Part 106 date night II

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"I'm going to the toilet." Zelena stated at er table. "I'll be right back."

"Don't be away too long." Samdi replied and kissed her hand. He watched Zelena leave and stood up, walking to Reginas table. "Regina, what a surprise to see you here on the same day."

"Can you please just leave." Regina looked at Samdi. "You have no need to talk to me and I surely don't want to talk to you. So just leave my wife and I alone and enjoy a nice evening." Regina said as calm as she could but you could hear anger in her voice.

"Hush now, Regina. I'm not here to fight." Samdi said politely. "I'm here to congratulate you for your wedding months ago. I didn't get an invitation, must be lost in the mail. Zelena got one." He turned to the blonde. "You must be Emma. It's a pleasure to meet you at last. Samdi is the name."

"She got invited because she is my sister. You didn't get an invitation because I didn't want you there." Regina had a evil smile across her face.

"Yeah, I'm emma. Nice to meet you too." Emma said softly. She felt incredibly awkward around Samdi.

"You're a lovely couple together. You must cherish moments like this, they're more valuable then you think." Samdi glared at Regina and back to Emma. "I must not keep any more time from you. Zelena says hi by the way."

"Thanks." Regina rolled her eyes. "Zelena probably doesn't even know that we're here..." she said.

Samdi looked at the direction of the toilet, the witch hadn't returned yet. "And she doesn't have to. She probably hadn't told you about us, has she?"

"No she didn't." Regina looked at Samdi.

Emma looked between the two of them and could see how uncomfortable Regina actually was feeling, though she tried not to show it.

"I'm sure I'll see you again pretty soon." Samdi nodded. "I missed talking to you Regina." He went back to his table just in time before Zelena returned.

"Oh my... I'm starving!" Zelena laughed and took her place again. "Is the food here yet?"

Samdi held Zelena's hand again. "It'll be here soon."

Regina and Emma both got ready to go after they had payed the bill. Regina shot one last look at Samdi and Zelena. She couldn't believe her sister.

"Come on, let's go babe." Emma put an arm around Regina's waist and kissed her cheek. "How about we go for a walk?"

"I love that idea." Regina smiled and kissed Emma's lips softly.


A little while later, the 2 had dinner. "You were right. The duck is some incredible dish. I wish I had gone here sooner." Samdi couldn't stop eating the delicious prepared food.

"Start trusting me more often." Zelena sighed. "What actually do you see in me?" She asked out of the blue.

Samdi shrug his shoulders. "I know when someone is in need of help. And I know you have a hard time. Sometimes I just help people and sometimes," he reached again for Zelena's hand. "I fancy people more then usual."

"More then usual? I'm usual?" Zelena chuckled nonchalant.

Samdi finished his last piece of duck and stood up. "Not really usual, but you are special to me." He bent over to kiss her lips softly. "You have a gift and that's something that makes you special." He sat down again.

Zelena took another bite of her dinner and smiled at his words. "Oh shut up flirting. We have a full planned night ahead of us."


Regina and Emma had their romantic walk in the forest. Regina loved going there with Emma. "We really should do this more often." She said softly.

Emma stopped walking and with that she also stopped Regina. "We really do." She softly kissed Regina. "Though maybe next time with a little more daylight?"

Regina looked up at the sky, you could see the stars. "I don't know, the dark makes it even more pretty to me. I mean look at the stars."

Emma looked at Regina and smiled. She couldn't believe she had gotten so lucky to be able to marry such a cute human being. Emma looked at the stars too and had to admit that Regina was right. It had something magical.


Zelena and Samdi finished dinner and walked around town. "What is it you want to do. Walk around, doing outside activities, go to my place or yours for inside activities?" Samdi said like a teenage boy.

"What about I learn some of your magic and you some of mine?" Zelena thought out loud. She turned sideways to face him. "And if that goes well, maybe we'll see what's next?" She suggested, she knew he would accept it. More magic for him meant more power and that was his soft spot Zelena knew would weaken him.

Samdi agreed. "My place it is then."

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