Part 76 airport

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The next day everyone was getting ready to say goodbye to the newly weds to the airport. Hope sat in the back with Zelena in Robins car. "Hope, are you excited to see your moms off?" Robyn asked. She wasn't allowed to drive because of the amount of alcohol she had drunk on the reception after her mom left so Alice drove today.

"I'm going to miss them." Hope pouted a little at the thought of not seeing them for two weeks.

"You've got the right to be, Hope." Zelena reassured her. "Just remember what you'll be doing the next weeks, I've heard you're going to the movies together?" She smiled, but forgot that robin didn't tell Hope.

"Wait, what?!" Hope asked confused. Nobody told her about a movie.

Zelena held in her breath. "Nothing..."

Robin looked at Alice and then at her Mother. "Thanks...." This was proof enough that just like Snow, her Mother also couldn't keep a secret. "We just wanted to surprise you but aunt Zelena just spilled the tea, hunni."

"Spilled the tea?" Hope got even more confused but shrugged it off. "Are we almost theree?" Hope had gotten bored and started to be annoying

"I think so..." Robyn looked at the GPS but she was as clueless as Hope. "Al... we're there yet?"

Alice looked at the GPS "about 10 minutes left, if traffic works with us today."

"Yay!" Hope was glas they would be there soon.


"Come on Emma, we'll be late." Regina muttered annoyed as she waited for Emma to come downstairs. The taxi was already there.

Emma came downstairs. She was faced with an already annoyed Regina. "Come on, we have enough time." She kissed Regina softly. She helped the taxidriver with throwing the suitcases in the back of the car and they were off to the airport.

Regina took Emma's hand and laced their fingers togheter. She was ready to spend the next two weeks with Emma.

Soon the taxi arrived at the airport. Regina and Emma dragged their suitcases with them and searched for the others who would meet them there. Emma had already said goodbye her parents the evening before so that they wouldn't have to drive all the way to the airport.


Zelena looked out of the window, counting the trees they passed by while they drove through the forest. Autumn was getting close now, the leaves fell down on the cold ground. "Mom, you okay?" Robin asked after a while.

Zelena snapped out of her trance. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" She looked up to the sky and saw more and more airplanes in the sky, they were close to the airport. Robin looked back in front of her, the sky was pink, or so it looked like it anyways.

After a few more minutes they arrived. Alice parked the car. "And we arrived." She got out of the car and opened the door for the others to get out

"Hope, why don't you look for your moms? I think they will be here any second as well." Zelena said to Hope, she knew how attached Hope was to Emma and more importantly Regina.

Hope looked around for both of her moms. "There they are." She saw them appear in the distance

Zelena looked in the direction Hope was pointing. "I know that haircut from a thousand miles." She joked and watched Hope running towards them. She then turned to Robyn and Alice, they were busy with themselves as well. She sighed, feeling lonely at times like this. She slowly walked towards her sister as well.

Robin held Alice in her arms. She was already happily married for 3 years with the love of her life but she couldn't help but feel sorry for her mother. "I'm gonna check on mom, do you mind?" She asked when she looked Alice in her beautiful eyes.

"Of course that's okay." She stroked Robyn cheek and pecked her lips. "I know it's been difficult for her lately." Alice watched Robin walk over to Zelena and smiled.

Regina was taken back when she felt two arms wrap around her but soon realised it was Hope. "Hey Hope." She smiled brightly.

Hope smiled up at Regina. "Hey."

Emma looked at Regina and Hope in awe. She loved the both of them so much. "Where's my hug?" Emma said teasingly.

Hope let go of Regina and hugged Emma this time. "I'm going to miss you." She whispered.

"It won't be for that long." Emma smiled and kissed Hope on top of her head.

"Yea I know." Hope nodded and held Emma's hand dragging her with to the others.


Robin got a hold of her mom. "Hey, you were so quiet in the car. It's not like you."

"It's nothing... really." Zelena looked up to her daughter. "It's just hard to see Chad driving out of town with Elphie. And now seeing Regina and Emma off to their honeymoon. You better not gonna leave me as well." She jokingly poked her daughter who linked arms with her.

"No, of course we won't..." Robin didn't want to tell her mom her and Alice recent news, it would crush her.

"Hey, you know Elphie's coming home tonight. Why don't you stay for dinner. Hope is deciding what we're going to eat. She wouldn't mind her favourite aunt to join in as well." Robyn saw how tense she was.

"She only has one aunt..." Zelena looked at her oldest. How could she have grown so much? Time stood sill for her. "Elphies coming home at 8, do you think we could be finished by then?"

"Or just message Chad to bring her to our place?" Robin said when Alice joined them. "We'll have ice cream. I know she would like that."

"Fine, I'll message him later." Zelena smiled and they arrived at the love birds.

Regina and Emma said goodbye to everyone. Hope hugged them both so tight that Regina thought she wouldn't want to let go. They dropped their suitcases, went through security and waited until they could board the plane. The last time they had gone anywhere by plane was when they went to Disney. "This is taking so long." Regina hated waiting.

"I know you hate waiting, just 10 minutes more." Emma looked at the clock. Soon the 10 minutes had passed and they could board the plane.

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