Part 103 Pink cloud

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"Mom?" Hope asked Regina when they were eating dinner.

Regina looked at Hope. "Yes?" Normally Hope would ask her questions immediately.

"Robin, I recognize him from pictures you showed me. Why isn't he around as much as he used to be." Hope didn't get that there were two versions of Robin Hood.

Regina frowned and looked at Emma and back to Hope. "You know how there are two versions of me, still we are different people?" Regina waited a few seconds after Hope nodded. "The same is with Robin. There was a version that we spent time with and the version you met today." Regina said softly.

Emma looked at Regina and placed her hand over hers, knowing Robin was still a hard topic to talk about, as was Hook for her. They never really talked about Robin to Hope. The girl frowned. "Where is he now then? And how did you know him?" Hope didn't really notice that her mom was getting sad and shot her questions at her.

"He passed away." Regina looked down.

Hope now saw that her mom had gotten sad about the questions she had asked. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you sad." She whispered

"Don't worry, Hope." Regina walked over to Hope. "He meant a lot to me but it's okay. You can ask all the questions you want." She hugged the girl.

"Just like my daddy meant a lot to mommy?" Hope looked at Emma.

"Yes, just like that." Emma smiled proudly.


The next day was a tough one, one like any other day when it was time for Chad's father and daughter weekend. Zelena looked at the clock in the living room, 4:30pm. 'Chad, where the hell are you?' She thought. He was 30 minutes late.

Elphie pulled on her moms dress. "Mommy, when does daddy come? Did he cancel?" She asked hoping it was true.

"No, my munchkin." Zelena sighed. "Daddy will come, he's probably in traffic. I'll call him." She looked at her phone and saw some missed messages, she ignored those and dialled Chad's phone number. "Damn it Chad, pick up!"

"Green." He answered with a deep voice and in a long pause, he sighed very loudly.

Zelena wanted to answer but she knew that if she talked to him, he would react differently then to her daughter. She put her hand on the microphone and gave her mobile to Elphie. "Here's daddy." She whispered.

"Daddy, are you here yet?" Elphie pouted the moment when she heard her fathers voice.

"Not yet. But I will be there in 20 minutes. Did you miss me?" Chad smiled through the phone.

Elphie shook her head. "No, not really... but I just want you to come..." She had enough of the phone and handed it over to her mother and got upstairs to her room.

"Chad, why are you again so late?" Zelena asked annoyingly, she was quiet for a couple of seconds. She didn't hear a response. "Chad? Are you alone? Why is the engine not running?" She questioned.

"Don't worry, I'm on my way." Chad replied a little bit later. "Just- traffic." He lied.

"Just come here quickly. You're daughter is waiting." Zelena said and hung up the phone. She had heard all kinds of weird sounds coming out of Chad car. Plus the fact that his engine didn't run, made this care even weirder. She heard he wasn't in traffic... definitely not.

"Mommy," The little one yelled from her room. "Can you find Chistery?"

Zelena got upstairs. "Isn't Chistery in your daddy bag?"

"Well, no!" Elphie began to sob. "I can't sleep at daddy's when Chistery isn't with me!" She run in her moms arms. "Mommy, help me..."

"It's okay. We'll find him together." She said and kissed her daughter on her head and started looking around.

"Found him!" Elphie said somewhere in the room.

Zelena looked around. "Elphie, where are you?" She looked everywhere for both her daughter and her reddy monkey. "Where are you hiding?"

Elphie appeared in the room in a cloud of pink smoke. "I'm here!" She giggled but it looked like she had given her mom a heart attack.

Zelena was flabbergasted and not very amused to see this, she was just 5. "Elfreda, where did you learn that?! Not from me..."

"I found a book where it was written." Elphie explained.

"You can't read yet sweetie... what book?"

"Robins book!" Elphie disappeared in a cloud of smoke and 10 seconds later returned. "Here." She showed her the page where she got it from.

Zelean sighed. "That's grandma's book. You're too young for that." She grabbed the book out of her daughters hands. "You're too young for that and in this book you can find some not nice spells. I'll keep it save until you're older okay?" She held on to her mothers spell book tight.

Elphie heard a honk coming from outside. "Daddy!" She put a smile on her face and disappeared again in a cloud of pink smoke.

The new chapterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora