Part 68 Margots test

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Margot and Tilly just got ice cream from Sunday's. Margot had pistache and cookie dough, Tilly strawberry and chocolate. "Whatcha wanna do next?"

"I don't know.." Tilly answered as she licked her ice cream.

Emma decided it would be a good day to get some ice cream. She saw Alice and Robin. "Hey" she said with a small smile.

"Hi!.... Emma was it?" Margot doubted. Roni hadn't told the blondes name just that she liked her but not more then fuckbuddies. She chuckled inside, she loved how Roni said that word.

"Yup." Emma replied. She went to get some icecream for Hope. She didn't like the cursed Robin.

Hope and Emma entered the ice cream shop. "Mommy, was that Robin?" She asked. Her niece had such a different tone in her voice.

"She isn't herself right now, just like Gina." Emma didn't know a way to explain it to Hope.

"Oh...." Hope shrug her shoulders and walked up to the counter. "I want stwawbewwy!" Emma got strawberry for hope and a chocolate for herself.

Margot was looking through the window of the ice cream shop, Emma looked dreadful. "Hey Tillz, what do you think she went through last night?" She said with an evil grim on her face. "She totally fell for Roni."

Tilly looked over to Emma. "To be honest, everyone does." She couldn't help but feel bad for Emma.

"We should ask her. It's only more then fair to give some support, don't we?" Margot said quite convincing.

"Maybe.. we should let this between them?" Tilly suggested to her girlfriend

Margot thought for a second. "Nah, where would the fun be for us? I know how hard my aunt can be." Even though Roni wasn't her real aunt, she always called her that. Tilly sighed and realized there was no way getting through to her girlfriend. She didn't even try again.

Emma walked out of the shop. She made sure Hope was eating her ice cream without making a too big mess.

Margot walked up to Emma and little Hope. "So Emma, a little bird told me you have a quite adventurous night?" She put her arm around her shoulder. "At Roni's? Am I correct?"

Emma looked at Margot. "I was at Roni's yes." She said dryly. She didn't want to have this conversation.

"I know girls like you..." Margot started. "It's hard to be one of Roni's fuckbuddies, they all try to get through her at some point. They all hope to be the one who break through that tough girl until they found her soft spot..." Margot sighed happy. "Do you?" She looked down for a second to Hope who was distracted by the kindness of Tilly.

"Actually, I'm not trying to do that." I'm trying to get Regina back. she added in her mind. "It's perfectly fine like this." That was a lie though. If Emma saw Roni with someone else her heart would break.

"Oh my... I'm impressed." Margot said with a kind smile. "Not many girls, or guys, like the way Roni keeps her relationships. You're quite different then the rest, why?" She felt like she needed to continue asking. There was something off about the blonde.

"Because," Emma snapped. "I have my own way around things too. Roni can do whatever the fuck she wants."

Hope snapped out of her cute moment with Tilly. "Fuck?" The tollder said in a too cute voice.

Emma closed her eyes for a second annoyed at herself for using curse words around Hope. "You know what? We're going."

"It was nice talking to you Emma!" Margot added when Emma forced herself and Hope to leave.

Tilly looked at Emma and saw how much this actually hurt her. "I feel bad for her." She said quietly.

"I'm just warning her? What's wrong with that?" Margot knew that Tilly couldn't handle this because of her kind heart, she was just different.

"It's not only that, there's something more to her than she's telling." Tilly thought out loud.

"Then figure it out..." Margot snapped accidentally. She was so off lately and rude to everyone around her, except Roni who was like her idol. She didn't want to snap to her girlfriend who she loved with all her heart but she just couldn't explain.

"Okay I will." Tilly got up and left Margot to deal with the way she was acting.


I am so sorry for making Margot like this but secretly I love it so much! We all know that Margot in the Hyperion Heights curse is just a sweet and innocent girl but the one we just put them, made their cursed character the worst of the worst. Well, at least Margot and Roni. Tilly is still the sweet and king girl we know. I'm feeling really poorly today, actually like any other day but this story keeps my head up high..😔😔💚

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