Part 36 afternoon

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Emma sat down on a chair and sighed. "This situation is so messed up." 

"Explain please?!"

"Ever since Mom and Chad are on a break, mom is being dragged down into the darkness again... this time she has an ally we have never defeated before..."

"We've faced enimies we've never defeated before and each time we succeeded in defeating them. I doubt this time will be any different. We'll do it togheter." Charming reassured Robin.

"Without mom..."

Emma put a hand on Robins shoulder. "Yes, without your mom. But we can do this."

Robin smiled sadly. This was the first time after Gothel that they had to face a villain again. But this one got very personal now her mom was involved with the villain. "Emma, is there anything I need to prepare for?"

"A hard fight is all I can say. If we knew more about him he would be easier to defeat." Emma sighed.

"Could you maybe teach me somethings?" Robin asked Emma. "The last time I prepared for a fight, I had magic but I don't anymore... just my arrows."

"Of course! Though you'll come a long with your arrows." She knew how good Robin was with the bow and arrow.

"I'm not that good... but thanks." Robin could smile a little again. "But maybe if you or aunt Regina could teach me a few magic tricks just to protect myself in case..." she hoped she wouldn't have to use it but she knew how powerful her mother is with her magic.

"Ofcourse we can teaxh you some tricks. I'll discuss with Regina which ones and you for sure are good with the bow and arrow. I've seen you in action."

"I just want to live up to dads legacy." Robin said and walked over to Hope.

Hope had discovered her moms badge and took it with her through the entire station. "Look! I am sjewiff" She showed everyone the badge proudly.

"Well, you're doing a great job living up to his legacy let me tell you that." Emma laughed at her daughter who showed her the badge. "The best sheriff of this town!"


Even though it was the afternoon, Zelena had just no motivation to get out of bed, she laid faced to the window, scared to turn around to Chads empty spot, 29 days alone in the house, 29 days no love and no family or friends that had visit her.

"Hi beautiful."

Zelena heard the voice and turned around in bed, she was face to face with Scar who laid on Chads spot. "Jeez! Scar! Get the hell out of my bed!" She slapped him in the face but regretted it instantly. She was afraid of what he would do next.

Scar felt his cheek. Zelena had slapped him real hard, she needed to be punished for it but he decided not too. He still needed her willingly by his side. "You could just have asked nicely..." he stroke her cheek and she let it. He got out of the bed and waited for Zelena to get out.

"Why are you standing there?"

"We have somewhere to be..." Scar said with a smirk.

Zelena got out of bed. "Where are we going?"

"A surprise... Come." Scar took out his hand to Zelena. "Its all gonna be fine. Trust me."


Regina finished up her work and decided to do the rest at home. She sent Chad a text to check on him before she went home.

"Let's close the station. Emma you do remember that you have the nightshift right?" Charming reminded his daughter for the 10th time today.

"Yes dad, I know I have the night shift. You don't have to keep reminding me. After all I've been doing this job quite some time."

Chad had just finished his shift at the garage. "See ya Michael!" He said goodbye with a fake smile and left off to the woods to be alone. He sat down on a tree that had fallen and took out his phone to see Regina's kind message. "I've been better. Dont worry about me." He sent.

Regina texted Chad back. "I AM worried about you, text me if you need anything." Regina put down the rest of the paperwork she still needed to finish on the kitchen table and sighed. Sometimes it was too much to do.

"I'm at the open place in the woods. If you want you can come?" Chad replied back.

"Sure." Regina texted him back and immediately made her way over to him. Paperwork could wait, family first. After all Chad was family now.


"You ready?" Scar said when Zelena was dressed, he couldn't help but peek a little while she did.

Zelena straightened her hat. "Yes, I am." She smiled. She trusted him completely and held his hand. "Where are we going?"

"Just a walk around the woods." Scar answered and together they left Zelena's house.

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