Part 12 mood

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It was the next morning. Chad tossed and turned in the bed because of a bad dream. He had claimed all of the blanket for himself. Zelena woke up from the cold and missing her part of the blanket and turned around to face Chad, she saw him rolling and panicking. "What the hell happened to you?" She shook him awake.

"No, come back please!" He yelled when he woke up and sat up straight.

Zelena sat up as well. "Hey, what's going on?" She asked worried. Chad breathed out heavily. "I-I uhm... I don't know, it was bad and you were...."

"I was what, babe?"

Chad took Zelena's hand. "You were in the hospital and we were losing you and-" his voice broke. He decided not to tell all of the dream.

"Shhht calm down. It was just a dream.." Zelena calmed him and rested her head on his chest, listening to his outrageous heartbeat. "You won't lose me, not now, not ever."

Chad calmed down and smiled at Zelena being very sweet in the morning. "What do you want to do today?" He put an arm around Zelena. She seemed a little bit more relaxed then yesterday.

"I think I'll stay here..."

"Wait, what? Here, why? It's the second day. Saturday. You can't stay behind on us." Chad told her.

"I'm just not feeling good okay? Maybe I'll be there at midday." Zelena turned on her side.

"Zel, please. What am I supposed to do without you this morning?" Chad thought of thinks to pursue his wife from staying at the hotel but it was a lot more difficult then he thought.

"Spend it with your family. Now I give you the opportunity to get to know them without me getting in the way." Zelena said rather unkind.

"Zel, I want you to be with us. Is this still about your sister?" Chad asked.

Zelena placed a pillow over her head and ignored him. Chad sighed. "Suit yourself then..." he stood up and got ready to get dressed for day 2 at the park.


Emma woke up way before Regina, as she was used to waking up early with having a two year old around the house all the time. She stroked Regina's hair and smiled as Regina cuddled up closer to her.

Regina started to wake up. "I wanna sleep more." She mumbled.

"You don't have to get up yet, don't worry." Emma have her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm gonna take a shower. Can you let go of me?"

"No, you're warm. You can't leave this bed. I won't let you."

Emma laughed. Sleepy Regina was of best things ever.

Regina had let go of Emma. Soon they were both dressed to go get breakfast


"Good morning sunshine's." Robin said with her mouth full when Regina and Emma arrived. "Hungry?"

"Duuh I always am." Emma said while she went to get food

"How did you sleep Robin?" Regina sat down across from her.

"I slept well." Robin winked to Alice. "You?"

"I slept well too."

Emma came back with some food and a coffee for Regina. "Here you go."

"THanks." Regina grabbed some of Emma's food and laughed at Emma's reaction

Robyn laughed. "He, now you're in a relationship you're allowed to take food." She looked at Alice when she referred to her.

"Hey, I never steal your food." Alice said. She laughed at her own lie. "Well, I do."


Emma saw Chad walk in "Where is Zelena?" She asked. She was hoping to talk to her today

"Moody in bed..." Chad sighed and sat down next to Alice, he wasn't hungry.

"Can I go talk to her? I know she might not want to but I still want to try.."

"You can try. But don't give it too much hope."

"I know." Emma got up and walked to Zelena's and Chad's room. "Zelena?" She knocked on the door.

"What?" Zelena rolled in her bed, pulling up the covers high when she heard Emma's voice. The door was open.

"Can we maybe talk?" Emma opened the door and walked in. Staying in the doorway, waiting for an answer

"You can..."

Emma walked into the room and sat down on the bed. "What's going on Z. I'm worried. Please talk to me"

"It's nothing." Zelena sat up straight. "If you came here to ask me how I'm doing you can leave."

"Zelena I care about you. You can keep saying that you're okay but I know you. I want to talk with you because I don't want to see you like this. If you don't want to talk to me fine but know that you're hurting people when you're doing this. We want to help you but don't know how."

Zelena looked down. She knew why she was like this but she didn't want to say, not even to her best friend. "I can figure it out myself..."

"Zelena... please..."

"I can figure it out!" Zelena snapped.

"Fine." Emma snapped back and immediately left the room. Going back to the others

Zelena sighed and rolled in her bed. She doesn't want to hurt the people she loves but she just doesn't know how to react in her situation. The last time she felt like his it was from revenge but now she hadn't.


Chad took one croissant from Robins plate. She didn't mind. "Emma? Back so soon?"

"Jup, she snapped at me and I left after that.."

Chad sighed. "I'll talk to her later, I'm sure she's just over reacting."

Robin pushed her plate to the middle of the table. "I'm not hungry." She said quietly.

"Good morning Mates." Nook, Henry and the Golds entered.

"Moning!" Gideon smiled and got out of his moms grip. He fell on the ground and crawled to Regina. "Up!" He reaches his hands out to her.

"Hey little man." Regina picked him up and placed him on her lap.

"Goodmorning everyone" Charming looked around the room "Zelena still not here?"

"She isn't feeling well."

"Just let mom. She excludes herself from the group, she has to face those consequences." It didn't sound at all like Robin to talk about her mom like this but she was tired of it.

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