Part 27 3 weeks later

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Robin couldn't get any contact with her mom for the last 3 weeks. Every message, every phone call was being ignored. Even the one she just had. She looked at the lock screen of her phone, it was her mom, Alice and herself when they were on their first holiday together with Alice. She sighed, she hadn't seen that smile of her mom in such a long time. "Al, I'm worried..." she said when she saw Alice slowly waking up.

"If you want we can go check on her today? I know Regina and Emma told us nog to but if it eases your mind we'll do it. I know you're worried." Alice stroked  Robin's cheek. She hated to see her so worried.

Robin held her hand. "Something just doesn't feel right."

"I know... that's why we will go see her today." Alice kissed Robin on her hand. "It'll be okay, I promise." She held the covers with her other hand.

"Lets get your lazy ass out of bed then! I miss her loads."

"Yea, coming..." Alice yawned as she got out of bed.

A few moments later they already had eaten breakfast. "Do you think we should tell aunt Regina? I feel bad for not telling her..."

"You could tell her but maybe she'll try to stop you from going to her." Alice took the last bite of her breakfast. "Since your mom still doesn't know that everyone knows."

Robin sighed. "Yea... o well... come!" She took Alice away from her pancake. "Why am I do so nervous? It's just my mom.."

"It'll be fine." Alice kissed her girlfriends cheek.

Robin chuckled. "You're so great. I love you." 


They drove to Zelena's house. It had changed a lot compared to what it usually looked like. "Why doesn't this feel right?" She looked worried at Alice.

"I-I don't know." Alice got a really bad vibe from the space around them. And her feeling was almost always right

Robin got her key from her moms house and unlocked the door. "Mom?" She asked carefully through the house. When she got no reaction she held on tight to Alice. "I don't like this... I don't like this at all..."

"Same.." Alice slowly made her way forward.  Wanting to know what was going on.

"Mom? Are you there? I'm worried about you okay, I just want to make sure you're fine." Robin looked around the house downstairs when she heard something disturbing upstairs. "Mom?" She gave one worried look towards Alice and together they got upstairs. "Mom are you here?" She entered a green with black room she had never seen before. Her mom stood in a dark corner of the room with her back towards them. "Mom... what's going on? Is.. is this a nursery?" She asked carefully.

Zelena didn't say a thing and disappeared from the room in green smoke.

"What the hell... mom come back!" She yelled but was left alone with Alice.

"This isn't good.. I think we should call Regina." Alice said slightly scared.

"You're Right..." Robin took out her phone and called her aunt.

Regina's phone ringed when she was in the middle of a meeting. "Sorry, excuse me." She said when she saw it was Robin. Robin never called her during work hours if it wasn't important. She fot out of the room and picked up. "Hi Robin."

"Hi... I'm at moms... it doesn't look good. she disappeared without a trace when Alice and I found her..."

"Oh, for Gods sake... I'll wrap this meeting up and I'll come over immediately. Why did you go there. I told you not to." Regina hissed.  She loved Robin but reckless things like this annoyed her

"She's my mom. I have the right to visit her don't I?!" Robin snapped back. "Just come soon."

"Yes I'll be there soon." She sighed and hung up the phone. She walked back to the room. "Sorry there is some urgent family business, we can plan another time to finish this. I'm sorry." The person nodded and gathered their stuff. Regina immediately drove over to Zelena's.


"Aunt Regina? Over here!" Robin heard her aunt coming in, she had left the door open for her to come in. She had laid her head onto Alices lap on the couch. She was worried sick.

"What happened exactly?" Regina had been worried all this time and Zelena hadn't picked up her calls nor had she responded if she went by.

"I don't know... we found her in the nursery and she didn't even talk to her."

''She just left? Oh shit, this isn't good, she always has something to say no matter what the situation.'' Regina sat down on a chair and sighed. ''I'm so worried, we need to find her.''

Robin looked up at Alice. "I doubt it she's with Chad or your dad... moms always alone when she is planning something."

''It didn't look all too well and I got a really bad feeling. Like something bad is about to happen.'' Alice whispered.

"When I was younger, where did mom like to go when she was feeling down?" She asked her aunt.

"Mostly she disappeared into the forest and we couldn't find her for hours"

Robin sighed. "Great, so basically we lost my mom now?"

''Seems like it. I'll still go look for her though. I canceled all my work stuff for today.''

Robin looked at Alice. "Do we need to help?"

''Yes, please.''' Regina got everything the 3 would need, in a short time, they would meet Zelena after a long time of separation. 'Maybe her pregnancy belly would have grown?' One thing was sure, if Zelena hadn't let known from herself, there was something terrible happening at the moment. This wasn't a good sign. 

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