Part 35 unexpected visit

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Regina was off to work and Henry was with his friend on this Saturday afternoon while Robin and Emma were playing with Hope on the playground. "How are you and Regina?" She asked her kinda aunt, now she was dating her aunt.

"We're great it's just... nevermind." Emma mumbled. She thought back of last night when Regina was jealous.

"Come on, you can tell me. Unlike mom and snow, I can keep secrets to myself..."

"I know you can." Emma smiled.  "Well, last night when we brought Chad to Nook's place I was talking with him and I was worried about the whole situation. Hook hugged me to calm me down." Emma sighed.  "Back in the car Regina was jealous because you know, he looks like Hook."

"Jealousy is a dangerous thing... but she needs a little time. Regina knows very well you don't have feelings for him and Nook is so different then Hook was." Robin held a hand on her shoulder. "You're in the beginning of your relationship, those things are normal. Look at me and Alice when we started dating. She was filled with jealousy because she finally had someone that lived her but I also had friends on my own and she hadn't. It'll be alright."

"I know it'll be fine. It was just a bit difficult..." Emma sighed slightly. "God I forgot how confusing relationships can be." Emma chuckled.

"Robin sighed. "Yeah. They're confusing, messed up, difficult and a real pain in the ass but eventually you'll get back together... just look at mom and Chad. They'll make their way back to one another." She said hopeful but she didn't know how big that situation had gotten.

"I'm sure they'll will." Emma didn't feel like it was her place to tell what had happened last night when Chad and Regina went to go check on Zelena. "Thanks by the way."

"Anytime." Robin smiled and leaned her head on Emma's shoulder, watching little hope playing in the sand.

"Hope is so adorable. I'm honestly shocked by it everyday." Emma said while watching her daughter

Robin chuckled. "Yesterday she said to me she wanted to be a mermaid because Ariel is one. How more adorable can she be."

"Oh my god, she must be living in a dream with all those fairytail characters around her."

Robin agreed. "I told her she could swim with Ariel one day. How her eyes lightened up." She smiled at Hope and turned to Emma. "Random question... do you have a spot open at the station? I'm currently looking for new work and working at Granny's wears me off.."

"Yes actually! I recently talked with my dad. He's not at the station very often anymore because he's helping out Regina a lot. So he decided to keep it that. I would love for you to help me out there." Emma was genuinely excited to work with Robin

"Really! Thank you so much!" Robin hugged Emma. "I'll tell Alice and Mom right away!" She stopped her sentence. "I can't tell mom, can I... She's too busy with who ever knows what she's doing..."

"Maybe it's best to not tell her until this whole thing is over. You might come in handy, she wouldn't expect it from you." Emma tried to lighten Robin's mood. "Why don't we go over to the station and get everything fixed?"

"That's cool..." Robin was still enthusiastic but also in doubt. She picked up Hope and together they walked to the station. "Does that mean, I have to fight my Mom?"

"It might mean that but you don't have to. I get if you don't want to do that. I think the biggest problem here is scar." They arrived at the station.  Emma knew her dad would be there today.

"I think I can handle her. Mom would never hurt me." Robin put down Hope as she run to her grandpa.

"Papi!" Hope giggled and held onto Davids leg tight.

"Oh hey there's my favorite girl!" Charming crouched down to Hope.

Emma acted offended. "I thought I was your favorite?!" She laughed.

"Well, you've been replaced. I mean, look at her!" Charming gave hope a kiss on the cheek. Hope giggled. She knew she was almost everyones favourite.

"Hey David. Guess who's taking over your work!" Robin teased him.

Charming looked confused for a second before he realized she meant herself. "Really?! That's amazing. I'm sure you'll love it!"

"I hope so! It's a bit more adventurous then cleaning at Granny's for sure." Robin crouched down to Hope's height. "Is Obin ready to help mommy?"

"Yes!" The little one chuckled and run to her little play corner that Emma had made for her when ever Hope was at the station.

"I think Hope should take over immediately. With her cuteness she can catch any villain." Robin poked Hopes nose.

"That is for sure." Emma said with a chuckle. She got the papers she needed filled in.

"Where do I sign?" Robin asked when she accepted the pen to set her autograph.

"Here... and... here." She pointed

Robin signed on the dots and put the pen down. "Is that all?"


"Well, well... Look who we have here..." Scar stood in the middle of the station. "The saviour, the baby, the shepard and dear miss Hood."

"Scar what the fuck are you doing here?" Emme immediately made her way over to Hope to protect her.

Scar smirked. "I just came in to check on you, I see you got your perfect little family." He looked over at both Emma and Robin.

"No I haven't... you got my mom!" Robin snapped, trying not to show her emotions.

"Awwe boohoo..." Scar acted whining.

"Well, you checked now you can leave." Emma said.

"Wait who are you?" Charming was obviously not filled in on what had happened yet.

"The shepard didn't do his homework?" Scar laughed evilly. "Let me introduce myself. Scar is the name."

"Scar? What?" He asked confused.

"Dad! Shut the hell up." She hissed. She wanted Scar to go.

Scar walked over to David. "You haven't heard of me, have you? It's better that way, you don't have to know what's coming." He walked over to Robin. "And about your mom... she won't be needing you, not Chad, not Regina, no one. Wicked always operates best alone."

"You leave her alone!" Robin got angry.

"Hush now... there's no need to be angry. I see you are the new slave of the sherif? Goodluck trying to defeat us, because you know you can't." He gave a death stare to Emma and Hope.

"We will defeat you, I'm sure of it and whatever you're doing to Zelena. You're terrible." Emma was triggered. He was ruining their happiness they had fought for a long time.

"HAH!" Scar scoffed. "Terrible is just another word for atrocious."

Robin rolled her eyes. "That's horrifyingly wicked..."

"And wicked is exactly what you'll get." Scar vanished from the station, leaving all confused and scared.

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