Part 70 joint

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Zelena came back with her potion. She hoped it was the best one of the potions she had made this day. She sneaked the potion upstairs, unseen from Tilly. "Sorry, I needed to go to the bathroom... pregnancy stuff." She lied. "Tilly, aren't you thirsty? Want something to drink?"

"Can I please get some water?" Tilly asked. She tried to remember other things but she couldn't and it was getting frustrating to her.

"Of course." Zelena's eyes met Emma's and looked hopeful. She turned around and took a glass out of the cupboard and poured in the potion. She tapped the water and gave it to Tilly. "I hope you feel better..."

Tilly took a few sips and saw the both of them look at her hopefully. "What?" She asked, she was just drinking a glass of water. Suddenly het memories hit her.

"Alice?" Zelena asked carefully. This potion could have solved everything or made it even worse.

"Y-yes?" She said. She was still getting used to the mixed memories in her head.

"You're back!" Emma sighed relieved

"Oh my god, it worked!" Zelena went over to Alice and hugged her tight. "It still needs some time but how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." Alice was feeling better already. She thought of the past few days. "Margot and Roni have been terrible the past few days." She started to realize.

"Yea, they've been... and we need our loved ones back. I know it's not their fault that they're behaving like this but it did hurt us all..." Zelena sighed. "Only I can't give it to them, could you help?"

"I could help by giving it to Margot and then later we'll give it to Roni?" Alice suggested.

"That actually sounds amazing, I don't think I can face Roni again.." Emma smiled sadly. "Let's get them back."

Zelena was relieved to see her potion work. 'Wicked always wins Gina...' She thought. She finally had a way to get her sister and daughter back. "Follow me." They went down to her quiet place in the house. "I'm sorry for the mess but I've been trying to make every single potion that we could possibly use..." she looked at the multiple kettles which brew each another colour potion.

Alice followed Zelena and her eyes widened at the sight of all the potions "wow you must have been busy with this for days." She said amused.

"Just a day... I had a full focus now I have no sister or daughter who interrupted me, sometimes Chad but that was it..." Zelena laughed. "It was nothing. Luckily I am still better in potions then my sister."

Alice laughed at Zelena's comment. "So how much do I need to use?" Alice wasn't really familiar with how potions worked.

"If you just pour in the half of this flask, it should be enough. If you get them to drink it at the same time, use the whole flask." Zelena gave the potion to Alice. "Be careful with it, after this one, I haven't got much left."

"I will be careful, don't worry by tonight you'll have your daughter and sister back." Alice turned to to Emma. "and you'll have your fiancée back to normal."

"Thank you."

Alice left to go search for her girlfriend, who she soon found with Roni, as she had expected.


Margot sat on a bench close to Granny's with Roni. "So... I found this, it was in moms old drawer." She pulled a joint out of her pocket. "I've been hold many stories of mom and her friends having the best time with these..." she laughed.

"They are indeed much fun." Roni said with a grin. She took the the joint from Margot. "How about we keep this for tonight so we don't have anyone bothering us."

"Why not now? I think could use one now. Tilly is annoying as hell and don't get me started on mom..." Margot rolled her eyes and fixed them on Roni. "Please? We can go to your house."

"Okay, fine but not before you tell me what's going on between your girl and you. You guys never have problems." Roni was genuinely worried

"Tilly can't handle her emotions at the moment.. she's too sweet for everyone and is afraid to stand up for her own opinion. She let me do it instead but when I do, she gets upset..." Margot shrug her shoulders. "It'll pass soon but right now we give each other a little space."

"I think will be good for the both of you yes." Roni didn't see Tilly walking up to them.

"Babe.. can we talk?" Alice asked looking at her girlfriend

Margot turned around. "Do we have to, now? Me and Roni are kind of in the middle of something." She whined.

"Please?" Alice tried again, she wanted to get her girlfriend back to normal.

"Go and I'll see you back here?" Roni knew the two needed to talk.

Margot sighed. "Ugh, fine but don't start without me!"

"Don't worry kid I won't." Roni chuckled.

Alice walked over to a more private place and sat down. "I'm sorry for walking away from you like that." She needed Margot to not be mad at her

"That's okay..." Margot wanted this done to be over with because she wanted to continue the plan she has with Roni. "Is that all?"

Alice got the flask out of her bag "want some?" She didn't know any other way to get Margot to drink the potion.

"What is it?" Margot already looked disgusting with the idea in mind her girlfriend got her something gross.

"God, it's just alcohol don't worry." Alice chuckled.

"Thanks..." Margot looked relieved. She took the flask and drunk it all at once. It tasted like expired milk. Not mij later she felt a change in her body. "Alice... what happened...."

"We were cursed... just like back in Hyperion Heights..." Alice couldn't help but smile because Robin was back.

"Oh my god, I was such a bitch..." Robyn's momeries were all back. "I'm so sorry..." she hugged Alice tight.

"hey it's okay don't worry about it, it wasn't you." She held Robin close. "All we need to do now is make Roni memember."

Robin smiled happily. "I missed you." She kissed her girlfriend softly on the lips. "Roni... she has moms joint, I was kind of looking forward to that one..." she chuckled.

"I missed you too" She held Robin's hand. "It sounds like you have a plan to get Regina back. Just be careful."

"I will... I know both this version of Roni and i know aunt Regina. This could turn out pretty great and fun." Robin laughed. "Go to mom, tell her that I am sorry and I'll make up for what Margot did."

"I will." She handed Robin the rest of the potion. "I'll meet you at your mom's place after?"

"That's cool. Just keep in mind that we could be a bit mellow." Robin laughed and kissed Alice once more. "Love you."

"I love you too." Alice headed back to Zelena's place.

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