Part 83 Regina in action

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Zelena jumped at the knocks that were made at the door. She looked up at Chad in tears. He had hurt her in one of thr most hurtful ways an ex could do. "This is not over! And don't you think you get to see your daughter now!" She walked away to get the door.

"That's bullshit, Zelena. I have the rights to see her when ever I want!" Chad snapped after her.

Zelena turned around. "No you won't, the lawyer made your rights quite clear!" She tried to dry her tears but they kept coming. She walked to the door and opened it. When she saw her sisters happy face she tried to smile. "Hi Regina,"

Regina looked at her sister's face. "Zelena.. what's going on?" Without thinking she pulled her in a hug.

"It's him..." Zelena sobbed.

"Hope, why don't you go upstairs to Elphie's room and play there for a bit." Emma didn't care if Elphie was there or not she didn't want her daughter to be caught up in this. 

"Why?" Hope asked. She looked up at the Witch, she didn't want to see her aunt cry.

"Just do as I say." Emma urged and luckily Hope listened and went upstairs.


"He's here?" Regina felt anger inside of her. That man kept hurting her sister and she hated it.

"He wants to see Elphie but she's at the Queens palace." Zelena's voice shivered. "And he- he's got a girlfriend... it's just 3 months since the divorce, how could he!" She didn't care if Chad could hear her or not.

"He what?!" Regina got even more angry. "What is he thinking? Is he out of his mind?" Regina walked past Zelena to the living room.

Chad had gotten himself in a comfortable position. "Ah, Regina. What an honour to see you again."

"Get-the fuck out." She snapped. "You don't get to walk in here and command stuff you don't have the rights for."

"There's no need to snap, Regina. I just came to pick up my daughter." Chad kept rather calm. "We're waiting you see,"

"Well she's not here and it's not even your day for her." Regina sighed. "Just go and make plans for the days you do have her."

Chad didn't care. "Zelena?" He yelled to the woman who wasn't even far in his reach. "Are you really letting your sister doing your job?"

Emma and Zelena went to the living room. "You just don't want to leave. I've tried it all and I am not going to pick up Elphie when she's miles away!"

"Fine." Chad stood up and walked just inches away from the sisters and Emma. He slammed the front door behind him and drove away.


"What an asshole." Emma scoffed. "Honestly he is acting so childish."

"I'm sorry you had to see it all." Zelena sighed and sat down on the couch. "This is my mess, not yours."

"No, stop apologizing for this. It's fine." Regina sat down next to her sister. "Why does he keep showing up unannounced?"

"I don't know, he is making such a big deal out of everything. That's what our fights started in the first place. He suddenly was against magic one day." Zelena looked at the couple. "When we found out on Elphie's third birthday she had magic too, he wasn't the same as before."

"It's weird because I know you tried to talk with him about it but he doesn't give really good reasons." Emma really wanted to help Zelena out but didn't really know how.

"You're gonna get through this." Regina hugged her sister one more time. "Why is Elphie at the queen's place by the way?"

"She likes being there." Zelena got happier when she spoke about her daughter. "Now her sister is moving out of town to the edge of the Enchanted Forest and Oz, it's too far away for Elphie to play in the woods and when she tagged along with me last week she met Wish Realm Robin Hood and they get along really nice. He's kind of like a father to her."

"That's great!" Regina smiled. "What does the Evil Queen think of it?"

"I don't really know. I know she likes having Elphie around. But there's something she isn't telling me." Zelena shrug het shoulders. "I hope to get the truth out of her later the nice way of course." She smiled. "Anyways, how was your honeymoon?"

"It was amazing! There was so much to see it was too little time to be honest." Emma said

Regina agreed "Way too little time."

"Em, did Gina take you to that little restaurant under the Sacre-cœur?"

"Yes she did... how did you know that?" Emma looked at Zelena curiously

Zelena bit the inside of her lip. "I just guessed...."

"No, you know something." Emma looked from Zelena to Regina and back

Zelena laughed. She loved the way her best friend was getting confused. Like most of the the when she and Regina were up to something. "When I was in Paris with Chad before our wedding, we met the owner of the place. He was so kind and sweet to us. I knew you would love the place as much as we did then."

Emma smiled. "I did love it yes." She chuckled. "You two are impossible sometimes."

"That's true." Regina laughed.

"Can I come back in?" Hope looked around the corner of the room, waiting for an answer.

"Of course." Emma smiled at her.

Hope walked over to her and crawled on the couch next to Emma. "Is everything okay?"

"Of course Hope. Everything fine." Zelena smiled at Regina. "You must be glad your moms are home." She changed the subject.

Hope nodded. "Yes I am."

Regina smiled at the sight of Hope curled up against Emma. She still had the moments where she really needed them and other moments she wanted to do everything by herself.

"You want anything? Drinks, Cocoa, shots?" Zelena laughed.

"Cocoa!!" Hope said excited.

"For me too please." Emma said.

"I'm fine, thanks." Regina followed Zelena to the kitchen.

"Was Paris what you expected it to be?" Zelena asked when they were out of sight of Emma and Hope.

"Yes it was." She smiled at her sister. Regina knew her sister didn't want to talk about this but she had to. "Zelena, you really have to do something about Chad.." 

"Yea, how?" Zelena sighed. "I've tried everything I could think off, except for using magic but I won't. Not this time. In the past make up sex was always the solution but that's not going to work now..." she said ironically.

"What about you text him to come over here and you talk. I mean really talk, not fighting." Regina looked at her sister and knew she would say no. "Emma and I could be here too to look after Elphie while he's here and if it gets out of hand I'll jump in to stop the fighting."

Zelenas eyes widened. "No way, I just got him to leave!"

"I know you did but this won't be like you guys arguing all the time. You'll actually talk." Regina sighed.

It took a minute of Zelena to sink in. "Okay fine, But Elphie can stay at the Queens a little while longer. I dont want her to hear her parents talk again. She doesn't need to be involved in this."

"That's fine." Regina smiled slightly because her plan succeeded.

"I'm gonna call him," Zelena said when she took out her phone. "You happy?"

"Yes. I am and do you want me to stay here and make sure it doesn't turn into a fight again?" Regina asked.

"Yes please." Zelena smiled and dialed his number. Was she really this stupid? She just got the idiot to leave.

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