Part 53 coming home

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10 Minutes later Robin came back, her mom was sleeping again. "I've told her that I would pick her up tonight. I don't think it's a good idea if she sees Chad immediately and then doesn't want to go home... Sorry." She looked at Chad but he understood. "Let's go." Emma drove the two back home and spent the rest of the day doing stuff she had to do.


"I think the house is pretty much cleaned, isn't it?" Robin looked around the house, she was never good in cleaning but now her mom will be coming home, she wanted to do her best.

"It is wonderful. And without any magic!" Chad joked but he saw on Robins face she used it just a little. "Robs..."

"Uhm... bye!" Robin said jokingly. She put on her coat and got the car keys. "I'll be picking up Alice and then we will return with mom. Be good! Love you!" She closed the door of the house and got to the hospital. She picked up Alice along the way from her own home.

"Hey!" Alice kissed her girlfriends cheek when she got in the car.

Robin smiled when Alice stepped in. "Hi beauty, are you ready to get back to our normal lives?" She joked. She was so nervous to pick up her mom, she had to get her to remember again, but luckily her aunt was working on it.

Alice saw how nervous Robin was. "Hey, it's all gonna be fine, I promise you!"


Emma was on her way home, she hadn't heard from Regina in quite a while. She was getting worried and decided to say a visit to Regina's vault. "Regina? You in here?" She looked around and found the brunette.

"I started on the potion for Zelena... it'll be diffucult to make and take quite some time."

"God how long have you been in you vault?" Emma asked, Regina looked exhausted.

"Uhm, I don't know. I started when we came back from the hospital so, let's say..." Regina counted the hours she thought she spent here. "11 hours I think?"

Emma's eyes widened. "Fuck my wife!" She joked. "We need to get you home and relax." She states and led Regina upstairs and outside. The rest of the day, they spent netflixing.


Robin smiled still nervously. "You're too sweet." She kissed her softly on the lips and rode to the hospital. They were just in time because her mom sat already at the edge of the bed. "Mom!" She run to her and hugged her tight.

"Hey Robs!" Zelena held her daughter into a hug. She looked over her shoulder and saw her gorgeous daughter-in-law. "Alice, so sweet you came as well."

"Of course!" She smiled as Robin was reunited with her mother again. She knew how much Robin had missed her mom.

"Come on, let's get you home. Alice and I will be spending the night. Chad missed you." Robin smiled and turned in her hug with her mom to Alice.

Zelena was confused. "He does?" The last time she remembered, Chad and she got in a fight.

"Yes he does! A lot has happened in the past week the only thing is that you can't remember." Alice explained.

"Well, I do remember and he hurt my feelings..." Zelena denied the fact that She had lost her memories.

Robin sighed. "Come mom. Lets get you out of this miserable place." Alice chuckeld softly. They got to the car and drove home.


Chad sat on the couch, waiting for his family to come home. Why was he so nervous? It was just Zelena, it couldn't be the end of the world? He heard the door was being opened and he got up to set up some tea.

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