Part 3 coming out

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Emma woke up and found herself in Regina's bed, again. Not that she minded. She rolled over and found a still sound asleep Regina. Emma smiled and stroked Regina's cheeck.

"Morning" Regina mumbled as she opend her eyes. She smiled sleepily at Emma

"Goodmorning." Emma whispered as she softly kissed Regina's forehead. After what had happened they talked about it and Emma had asked her out.

Robin walked around town. Now with her Mother not at home she could start finding her own place. She stopped at her aunts house like almost ever other day. She had a really close bond with her aunt because she was the only thing connected to her father. She knocked loudly on the door.

Emma walked downstairs as she heard knocking on the door, not expecting someone. Her eyes widened slightly. "Oh.. Robin. Hi. What's up?"

"Hi... Emma? I came for my aunt." Robin said a bit confused. "What are you doing here?"

"I uhmm... I" Emma said awkwardly and didn't answer.

Regina came walking down the stairs and saw Robin. "Hi Robin! What brings you here?" She said with a smile. She tried to get the awkward tension out of the air.

"I just came to see how you were doing. Moms still not home but I see you've got company already." Robin apologised. "I'm sorry, I-i will come back later."

"No, no it's fine. As long as you don't tell you mother yet" Regina laughs as she looks at Robin's awkward face.

"I'm gonna go make uhm.. coffee.." Emma walked away to the kitchen

"Thanks Emma." Robin smiled and turned to her aunt. "I don't tell what to mom?" She teased her aunt while the two walked to the living room.

"Shh you" Regina poked Robin in her side. She laughed as Robin jumped a little. She sat down on the couch.

"Stop it!" Robin chuckled. "But seriously?" She whispered. "Are you and- Emma?" She whispered under her breath. "I thought you were still over the loss of my dad?"

Regina felt a lump in her throat. "Yes, Emma and me.. we're togheter. Don't get me wrong. I miss Robin terribly but, I don't know Emma is quite special. I don't know how to explain it." Regina stared at her hands as she fumbles with one of her rings, avoiding eye contact.

It took a second to let it all sink in. "But that means... you're-" Robin looked up at her aunt. "You're gay, just like me?" Her eyes widened from a little happiness that shined through.

Regina smiled as soon as she sees Robin's reaction. "Yes Robin, I am. Well, I'm bi."

"Do you all both want coffee or something else?!" Emma screamed from the kitchen.

"Coffee for me please!" Robin called out and turned her attention back to her aunt. "When did this start then? I mean you both were in mourning, you a little longer over dad then Emma over Hook... how come I have never noticed? And come on, I have an eye for gay people." She laughed.

"For me too, please!" Regina turned back to Robin "You do have an eye for gay people," she chucked, "Yes we were both mourning but we tried to help eachother too. We got closer in that time. Nothing ever really happened until some time ago, touches became longer than supposed to, more glares at eachoter. I don't know it just happened without me realizing it"

Emma came in with three mugs. She placed them in front of Robin and Regina and took her own hot chocolate.

"You child." Regina said with a chuckle when she sees the hot chocolate.

"Stop judging me!"

Robin laughed at the pair, took her cup of coffee and curled up on the couch. "Emma, what's new with you?" She couldn't get the smile of her face.

Emma looked over at Regina, Regina nod. "Well, only that this one here.." Emma looked over at Regina "finally admitted that she does like me."

"What?! Finally admitted." Regina scoffed.

Robin smirked. She knew what they meant.

Emma laughed. "How are things with Alice and her dad, Robin?"

"Yeah, everything's great. Nook is fine and Alice and I are currently going to the real estate. We've decided to give my Mom and Chad more space now they're married. So, I'll be moving out. But mom doesn't know yet..."

"Oh, that's a big step! I'm sure that you are ready for it. I'm also sure with a good talk and some convincing Zelena will be okay with it too. As long as you keep in contact with her and visit her often. She needs you from time to time" Regina knew her sister, this would be a big part of her life that would change.

Robin laughed. "Well, then you clearly know a different Mom then me. She won't let me alone for just a few hours." She admitted. "The first holiday Alice and I had together? She called every day more then twice to catch up and if we drank enough. She even called me during 'you know'..." She laughed, thinking back to the memories. "She's not that easy to convince. But I hope Chad will help understanding."

"She cares a lot for you and wants to help and protect you any time she can. For her it may be hard to see you growing up so fast, because hell you did grow up fast, but she also wants what's best for you. It might take some time to convince her but I'll work out. I'll make sure of that" Regina smiled.

Robin took another sip of her coffee. "Well, She can't protect me forever." She chuckled and turned to Emma. "So, how are you going to tell everyone? The family? Your parents? This is such a big step for both of you."

Emma placed her already empty mug back on the table. " We were actually planning on telling your mom and Chad first. The rest will follow I guess"

"Yes, we'll take it step by step and see how it goes."

Robin couldn't help but laugh. "My mom? You want to tell the gossip first?"

"I know she's a gossip but she's also my sister soo.. well that doesn't seem like a good argument." Regina laughed.

"It really doesn't!" Robin laughed along with her aunt. "Well, I like the two of you together. I have to get used to it but I know my dad wants you to be happy again." She smiled softly.

Regina smiled softly "Thank you Robin."

Emma was a little taken back by the mention of Robin but she quickly bounces back to her happy mood. Of course she knew he was a big part of Regina's life but sometimes it was still weird. How the two of them got together even though they both lost love.

Robin took the last sip of her drink and put it on the table. Her phone beeped. She picked it out of her pocket and read the message. "It's Alice... someone might have broken in my moms house..."

"Oh shit, should we come with you" Regina already stood up to go with Robin.

"Thanks, Alice is waiting outside the house for us." Robin grabbed her coat and waited for the rest. "Emma, you coming as well?"

"Yes, yes. Of course!" She gets up and puts on her red leather jacket and shoes before heading outside too.

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