Part 23 the new house

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Days went by and everyone had settled into their old habits. Zelena came down the stairs when she smelled the breakfast Chad was baking. "I should have let you loose much earlier in the kitchen. It smells delicious for the first time in forever."

Chad plated the plates. "I finally found out that I can bake pancakes with out burning." He joked and not much later they ate their breakfast. "So, what kind of news do you think Robs will have for us? She invited just us and Emma and Regina..."

"I don't know..." Zelena said with her mouth full. "She sounded pretty excited." She took another bite. "Oh my goodness, this is one amazing pancake."  


"Henry, can you watch after Hope for a little while while we go to Robin?" Emma asked.

"Sure mom."

Regina had basically been spending all her days at Emma's place. She was trying to get Hope to eat something. "Please, just one bite." 

"No! No I don't need food!" The little girl acted very naughty and threw her bread on the ground like a child of 2 would do.

"Hope, come on or else you won't get to play later." Regina threatened the little girl.

"Oh see someone being a good mom." Emma blushed as soon as the words left her mouth. "I mean uhm.."

"I know what you mean Ems." She smiled.

"No!" Hope struggled against the bread Regina held in front of her mouth. She loved the word 'no' and used it with every occasion.

"Hope, please eat your food." Having a 4 year old could be very difficult if you had to be somwhere in time.

"I'll try to get her to eat. You two go to Robin." Henry told his moms.

"Henny!" Hope giggled when she saw her big brother.


Regina got into the passenger seat. "God, I forgot how difficult 2 year olds can be." She sighed

"I know." Emma chuckled as she started her car. "But she's 4, not 2..."


"Zel, please don't make everyone wait. It doesn't care if you go out without make up. You're a pretty yourself."

"I care." Zelena said and put on her mascara and lipstick and turned round to Chad who sat patiently on the bed. "I need to check if they're water proof..." she smirked and got up.

"Then you check if they're water proof..." Chad sighed.

"With pleasure..." Zelena smirked and gave Chad a kiss attack. She laughed and looked at the result. "Yup they're water proof. Only the one in your neck isn't.. but that was the first one so that one needs to dry..."

Chad couldn't help but smile. He kind of loved these surprise attacks from Zelena even though she had giving them since their wedding and not before. "Can we go now? We're too late."


The girls drove to the adress that Robin had texted them yesterday. Emma parked the car and they both got out.

"You're here!" Robin got out of the house and run to her aunts. "Alice is inside, come! Have you seen mom and Chad already or are they late again?"

"I haven't seen them yet." Regina and Emma followed Robin inside. "Robin... where are we exactly?" She looked around the house.

"I wanted to wait till mom and Chad actually but please take a seat." Robin couldn't be more excited to tell everyone the great news.

Alice came walking downstairs "Hi Emma and Regina" she said happily.


Zelena looked at the clock. "Chad, can I please let us disappear? I know you don't want me to use magic but it's so much quicker then by car..."

"Fine..." Chad nod his head and took Zelena's hand. In no fine they stood on the porch of the house. He rang the doorbell.

"That must be them! I'll be right back." Robin said and went to the door.

"Mom! Glad you could make it!" She hugged her mom and Chad and led them to the livingroom as well. She stood next to Alice and held her hand. She was actually too nervous to break the news to her family. "Do you want to do it?" She asked Alice.

"Yes actually." She smiled at her girlfriend. "Welcome to our home!"

"Wow this place is really yours? That's amazing! I'm happy for you girls"

"Wow! You've really outdone yourself!" Chad said happily. "This place symbolises really the two of you. It's so cosy and perfect."

"Thanks Chaddy." Robin looked over at her Mom. "Mom? Does it approve?"

Zelena felt she was getting emotional but she tried not to show it. "I love the place." She said voice broken. "I'm gonna miss you so much!" She stood up and gave her daughter a tight hug.

"Thanks mom." Robin chuckled. She actually liked her mom at the moment. It was so the opposite of what she was supposed to be, wicked through and through. "It's just a 5 minute ride so it's not that long from home. Do you guys want to see the house?"

"Hell yes! This is amzing girls, I'm so happy for you!"

Robin and Alice showed them the entire house and they all were impressed. Later they got to the coffee and not much alter everyone had left their house. "I never expected mom to be this happy over a normal house." She admitted to Alice.

"Must be one of her happy days." She winked to Robin. "Maybe, one day that'll be one of us.." The blonde thought, she knew it was way to early to think about kids but luckily they have their rabbits for now.

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