Part 59 the saviour, the witch and the human

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Zelena kept worrying about her daughter, Robin calling her Kelly isn't right. "I'm gonna call Regina... maybe she knows more?" She kissed Chad on the cheek. She sat up straight on the couch and stood up, walking over to the desk where she had put her mobile. She dialled her sisters number.

Roni heard her phone ring. "I'm sorry." She excused Emma and without looking at the contact name she picked up the phone. "Hey, it's Roni."

"Roni?" Zelena questioned. "What the hell..." She whispered.

"What do you want, Kelly?" Roni asked annoyed. "I'm actually in the middle of something so better make it a quick one." She rolled her eyes and looked over to Emma who gave her a questioning look.

"Kelly...." Zelena said softly but soon realised that the same happened just now with her daughter and Alice. "Never mind... was Margot with you today?" She looked at quickly. "Margot?" Chad mouthed to Zelena. Why would she use the name of her daughter when they were dating?

"Yes, she was with me earlier today, Tilly was there too, why?" Roni spoke in an annoyed tone. "Keeping tabs on your daughter while you knows she doesn't want that?"

"Why are you so annoyed?" Zelena asked. She knew something was off about Regina's or in this Roni's behaviour.

"Because you always try to fucking controle me just because my bond with Margot is better than yours with her." Roni sighed and hoped this conversation would be over soon.

"Oh my god. You are still going on about this?!" Zelena snapped. Chad wanted to interrupt her but there was no beginning to it. She shushed him and continued. "You know what? See ya sis..."

"Don't call me sis, thank you very much." Roni hung up the phone and threw it next to her on the grass.


"What the bloody hell was that?" Chad looked at his devastated wife.

"It's Regina... she's back to her cursed as well..." Zelena sighed. "First Robin and Alice, now my sis... it better not be more people."


Zelena sat down next to Chad on the couch again and rested her head on his shoulder. "I think something went wrong with that potion Regina was making for me to remember..." She thought out loud.

"What do they remember? You think." Chad stroke Zelena's hair.

"If I put all the pieces together, it seems just the things they knew from Hyperion Heights..." Zelena sighed and tangled her fingers in Chad's. "You better not change as well!" She stared at their hands.

Chad laughed. "Luckily for you, I've never been cursed and I hope I never will be." A few minutes of silence passed. They still hadn't continued their serie. "Shall we continue the cliffhanger episode? It just got interesting."

"Yea sure..." Zelena smiled and rested her head on Chads lap now while Chad resumed the Netflix serie Glitch.


"What's wrong?" Emma looked at the devastated Roni when she hung up the phone.

"It was Kelly, she was my best friend and felt like a sister but since a while ago all we can do is fight." Roni sighed. "Sorry to ruin the mood."

Emma knew Kelly was Zelena's cursed persona. She hoped she hadn't changed as well. "You didn't ruin the mood, don't worry. It must be terrible to lose a friendship like that."

Some time passed. "I think I gotta head home. Henry is watching Hope and it's late already." Emma looked down.

Roni nodded. "Sure, let me walk you home?" She offered.

"I'd like that." Emma smiled at Roni, it was kind of funny because basically Regina was walking to her own home but because she was cursed, she just doesn't remember. They got up and walked side by side to Emma's place.


"I never saw this end coming..." Zelena was shocked and cancelled the automatic next program. "Why would James kill Vic?! And what the hell Alysia! She can't be dead. I liked her, I really did!"

"Zel, you love all villains in series." Chad laughed.

Zelena poked her man jokingly. "Stop it!" She put on a cute giggle. "When is season 2 coming?"

"It's already out, we could watch it next time?" Chad suggested.

"I think I'm gonna go upstairs... today was pretty tiring plus we need our rest." Zelena said and looked at her and Chads hands. "We need to investigate tomorrow what happened to them..."

"Sure. Do I need to help?" Chad looked down at his wife.

"Did you really think I was gonna do this alone? You're one of us now, I need you."


They reached Emma's place. Roni kissed Emma's cheek. "See you again?" She asked

"Yes" Emma smiled and got inside. It bothered her decided to call Zelena. She got her phone, Dailed her friends number.

"Who's this?" Zelena couldn't be bothered to figure that out herself.

"It's Emma..." She said carefully. What if Zelena was cursed herself? "Is this-Kelly?"

"No, it's Zelena..." She sounded pretty exhausted. "Why are you using my cursed persona?"

"Sorry but I thought, Regina is cursed so maybe you were too... Sorry to bother you so late. Did you know Regina is cursed?"

Zelena nod. "Yeah, Robyn and Alice as well..." She let out a deep sigh. "How'd you know about Regina?"

"Shit they are cursed too? I saw Regina earlier today and she didn't recognize me and Hope.. later I saw her again in the bar and we had drinks together." Emma sighed at the thought of the mess the saviour was already in.

"Woah... okay, well my daughter came in drunk just now... it's something Margot is quite famous for when she's upset. She didn't even remember Chad and me being settled, let along the new munchkin..."

"Oh shit.." Emma mumbled. "Let's discuss this tomorrow, okay?" She could hear that Zelena was tired.

"Your place or mine?" Zelena yawned.

"How about we meet at Granny's?" Emma asked. "Around 10?"

Zelena pur her hand over the mic and looked at Chad. "Could you take the morning off at the garage?"

"Uhm, I think I have no choice..." Chad laughed and stood up to do the dishes before they went to bed.

"We'll be there." Zelena answered.

"Okay, see you tomorrow?" Emma put her phone on the charger and got ready for bed. Hope and Henry were both already asleep.

"Get ready to be part of te hero team!" Zelena said when the 2 got in bed. "The saviour, the witch and the human are getting back the girls."

"The human? Really..." Chad laughed.

Zelena turned around in the bed and kissed Chad teasingly. "You're my human." She chuckled and pulled Chad in another kiss.

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