Part 79 The next day in Paris

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"I want to go see the Notre Dame today." Regina looked up from the book she had bought about Paris. They had been walking around the city all morning already. 

"Let's first take a short break? My feet are killing me. How can you walk on your heels all day?"

Regina laughed. "Yes, let's take a break, first get something to drink." Regina smiled and pecked Emma's lips. "What do you have in mind?"

"Just a few streets back I saw this cute little café I'm pretty sure you'll love it." Emma took Regina's hand and laced their fingers together.

Regina looked at Emma while they walked to the place Emma had seen. She didn't know how she had gotten so luckly with Emma but she was forever grateful for her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Emma stopped when they arrived at the place.

"Hmm nothing." Regina smiled and watched as Emma gave her a confused look before walking inside. Regina followed her and they sat down at a table. Emma ordered a hot chocolate for both Regina and her. "Thanks." The brunette smiled. She kept looking at Emma. Again Emma shot her a confused look.

"Come on, what is it?" Emma laughed softly and took a sip from her hot cocoa.

"It's just.. I'm so happy, you make me so happy. I don't even know how to explain what I'm feeling." Regina looked at her cup. "Just forget about it." Why did she always have to ruin these moments.

"No Regina I'm not forgetting about it because I know how you feel. I feel the same." Emma smiled as Regina met her gaze. She placed her hand on top of Regina's.

Some time later they both finished their drinks and Emma left to go to the toilet.


"Elphie, time for lunch!" Zelena yelled from the kitchen to Elphies room. It was quiet upstairs. "And I got a little surprise for you-" She didn't even to finish her sentence or she heard the footsteps coming down.

"Really? But it was just my birthday?" Elphie actually didn't really care but she loved surprises and presents. She watche how her mother got out a big long small box from behind the counter. "Wow, that must be 10 feet!"

Zelena laughed. "Well, not exactly 10 feet but it is a big present for you. It was delayed to give on your birthday but now I think it's only fair if you're unwrap it in secret." She smiled at the enthusiasm of her daughter. "What was it you always wanted to have?"

Elphie's eyes widened. "No. Way. Mommy? Really?"

"Open your present and see for yourself." Zelena saw all little pieces of wrapping paper flying around. She catched them all with her magic and put them into the trash can.

Elphie opened the box and got out a wooden stick. "Mom, you got me my own broom?!" She put it down gently and gave her Mother a tight hug. "Thank you so much! Now I can learn how to fly as well!"

"Yes you will! And you get to decide where you want to go to first."

"Gina's castle." The little said without thinking. "I've seen it in Henrys books, it's beautiful."

"Gina's castle? Of all places?" Zelena asked.

Elphie smiled. "Yes! I can see it from my window but it's too far away. Living in the United Realms is not everything. Oh and after I want to go to Oz. Where you grew up."

"That's my girl. Come just eat your lunch and we'll be off for your first flying lesson." The mother got their lunch and not much later they were finished.


Regina looked up when she heard someone talk to her. There was a strange man standing in front of her, he was talking french. "I'm sorry, I don't understand french." Regina frowned.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize." His accent was understandable. "I said that it's good that your friend left you alone for a minute so I can talk to you now."

Regina frowned again as the stranger sat down where Emma had been sitting just minutes ago. "I'm sorry?" She asked.

"She seems way too intrested in you." He just kept on talking. "Don't you think?"

Regina realized what he was trying to say. "I don't think so." She replied. She saw Emma approaching the table. "Ah Emma, this man here says you seem 'too interested' in me" Regina watched as the stranger got really awkward.

Emma looked from Regina to the man and back in confusion. Regina smiled at her. "Well, why wouldn't I be interested in my wife?"

"Your wife, Mademoiselle?"

"Yes, my wife." Regina chuckled.

"Ah, uhm... okay." The man got even more awkward than before. "I'm sorry for bothering you." He said and got up.

Emma watched the man leave and she sat down. "What was that all about?" Emma laughed.

Regina couldn't help but laugh along with her. "Honestly I don't know. He randomly came up to me and started talking to me."

"Well I get that he did though. I mean you're hot as fuck." Emma said quite seriously.

Regina looked at Emma. "Too bad for him I already married an idiot." Regina joked.

"Too bad yes." Emma grinned.

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