Part 89 Granny's

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It was a week later. Elphie was daily to be found at the Evil Queens palace after school. Ever since Robin and his wife wanted to adopt they had a good practice on Zelena's little munchkin so Zelena had some time alone. On days like this she usually went for a spa in the morning and finished it with a lunch at Granny's with Emma and Regina. She went in a little earlier then they agreed on so just ordered a hot tea. "Zelena?" She heard a annoying familiar voice behind her in the booth. She rolled her eyes and saw her replacement. She turned around and sighed. "Malerie... what do you want?"

Before her boyfriend could say a thing, Malerie stood up and walked over with er plate to Zelena's booth. "What a surprise to find you here!" She smiled.

Zelena didn't enjoy her presence at all. "It's not really a surprise when you live here..."

Chad stood up as well and sat down next to Malerie. "Hi Zelena."

"Ugh, you brought hat ging here, didn't you..." Zelena was equally annoyed. Malerie didn't understand Zelena but she ignored it and held Chads hand, which made Zelena even more disgust of the pair. She looked at her watch. It was around the time they should be here by now but there was no more place at her booth.

Regina and Emma walked into Granny's. Regina looked around for her sister. She let out an annoyed sigh when she saw Chad and Malerie sitting in the booth with her.

Emma looked into the direction Regina was looking and sighed too. "Come on, don't let her get to you." She took Regina's hand.

"I won't." Regina smiled at Emma and together they walked over to the booth where they were sitting.

"How've you been Zel? How's Elphie?" Chad asked concearned. He saw Zelena was troubled, he knew her by now but it wasn't the great time to ask.

"She's getting pretty good at counting. Snow says she's one of her top pupils." Zelena smiled, ignoring Chads other question but didn't need to answer it anyways when she saw her sister, she was distracted immediately. "Gina, Em.. hey!" Malerie kept her lips together. As much as she disliked Regina, she needed to be the bigger person.

"Hey sis! Sorry that we're late." Regina said with a small smile. "Chad, Malerie." She greeted the other two.

"Hi" Emma said. "It's not my fault we're late, Regina takes too long sometimes."

Regina scoffed softly. "I do not."

"Hi...." Malerie said and shut up after, burring herself into Chads chest even more. She noticed it made Zelena a little uncomfortable but she didn't really think about that. "Zelena was just talking about Elphie, she's doing so well doesn't she? She looks just like her mother, a beauty as well." She smiled but it annoyed Zelena just as much.

Regina was quite surprised at the compliment the bitch made about her sister, but was quite annoyed that Chad and Malerie had taken place at the booth, since there was no place else to sit. She just wanted to have lunch with Zelena and Emma, before she could say anything stopped her.

"Don't. They'll leave soon enough." Emma whispered in Gina's ear and kissed her cheek.

Chad scooched closet to Malerie to give at least one of the girls a seat, he hadn't forgotten his manners. "Please," he said politely.

Emma looked over to Regina who motioned for her to sit down. Emma shrugged and sat down next to Chad.

Regina sat down on Emma's lap and put her arm around Emma's neck. "What are you guys doing in storybrooke?" She looked at Chad and Malerie

"It was Mals idea actually... she just couldn't wait to see this town again." Chad looked Malerie in her eyes and chuckled. "You know I only come here in free will to pick up Elphie for my weekends."

"Which is next week. Not this week. It's her first 2 days at yours so you better be a good father to her." Zelena hissed.

Malerie ignored the married lesbians and gave Zelena a gentle smile. "She'll have the best time of her life at ours. I promise I'll guard her with my life. Everything for your daughter."

"And mine..." Chad added.

Malerie looked for a split second at Chad before looking back to Zelena. "Yes, and yours." She couldn't help but looking at the ginger witch.

Regina arched her eyebrow. Malerie was being really nice this time. Regina shrugged it off, it was probably because she was scared of Zelena.

Zelena rolled her eyes, Chad and Malerie really needdd to be gone but she didn't want to be the bitch to ruin it. "So uhm... Emma, any news from the station? Now David's helping Robin and Alice to move, it must be hard to do it all on your own."

"It's actually been pretty quiet lately. The paperwork is annoying though, mostly my dad and I do it toghether so it's a lot but I'll manage." Emma smiled. "How has your free time been when Elphie spends time with the queen and Robin? She seems to like them a lot."

Zelena let out a sigh of great relief. "Oh amazing! Both daughters out of the house, no man around... it's like living the dream. I can finally do what I want to fo when I'm alone!" She didn't even care Chad and Malerie were present anymore, she just wanted to make him see that she was over him. "I drop Elphie 4 days a week off at the castle and then it's spa morning, lunch with friends and then just me time."

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