Part 72 the little dancing hearts

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Regina and Robin arrived at Zelena's house. "Are you sure she's home? It doesn't look like it..." Robin looked at the house but all the lights were on.

"Yes she is." Regina hadn't yet let go of Robin's hand. Too scared of what she would do. Regina knocked on the door. "Hey sis." She said when Zelena opened it

"Gina?" Zelena questioned hopeful. When her sister nod, she knew it was okay. "It's you! Thank god!" She pulled her sister into a hug.

"I'm so so sorry for all the stuff I said about you and Chad... I was terrible." Regina apologized while still hugging Zelena.

Zelena agreed. "Your comments really hurt, but it was an even worse version of Roni. As for you young lady..." The witch turned to her daughter she noticed something was really off by the 2 of them but she didn't know what exactly.

"I love you mom." Robin said before her mother could say another word. "I love you loads and loads and sorry for hating you because.... I don't. I would never hate the best mother in the world! And sorry for calling Chad a Toy Boy... I know he isn't." She chuckled at the word Toy Boy.

Zelena sighed and she let them in, Robin went immediately to Alice. Zelena stopped Regina from walking along. "Is Robin okay? She seems to be a little bit out of this world..." She asked worried.

"Yes, yes she is. Roni just uhm let her do something I wouldn't let her do." Regina started laughing.

"Thanks...". Zelena could laugh again. She knew what she was talking about. "I think there's someone inside who missed you... just take a look." She smiled.

Regina looked down as her sister mentioned Emma. "Are you sure she wants to see me?" She fumbled with the sleeve of her jacket.

"Are you kidding me? Of course she wants to see you." Zelena laughed and got to the bathroom.

Emma looked up when she heard someone else enter the room. She looked at Regina, who was still dressed in Roni's clothes. Emma walkes over to Regina. "Hi."

"Hey." was al Regina could say. She looked at Emma and could see that she had been crying. "I'm sorry." She whispered, she was embarrassed by the way she had behaved as Roni.

"Oh shut up." Emma chuckled and hugged Regina.


Chad looked back at the last few weeks. Ever since he got married, he got a new family, a new life, a baby on the way, his wife was taken from him by a villain and luckily he got her back, and last his daughters and sister-in-law were cursed briefly once again. Zelena came back from the bathroom and cuddled in his arms. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I am more then okay." Zelena led her hands to his and held them tight. "I have everything I need in this room." She smiled and took place on the couch with Chad.

Regina kissed Emma's nose and giggled. She frowned at her own way of acting right now. "Regina? Are you stoned?" Emma looked at her girlfriend. "There's only one time I've seen you like this and that's when you smoked." Emma chuckled.

"Maybe." Regina started to laugh. She kissed Emma softly.

Emma took Regina's hand and intertwined their fingers. She brought their hands up her lips and kissed the top of Regina's hand. "I'm not letting you make potions again."

Zelena looked over at her sister and Emma, they were the cutest even though she had never seen Regina stoned herself. "Leave the potions to me from now on, Gina is better in other things." She laughed and sat up straight, still leaning against Chad.

"Hey! I almost got it right." Regina tried but started to laugh because she knew it wasn't right

"You cursed yourself instead of getting me my memories back!" Zelena cackled. "But I don't need them anymore, I am just as happy as I was when I got married." She kissed Chad softly on the lips.

Emma smiled. Everything was finally back to normal and Emma hoped it would stay that way. Zelena looked around the room. Robin and Alice were happy. Regina and Emma were happy. She and Chad were more then happy. "Can... can everyone sit down for a moment? I got something important to tell." She smiled. She knew this was her chance to announce her news.

"Are you sure now is the right time?" Chad stroke her hair.

Zelena kissed him once more. "Yes, more then right."

Regina pulled Emma with her on the couch and leaned against her. "Well, what is it?" She asked, a little impatient.

Zelena was holding Chads hand. She couldn't get the smile of her face. "The day after I got out of the hospital, me and Chad went to the doctor for our mid second trimester ultrasound and we got the joy of news that our little monkey is healthy and as big as a head of cauliflower who weights nearly 1.5 pounds." She placed her hands on her unborn. "But that's not all, we found out the sex as well... want to find out?"

"Don't let us wait in suspense!" Regina got all excited. Her sister deserved this.

Emma held Regina's hand. "Duh, do tell us!" Alice nodded in excitement and stayed silent, waiting for Zelena and Chad to tell them.

Zelena smiled at Chad and back to her family. She magicked in everyones hand a small box, decorated with pink and blue strings. "Open the box and you'll find out."

Robin couldn't wait any longer and unwrapped the box she opened it even before her family. Inside were little enchanted hearts, dancing around, they plopped one at the time and little confetti came out of it, all in pink. "I'm getting a sister?" Her smile went from ear to ear.

"Yes, you will Robs." Chad laughed and held his hands on Zelena's stomach as well before standing up. "We're having a healthy daughter." He smiled happily. Saying these words, really made him realise he was going to be a father.

"I'm so happy for you!" Regina couldn't stop smiling. Emma went over to the two to hug them and mumbled. "Congrats!"

"Wait, the surprises aren't over yet!" Zelena laughed. "Em, go back to Regina, we got something for you as well."

Emma looked at Zelena confused but did as she said. She sat back down next to Regina. The brunette took Emma's hand in her own and looked at her sister. "What is it?"

"Do you want to be the little munchkins godparents?" Zelena asked.

Emma and Regina only looked at eachother before they both nodded "Yes ofcourse! We'd love to!"

"Mom, dad... that's so sweet! I'm so proud of you guys." Robin smiled at her parents and then to her aunt and Emma. They deserved all the happiness in the whole wide world. All of them.


And with this chapter I would like to get an end Valentine's Day! I hope you all have had an amazing day! I didn't, but there's no surprise there! Lolz! Anyways, happy Love day and I hope to upload the next chapter soon! (don't know if it will be tomorrow but I'm trying to!) xx Zelly

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