Part 25 bouncy castle

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Robin rang her aunts mobile, she tried her telephone at home but forgot she was probably still at Emma's.

Regina picked up the phone "Hey Robin."

Emma sat down on the couch with Hope still in her arms.

Robin answered with a smile. "Hey! Alice and I are going to the furniture store to the showrooms. Do you want to come with us? Mom and Chad don't pick up..."

"Sure! They aren't picking up? That's weird!he was just here.." Regina frowned her brows. 'Chad just drove by and didn't even say anything..' She thought. "what time do you want me at yours?"

"He's probably just picking up Moms chai latte. He does that more often." Robin sighed. "Uhm, let's say around 2? If you want you can bring Hope with you, if you're allowed from Emma. We want to give her a special place in the new house."

"Okay! I'll see you at two." Regina said and hung up. "Can I take Hope with me? Alice and Robin want a special place for their new house." She smiled.

"Yes of course. Just make sure you..." she started. She knew how much Hope loved the girls

"I know Emma. I know everything I have to take with me. Don't worry."

I think I'll stop by Zelena just to check."

Hope got impatient and took Regina's hand. "Go now! Wobin and Alice waiting!"

"Yes, yes! We're going." Regina gave Emma a kiss goodbye. "Have fun or goodluck with Zelena. I don't know which it will be."

"Thanks." She chuckled. "You have fun!" She looked at her impatient daughter. "And be sweet today Hope." She smiled

"Bye mommy!" She chuckeld and gave her mom a wet kiss on the cheek. "Love you!"

"Love you too princess." She smiled. They all went their separate ways. Soon Emma arrived at Zelena's.


Zelena had taken everything out of her fridge, all the food laid on the table in the living room, including her big bowl of ice cream she started when they got back from Disney. Emma knocked on the door and waited for a response. The witch stood up with her ice cream bowl in her hand and walked to the door. "hi..." She said in a depressed tone.

"Hey, I thought I'd come by." She looked at Zelena. "What's wrong?" She asked genuinely worried

"I thought it was a good time to tell Chad..." she shrug her shoulders. "I was wrong..."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Emma was still standing outside.

"I don't know..." She sighed but she did let Emma in. She walked back the the big food mess she had made in the living room.

Emma stayed silent and sat down. She felt so bad for Zelena.

Zelena played with the top layer of her dress. "He, he left right after I told him... he didn't even seem happy or let a smile show. I ruined everything."

"You didn't ruin anything Z. He had to know, this couldn't stay a secret."

Zelena took a scoop of her ice cream. "Em, I was selfish. I wanted another child but I knew Chad wouldn't, so I might have bewitched him to let him think it was safe. I chose myself over the whishes of my husband." She looked down in shame. "No wife would do that..."

"Maybe you didn't do it in the way you should've done. I get he's mad about that fact. It doesn't make you a bad person. It'll be fine."

"He called me wicked.. he never did." Zelena broke down.

Emma tried to comfort Zelena. "People say things they don't mean when they're mad."

"He's right, I am wicked and always will be.."

"Zelena you're not. God, remember when you first arrived in storybrooke. That's when you were Wicked. You've changed so much."

Zelena chuckled softly. "Yea, I do remember..." she sighed. "Do you want something from the table? I got it all."

"Sure" Emma smiled and joined Zelena with eating all the food.


"Hope do you want to pick out something for you when you're at ours?" Robin asked the little hyper kid.

"Yahh!" Hope giggled and run towards the kids department.

"Awwe, she's so sweet! Can you ever believe we were all so young once?"

"I know right! Kids are so adorable." Alice smiled at the girl running away and Regina following her, making sure she doesn't get lost

"I want this one!" Hope jumped up and down on a bouncy castle. It was perfectly fit for just her.

"Then you can have it." Alice smiled at the little girl

"Weally?!" Hope giggled and looked at Robyn.

Robyn looked at Alice and giggled as well. "Yeah, why not..."


Everyone had arrived at Robin and Alices home. She looked at little Hope jumping around the bouncy castle she had gotten. "She really is happy isn't she?" She smiled at Regina.

"She is!" Regina smiled at Hope. "She is one of the brightest kids I know, it's like she's almost never tired."

Robin agreed. She went over to their rabbits and grabbed Pua and sat down on the couch. She petted the rabbit softly. "Regina, you've said Chad came to your house, right? Did he stop?"

"No, he didn't. He looked at us and just drove away.. it was quite strange." Regina sat down next to Robin. "Emma went by your mom to check on her."

Robin laid her head on her aunts shoulder. "I hope they're okay..." she whispered. She was concerned a lot.

"I hope so too robs."


A few hours later the movie ended, which Emma hoped would cheer her best friend up. "Soo, feeling a little better?" She asked after they had watched another movie.

Zelena looked at Emma with emotional tears. "Did we had to watch Ghost?! It's so sad..."

"Hey you wanted to watch it! I wanted to watch something happier but nooooo"

Zelena kept silent and looked at her empty cup of tea. "I uhmm, I want to rest..."

"Of course. You're my best friend, I love you." She hugged Zelena

"I love you too." She said as she le go of Emma. She turned around on the couch and rested. She fucked up real bad. Maybe Chad was right. Abortion would be the best option, if this child would break up her marriage, she didn't want to take that at risk. She rubbed her hands over her stomach. "I'm sorry little munchkin, I don't know what to do. Maybe your daddy doesn't love you but I always will..." 

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