Part 97 off to school

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Regina appeared in front of Zelena's place. She knocked on the door but there was no response. "Zelena, open the goddamn door." She quickly looked around the house but she didn't see any movement in the house...

"You still make the best breakfast of whole Storybrooke." Chad took the last bite of his waffles and put his plate in the sink. He walked up from behind and kissed her neck teasingly. The hickeys from yesterday began to show again on the exact same places.

Zelena blushed at his touch and stood up, turning around in his arms and walked to the livingroom. "Wanna make it a second time? Mr Green?" She smirked and kissed him back. She pushed him on the couch and climbed onto his lap. Regina walked to the window that allowed her to look into the livingroom. Regina's eyes widened at what she was witnessing.

"I really shouldn't stay any longer, miss Mills." Chad whispered. "I already stayed longer then I imagined." His hands were making its way down to her hips. "I was afraid you would reject me, just like last time." He smirked.

"I have my good moments." Zelena smiled. She knew she actually must never go this path with an ex but she just couldn't resist it. She had no idea they were having company. She didn't pay attention to other things then her ex-husband.

Regina first didn't recognize the man but in a matter of seconds she realised it was her previous brother-in-law and she was even more shocked. One thing she did know is that she didn't want to see this scarred on her vision so she poofed herself back. 'We probably have some of Hope's old clothes back home for Elphie.' She thought

Elphie heard her aunt had returned and flew back upstairs. "And!" She said excited. "Do you have my shirt? Did you say I love you to my mommy?"

"Your mom wasn't home." Regina lied. "I'll get something that used to be Hope's okay?"

Elphie was disappointed that Regina had to say that. Her mom usually was at home around this time. Especially on a Thursday. "Oh okay... but Hope is bigger then me. Bigger kid, bigger clothes!"

"Hope's clothes from when she was your age." Regina poked Elphie. "Want to go pick something out? We kept everything."

Elphie nod. "And can I keep that?"

"If you want, sure." Regina smiled. Regina quickly went to the attic and got back with a box of clothes. "Here."

Elphies eyes widened at the amount of clothes. "It's so much!" She went through it all and picked out a green top for her black jeans. "I want this one!"

"Good choice. I'm not suprised." Regina smiled. She closed the box again. "It looks good on you!"

"It looks way better on me, dont you think." Elphie laughed while She made little pirouettes in te room. She sounded just like her mother.

Regina started to laugh. "You sound like your mom."

"Hey the apple turnovers are done!" Emma yelled from downstairs.

"If you guys aren't here soon I'll eat all of them!" Hope threatened and laughed.

Elphies smile turned into a worried face. "No!! I want mine!" She screamed and run downstairs, she forgot her vest she had put on her bed.

Regina picked up the vest Elphie left behind and followed her downstairs. "You better not let them burn this time Emma."

"HEY! It only happened once!" Emma laughed

All four ate an Apple pie for breakfast and got ready to go to school. Elphie looked at the clock but couldn't read time yet. "How late is it?" She asked.

"We have 10 minutes left to get you two to school." Still Elphie looked at Emma with a confused look. "Its 8:20."

When Elphie heared the time she sprinted to get on her shoes. "It's late?!"

"Elphie! We only live a few minutes away from the school!" Regina yelled after her.

Hope went after Elphie to also put on her shoes.

"Hey Emma, after we take them to school can we talk about something?" Regina turned to Emma.

"Of course, is something wrong?" Emma asked worriedly.

"No, no, nothing is wrong." Regina walked over to Emma and put her arms around Emma's neck, kissing her softly. "Nothing is wrong I promse, I'm just shocked." Regina said.

Emma smiled and kissed Regina once again. "Okay if you say so."

"Mommies stooooop." Hope said in a disgusted voice.

Emma and Regina both started to laugh. "I'm sorry Hope." Emma said

Elphie looked at her aunties and smiled sadly. Her parents would never be together, not now not ever. "Can we just go?" She asked when she put her coat.

"Yes, let's go!" Emma put on her shoes and iconic red leather jacket. Soon all of them arrived at the school.

"Bye! I see you after school!" Elphie took Hope's and and the 2 were just in time for the school bell that rang after they got inside.


"What is it that you want to talk about?" Emma asked while they were on the walk back to home.

"Well I went to get a shirt for Elphie at Zelena's place and well she was hooking up with Chad." Regina looked at Emma.

"The wicked witch doesn't rest." Emma said. "Seems like he didn't quite move on.." she didn't really know how to respond.

"I mean it's none of my business but I just don't want Zelena to get hurt again." Regina said with a sigh.

"Why don't you go by her place later today. My shift is starting later today soo we have some time for ourselves now, no kid running around or you know setting things on fire." Emma said with a soft chuckle as they got inside.

"Please don't remind me of that." Regina rolled her eyes. "But I like where you're going with your idea." Regina walked over to Emma and pushed her against the wall. "The only thing I'm setting on fire is you."

Emma grinned and kissed Regina. "Well what did you think my idea was?" She asked innocently.

"Oh shut up you idiot." Regina kissed Emma again and pulled off her leather jacket.

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