and partner in life? To honor, cherish, and love her, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, for all of your days?"

"I do."

"If there is anyone in attendance who has cause to believe that this couple should not be joined in marriage, you may speak now or forever hold your peace." Archie spoke. Luck would have it no one spoke. The cricket sighed happily. "I now pronounce you you wife and well wife." He smiled as he looked at the two. "You may now kiss the bride."

Emma pulled Regina close and grinned at her before kissing her passionately. 

"I love you." Regina wishpered against Emma's lips and kissed her lips softly.

"And I love you, my Queen." Emma watched as the words made Regina blush.

Everyone cheered in the chapel for the newly weds. It was a delicate, small wedding, it was such a beautiful setting that made Zelena remind of her own wedding that already felt like ages ago. She looked at her sister, how lucky she was.


The reception started off in the town hall, the open bar couldn't be better. Regina let Emma choose the place for the reception to be held and of course she chose Granny's. "Also you look even better than I could've imagined." Emma smiled happily. Regina wanted to stick to traditions so she hadn't seen her in her wedding dress but it didn't disappoint.

"Thank you, so do you but now stop making me blush." Regina hit her shoulder playfully and kissed her softly.

"Mommy? I want a wedding dress just like auntie Gina." Elphie couldn't get her eyes off Regina's dress, just like her aunt Emma.

Zelena chuckled softly. "Ah, do you? Well you need to find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with first." She poked her daughters nose. The little one celebrated her birthday last week, already 5 years.

"Can I pop confetti for them? It's a party and when there is a party, there is confetti..." Elphie looked up with her puppy eyes to her Mother. "Please?"

Zelena laughed, just like Robin. "You have to ask them first..." She said as she saw her youngest running towards her sister and Emma.

Regina saw Elphie running towards them and stopped in front of them. "Hey little monkey. How are you?" Regina smiled at her young niece.

"Congratulations!" Little Elphie giggled. "I have a present for you."

"What is it?" Emma chuckled.

Elphie glympsed at her sister and mother and turned all her attention back at the brides. She snapped with her fingers and the whole hall was filled with red and gold confetti in the air, it matched their beautiful dresses. "Surprise!" The little girl swirled around and her beautiful long black hair danced in the air.

Regina looked around and her mouth dropped open. "It looks amazing little one!" She looked at the girl. "Thank you Elphie."

The little one went over to them and hugged the pair. "You look beautiful, and you too auntie Emmie."

"Thank you, so do you. You look like a princess!" Emma smiled. The little one was dressed in the cutest dress Emma had ever seen and it was too adorable. It was the same dress Hope had 4 years ago, time flies.

Robin saw her mom in a deep conversation with the Charmings and decided to walk over to her little sister. "Hi aunties, congrats! You've never looked so shiny in your lives." She smiled and took Elphie on her arm.

"Thanks!" Emma and Regina said at the same time and burst out laughing. Emma put an arm around Regina's waist and smiled at her.

Elphie looked at the women and smiled. "I want to get married too!" She said in a serious tone.

"One day you will." Regina loved that little girl.

"Yes you will. Just like me and Alice, aunt Regina and aunt Emma. You'll be just as happy as us." Robin smiled.

"Isn't mommy happy?" Elphie asked her big sister.

Robin bit the inside of her lip before answering. "Well mommy is happy she has us." She smiled weakly. It was still hard to explain to her little sister what the situation was. Regina gave Robin a sad smile. The situation was complicated for them. Emma could see her parents and Zelena approaching them.

"I'm so happy for you two" Snow said with the biggest smile across her face. Tears were in her eyes as she pulled both Emma and Regina in a hug at the same time.

"Thanks Snow." Regina said with a small smile. For the introvert the hug lasted just a bit too long.

Emma smiled at her mom as she pulled herself out of the hug. "Thanks mom."

Zelena took her daughter from Robin. She was already getting a little bit tired and rested her head on her moms shoulder. "Hey sis. You are looking absolutely wicked tonight, beautiful wedding." She smiled and looked Regina. "I would love to stay for the reception but he's gonna pick up Elphie tonight..."

Regina nodded. "I understand, don't worry." She saw the pained expression on Zelena's face. "Don't let him get to you okay?" She wanted to help her sister as much as she could.

"I know, sis." Zelena smiled and kissed everyone goodbye. Elphie fell asleep in her arms when she walked away. She had played all the wedding long with her 9 year old niece, Hope. It wasn't easy for the little one, not al all but over the years, she learned to live with it. What ever the situation was.


I hope you all like this chapter so much! What are your thoughts on Elphie, Zelena's daughter? I just love this kid so much! During the writing of what's coming next I began to love this little girl just as much as I loved Hope as a young girl in the previous chapters, don't worry Hope is still in the story. Stay tuned for more people to come back to this story!
xx Zelly

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