Part 109 Lewiston

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In the middle of Maine, there was a town called Lewiston. It was the city where Chad moved to a few months ago. He lived in a decent apartment together with Elphie and now and then Malerie stayed over. "What do you want to do on your first night at daddy's?" He asked, there was nothing that he could do more to interact with his daughter. He was good with kids but really just with his own.

"Can I go back to mommy?" Elphie sobbed. "I miss mommy!"

Malerie joined the little family. "You're going back in 2 days. Maybe I can keep you company, let's watch your favourite movie?"

"No! I don't want that. You're not my mommy!" Elphie snapped and disappeared in a pink cloud of smoke to her room.

"Elfreda Green! No magic!" Chad yelled after her but she didn't hear.


Emma put on a show that neither of the both really watched or payed attention to but that was fine. She put her arms around Regina and pulled her close.

Regina closed her eyes and sighed lighty. It were moments like this that she loved so much.

Regina opened her eyes again. She looked up at Emma. Her eyes were focused on the screen. Regina bit her lip and softly placed kisses along Emma's jawline and went down to her neck. When she heard Emma moan softly she smiled. Slowly she pushed Emma down on the bed.

Emma captured Regina's lips and kissed her fiercly, running her hands down Regina's body.

Regina pulled Emma's shirt off her body and kissed down her chest.

"Stand up, we need to get you out of that dress." Emma basically ordered her.

Regina chuckled and did as she was told. She slipped off her dress and let it fall to the ground.

Emma pulled Regina back to her and kissed her again.


"Where's the witch going?" Malerie snapped. She couldn't handle being with a child. In this case, one with magic.

Chad was furious about how Malerie called his daughter. "Do NOT call her a witch! She is a little girl and she is mine! Don't think you can treat her like her mother. I don't care what you're saying to Zelena but step back from my daughter." Chad was impressed by what he was saying about Zelena but he kept it coming. "You're not raising her but me and Zelena do. Just back off." He snapped and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Malerie didn't understand the situation.

Chad rolled his eyes. "What do you think? To my daughter..." He said and left Malerie alone. He walked through the hall and knocked on Elphie's bedroom door. "Ellie? Can I come in?"

"Is she with you?" Elphie's sobs came through the door.

Chad cleared his throat. "No, she isn't. May I?" He heard the door being opened with of course his daughters magic because he saw Elphie sitting on her bed, making little snow clouds with her magic. It seemed to be calming her so he didn't say anything about it this time. "I'm sorry little one. Malerie wants the best for you."

"Malerie doesn't know what's the best for me, daddy." Elphie looked over her own shoulder and saw her father took place next to her. She swung her legs around the bed and rested against her father's shoulder. "She doesn't even know what love is. She doesn't love you like mommy did." The wise young girl said.

"She does love me, Elphie." Chad said. "And of course it's different from when mommy and I loved each other. I don't love mommy anymore but she and I both love you very much. With lots of love!"

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