Part 50 a hospitals night

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After the doctors had given Zelena a second check up to see how this could have happened with a medical explanation, Nook break the silence. "Why don't we give the Greens some space? That might be better for Zelena when she wakes up." He suggested when Emma agreed. "I think that's best to. Call us once she has woken up and wants to see us?" She asked Zelena's husband.

Zelena's man nod slowly. "I will Emma. Of course."

"When she's awake, tell her I'm sorry." Regina whispered, still ashamed of herself.

Chad turned to Regina. "Why are you sorry, it's not your fault your sister is in here, it was Scar's."

"I said terrible things to her before all of this happened." Regina looked down. "I just can't rest if I don't know she will ever forgive me." She said after the rest of the people had left the room.

"I understand. But maybe she won't even remember it just like Scar said, a lot happened and I'm not even sure if-" Chad stood still by the fact that his wife was pregnant before she died and was resurrected. He kind of forgot about that. "Wait... what happened with the baby? Is it okay in there?" He has never thought he would care but he most certainly did.

Regina calmed him down. "I'll get a doctor to check on that. I'm sure everything is fine with the baby. Please keep me updated, okay?"

"Thank you and I will." Chad smiled and saw Robin waiting outside instead of going home as well. She had no intention of leaving her mother until she saw she was okay.

Regina went to look for the doctor and filled him in on the situation. He immediately went over to Zelena's room. Regina searched for Emma and soon found her with Hope.

Robin saw the doctor going in and looked at him making an ultrasound. He was quite hasty but there was no time to lose. She had forgotten that Alice really wanted to go home but she just wouldn't. "Robs, is it okay if I go with my dad and see you later again?" Alice aksed softly getting Robin out of her thoughts.

"What?" Robin turned around. "Uhm yea sure. I just want to make sure my brother or sister is fine and if mom will wake up tonight..."

"Of course, I'll be back later to keep you company if you want to?" Alice asked.

"It's okay." Robin held Alice her hand and pulled her close. "I'll ask Chad if he will bring me home and I'll see you in bed." She kissed her softly on the lips.

"Okay." Alice smiled at her girlfriend and gave her one last kiss before leaving

Robin watched Alice and her father leave and turned all the attention back to Chad and her mom. She didn't want to disturb them just yet. The doctor finished the ultrasound and ran some more tests. Robin knocked on the door of her moms room. "Hey, is it okay if I come in?" She asked the doctor. She don't want to be a third wheel to her family.

"Yes of course! I'm almost done." The doctor said as he cleaned the gell off Zelena's stomach. "I took a few scans and it looks like the baby is just fine." He informed. "The heart sounded a little insecure but later it seemed to be as strong as a rock."

Chad felt so relieved. "It is?" He got attacked by one of Robins warm hugs. "I'm gonna be a dad..." It just hit him. He of course knew she was pregnant but to see the sonogram made him realise how real it was all getting.

"Congratulations on the new Green in the family." The doctor smiled polite and left the growing family alone.

"Yea you are dad, get used to the nickname because from now on it's no more Chad or Chaddy." Robin joked and watched her mom sleeping peacefully now the monitor was okay and the sonogram of her sibling looked more then perfect.


"Emma you're going home and you're gonna rest." Regina said when she saw Emma get dizzy once again. "I'm fine." The blonde replied but her fiancée didn't believe her just yet.

Regina drove to Emma's house and forced Emma to go rest in bed while she took care of Hope. Hope didn't work along with Regina and went her own way. "Come, Let's play!"

"Shhh Hope your mom is trying to rest." Regina tried to get Hope to be more quiet.

"Mommy sleepy?"

"Yes, she's very sleepy because she had a long day."

"I too long day?" Hope got confused herself because she was tired but she didn't show.

"Are you tired?" Regina secretly hoped she was because she was quite tired herself

"No!" Hope tried to stop her yawn.

"Oohhh you are. How about this... you get to sleep in the big bed with your mom and me for today. If you go to bed now."

Hopes eyes widened when another yawn came. "Be wight back!" She run upstairs to her room and didn't fall for the speed she got up the stairs. "Henny, I go sleep in mommy's bed!" She giggled.

"Oh are you?" Henry asked his excited little sister. His grandparents had brought him home since Emma and Regina stayed a little longer at the hospital

"Yes I am!" Hope run to her room and put on her pyjamas. "Bye Henny!"

"Bye Hope!" He yelled after her.

Regina got ready for bed too. She basically lived at Emma's place now with the amount if time she spends there. Regina waited for Hope to come running downstairs again.

Hope was to tired to even come down by step. She let her slid off the stairs on here belly. "I'm here, now big bed!" She yawned again.

Regina picked up Hope and carried her in the bed. They got under the covers. Regina kissed Hope's forehead. "Good night Hope."

"Bye Gina." Hope cuddled in between the pair and fell asleep very quickly.


It was close to midnight and her mom still hadn't woken up. Chad had already fallen asleep on the uncomfortable bench in Zelena's room. Robin stood up and walked up to the reception. "Is it okay if me and my dad bunk here? My mom is in a too fragile state to leave alone."

"I'll call someone to give you a proper bed. Do you kind sharing a bed with your dad?" The assistant asked carefully. "We're out of 1 person beds im afraid."

"That's okay." Robin was happy she could stay at the hospital tonight. She took out her phone and messaged Alice. "Hi gorgeous. I'm not coming home and staying with Chad at the hospital. Got some stuff I could borrow from them. Love you and see you tomorrow. Xx Nobin" A while later the bed was ready in the room. Robin tried to wake up Chad but there was no beginning to it. She saw no other option then to push him off and onto the bed and so she did. Chad kept sleeping. She got ready herself and gave her mom one last kiss. "I love you." She said and fell asleep.

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