Part 62 cursed and cookies

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Once Zelena left Emma walked over to Roni and the others. "That was quite the thing."

Roni scoffed. "It's always like this, anyways how do you know them?" Roni still wanted an answer to that question.

"I've known Chad for a while now so that's how I know Kelly. Last night when we were talking I just didn't realize you meant this Kelly." Emma lied. She turned to Tilly and Margot. "You guys are..?"

"Margot... the hippies daughter." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm Tilly!"

Emma smiled at the two. "Well it was nice meeting you but I got to go to my shift, keeping this little town save." Emma said. She looked at Roni. "See you tonight at 8?" She asked

Roni nodded. "I'll pick you up at yours." She added and watched Emma leave.

"Who's that?" Margot smirked.

"That's none of your business young lady." Roni laughed.

Margot got even more curious then before. "I can see it in your eyes, you know. You like her."

"Yes I do, happy now?" She rolled her eyes. "So what?"

"You never like people, you just have sex with them and it's over." Tilly said what Margot was thinking.

"What she said..."

"Shut up." Roni said before shutting up.

"Look at that Samdi guy, that was just a one night stand..." Margot loved getting on people's nerves like this. "Carl, Giovanni, Amber, Niles, Susan. Oh and not to mention the twins Ge-"

"I said drop it Margot." Roni snapped. "This is my fucking buisness not yours."

Margot laughed. "Fine, I will." She turned to Tilly and held her cheek lovingly. "What's on your mind gorgeous?"

"Just.. last night when we went over to Kelly's, she called you Robin.. I was wondering why?"

"Why do you care that Kelly says? She could have been high and just thought I was someone else..." Margot thought of her mom when she was little, she usually had friends over and they got stoned all together like the real hippies did at that time. "It could be, even though moms pregnant. She never cared about rules." Now she just reacted the anger she had towards her mom. Roni watched Margot in silence, the best was to let her rage for now. And she secretly loved it. "Roni, what was mom even like when you were still friends? There must be something wrong why she's like this..."

"When we were friends she was awesome. She was a lot like now but we weren't fighting constantly. We had different opinions on a lot of things which pissed us both off." Was all Roni could say

"My mom... awesome?"

"She was, really! Just after you were born we disagreed on the way she raised you." Roni explained.

"Don't get me started... after dad was killed, I am basically raised by her hippie friends while mom got along with all the guys..." Margot sighed. "And they were all more then friends..."

Tilly cringed. "Just gross."

"Oh yea I certainly didn't agree with that." Roni chuckled.

Margot agreed. "Why didn't you take me in then? I would have been a better person then I am now. Kelly clearly didn't help me with that..." she lied a bit. She did love her mom but her anger overwhelmed it all.

"I didn't take you because she loves you." Roni said serious.

"She doesn't anymore... there's a reason why I traveled so much, stayed in Puket, the Heights and Amsterdam. She doesn't need me in life and now she has other people to care about." Margot hung her head. How she wished it actually was true.

"She does need you." Tilly tried to comfort her girlfriend.

"You just saw her right, she moved on, okay?" Margot accidentally snapped.

"Margot, if she really moved on why would she still get mad at me for spending time with you. She didn't move on. I know your mother." Roni hated Kelly but couldn't bear to see Margot like this.

"Mehhh..." Margot didn't really want to listen. "Shall we go to the movies? I really need to see that new horror that just came out."

"Sounds like a plan." Tilly got up from her chair.

"I'm always in for a good horror." Roni agreed.


Late in the afternoon, Hope couldn't wait any longer for the cookies to come out of the oven, the 4 year old really did a great job. "Auntie Z, when are they done?" She asked and crouched down to the oven.

"Almost, my little munchkin." Zelena sat herself down on a chair next to the oven. She could hardly bend over anymore. "We just need a little more patience."

Hope stood up again and walked over to her aunt. "Can baby also have cookie?" She held her little hands onto Zelena's stomach which made Zelena giggle.

"No, lovely. He or she can't eat cookies yet." She took the little one and placed her on her lap. "If the baby is born, it only drinks milk and in a year you can give a cookie, okay?"

"Okay!" Hops gave a little kiss on Zelena's stomach and whispered very softly. "I hope you are a girlie! Then we can play together!" She chuckled and jumped off again. Exactly on time. The cookies were done. She made way for Zelena to get the cookies out of the oven. They smelled delicious, just like always when she and her favourite aunt were baking. "And the other cookies?" She asked.

Zelena put the baked cookies on a plate to cool down and placed as quickly as she could the second batch on the baking tray. "There we go." She smiled at the little girl. The joy Hope had on her face made Zelena realise how lucky she was to have such an amazing family, the only thing that could go better was the relationship she has now with her daughter and sister. She still couldn't understand how stupid Regina was to let such an easy potion like that fail. The witch looked again at Hope. "Just 20 more minutes."

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