Part 11 the night falls

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Chad thought where Zelena would be. She didn't tell where she went but he figured out that she wouldn't be at the park. He went back to the hotel and opened the door of their suite. "Zelena?" He walked into the apartment and saw Zelena lying on the couch. He sat next to her and stroke her cheek. "Are you alright?"


"Do you want to talk about it?" Chad saw Zelena ignoring him and turned off the Tv.

"Oi! This was the saddest part of the movie!" Zelena whined.

Chad frowned his eyebrows. "What were you watching?"


Chad sighed. "Right... anyways, babe, why were you so mean to your sister?" He helped her sit up.

"I don't know..." Zelena looked him in his eyes, she knew why but didn't want to tell him. "Really. I'm just not feeling well since this afternoon. I need to lie down."

Chad helped Zelena stand up and walked with her to the bed. "Do you think you can make it for dinner? I would love for you to be there, it's nicer for the family and you and Regina can talk it out like decent sisters."

"Meh, I don't know. I'll just order some room service." Zelena said monotone and didn't look at him. She didn't want to see anyone at the moment. She changed from her clothes to her pj's. "I'm done for the day."

"You can't be done for the day, it's just around 5... you have the whole night?" Chad was flabbergasted.

Zelena turned round. "My day ended. PERIOD." She made clear she wanted to be left alone.

Chad kissed Zelena on the cheek. "Take care. And if there's anything you need. I'm just one call away."


Emma was playing with Gideon since he was too little for most of the things that were there. "Oh no, you're so strong!" Emma said while Gideon was trying to push her on the ground.

"I stwong!" Gideon giggled.

Belle smiled at the pair. "You're so sweet with him. I'm sure you miss Hope a lot."

"Oh yes I miss her. It's weird when you always have a little one around and the suddenly not." Emma tickled Gideon and smiled widely at the cute laughter of the kid

"You'll see her in 3 days and you know she couldn't have a better sitter then Granny."

"I know" Emma smiled at Belle.


Everyone played with the kids, young and old, all together for an entire hour at least. It was really fun to see that this family still could have fun even though there was a fight going on and Robins mom wasn't here with them.

Chad came back from the hotel and got the location where the rest was from Robin. He saw Robin sitting on a bench, watching how Alice, Nook and Neal played hide and seek. He sat down next to his stepdaughter. "Hey..."

"And?" Robin looked quite hopeful. She hoped Zelena would follow just minutes behind.

Chad nod his head in disagreement. "I'm sorry, your mom is a stubborn one. She's not coming for dinner." He said loud.

Regina overheard the convo between Chad and Robin and sighed. She wanted everything to be okay again.

Robin rested her head on Chads shoulder. "She has to learn some day..."

Chad put an arm around her. "She will. Right now she just has a lot of mood swings. You know how she can act." He could laugh a little.

"Yea..." she took a deep breath and also put an arm around Chad. She just wanted a peaceful weekend without any drama. This was a special weekend where everyone was together like one family.


Some more time passed as Regina just watched her family. "Guys I think we should head back for dinner soon."

"Yes, I'm starving." Rumple was growing tired of the constant noises that were everywhere.

"YES" Nook yelled from a distance. Is he heard food he was happy. He gathered all of the family in the field and soon all were at Reginas.

Robin stood up as well. "You're not coming?" She looked down to Chad.

"Yeah, I'll be. Just go and I'll catch up." Chad smiled and kept sitting at the bench alone while he heard the footsteps slowly fading away back to the hotel for their first family dinner. He felt a hand on his shoulder and jumped. "What the-" he looked behind him to see who it was. "Zel?" Chad calmed down now he knew who it was.

"I'm sorry for everything. I have no idea what's going on." Zelena walked around the bench and took place next to Chad. She didn't say a thing. She just watched at all the children with their family slowly leaving the park and the playground.

Chad held Zelena's hand and kissed her on the forehead. "Are you sure you don't want to join dinner?" He whispered.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Zelena looked him in the eye and gave him a gentle kiss. "Go join them. The fact that I am not present doesn't mean you can have a boring night as well."

"I just want to know what's goin-" Before Chad could finish his sentence Zelena had disappeared again. "Dear God..." he sighed.


Emma noticed that Regina was still really down about what had happened. She understood it though. "Come on we'll take another way back to the hotel."

Regina raised her eyebrow in confusion but before she knows it they're walking somewhere else. "What are we doing Emma. I'm not in the mood."

The rest didn't notice the 2 trialled off and continued their way to the restaurant.

Emma didn't say anything. They passed someone dressed as the evil queen "hey it's the evil queen." Emma chuckled

"You have got to be kidding me. They think I look like that?!" Regina couldn't help but laugh.

"Well... at least I know that the real evil queen is way prettier than in the movies. She smirked as she saw Regina blush.

"Oh stop it you."  She stopped walking and kissed emma. "Stop making me blush I look like an idiot."

"Nah, it looks cute on you." Emma took Regina's hand and they walked to the hotel.

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