Part 88 The Evil Queens wish

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Robin and Elphie cape home not much later. He went straight into The Queens arms. "Hello M'lady." He leant In for a sweet and gentle kiss.

"Mommy! I got the rose!" Elphie let her bow fall on the ground and run proudly to her mom.

"That's great munchkin! Are you better then Robin now, aren't you."

Robin turned around in The Queens arms. "Oh, she is." He chuckled and turned back to his wife.

"Hello thief." The Queen smiled at him. The nickname had always stuck with them.

Regina looked at the two. She was happy for them but somewhere deep down she felt sad

Robin switched places with his wife and held her in her arms. "Zelena told us you got married. Congrats again. Did you go any place fancy?"

"Thanks." Regina looked at Emma and smiled at her. "We went to Paris, it was amazing."

"What's Paris?" Robin asked. How should he know? He only knew the Enchanted Forest. He looked over to mother and daughter how sweet they were.

"It's a city. It's supposed to be a great city for people in love, or so Zelena told me." The queen shrugged

"Is it close to the Enchanted Forest?"

The queen looked at her other half. She didn't know where Paris was.

"No it isn't." Regina chuckled.

Elphie told her mom hoe Robin had thought her tricks she hadn't learnt from her sister. She run to Regina. It was confusing to see her aunt twice, just the clothing was different. "Auntie Gina, I got better at Archery!"

"You did? That's amazing! Can you show me?" Regina smiled as she saw Elphie get excited

Elphie took the hand of the Regina that was talking. "Come, I'll show you." She walked up to the open doors on the balcony. "Watch that tree." She took out an arrow in a clumsy way and rested it against her bow. She was really focussed.

Regina pulled Emma with her and they both watched Elphie focus on shooting the arrow

Robin laughed at Elphies clumsiness. He walked over to her, leaving The Queen and Zelena alone. He crouched down to Elphies height and helped her re arranging her arrow.


Zelena saw her opportunity to speak with her sister alone. "Hey, everytime that I was about to leave, you wanted to ask me something... what's up?" She asked concerned.

The queen looked up. "Oh it's nothing." She knew Zelena wouldn't take this as an answer this time. "Well.. you know.. like.." she couldn't quite find the words she wanted to say. She took a deep breath and sat down on the couch, not looking at her sister. "Well.. as you may know Robin really likes kids.. he never told me he wanted one but I know he does but I'm scared." She looked up at Zelena. "I'm so scared. I can't even have kids what am I thinking." The queen rubs her forehead. "I can't even be a good mother."

"You are a good mother, sis." Zelena sat down next to her. "Before you and Regina split up, look at how you've raised Henry in his teenage years. He turned out great and now he's now off to his own adventure." She looked at Elphie who had missed her first arrow and took out a second one. "I see how you are with Elphie, it's natural." She smiled.

"It isn't natural. Henry hated me until Emma came along and we both raised him." The queen sighed. It was good to finally tell someone this.

"It's gonna be okay. You know that. Me and Robin weren't the easiest mother and daughter and she turned out just fine." Zelena needed to convince the Queen it wasn't the end of the world, she just needed hope. Something Zelena had a hard time getting it.

The queen had a hard time believing Zelena. She shrugged. "I don't know."

"Yes, you do know. I can see it. Have you ever thought about adopting again?" Zelena said carefully.

The queen looked at Zelena. "I have.. but I don't know how to talk about it with Robin."

Zelena frowned. "You're not afraid of him, are you?"

"No it's not that. I just seriously don't know how to talk about this. How do I start that conversation with him? What if he doesn't want to adopt.." The queen her mind was a mess

Zelena heard her daughter and the rest cheer. She knew Elphie succeeded in firing an arrow into the direction of tree. "If Robin truly loves you, he'll understand."

"I never told him about that I can't have kids.. i never thought it would be important.

"It will be okay." Zelena was hopeless how she could help The Evil Queen. Helping wasn't really her strongest characteristic.

"Thanks." The queen actually felt a bit more relieved than before.

"Mommy! I did it! I shot the tree!" Elphie came back running. Can we go now? I am hungry." She let her broom appear in her hands, she didn't want to wait until everyone got ready.

"She did really well, Zelena. She deserves a big feast." Robin joked. "It's been a pleasure as always miss Green." He poked the little ones nose.

Elphie giggled. "Next time I'll defeat you!" She looked at the Queen and saw her doubting face. "Is you alright?"

The queen forced a smile. "I am sweetheart, don't worry about it."

Regina raised her eyebrow at the reaction of the queen. She knew it was a lie.

Elphie shrug her soulders. "Okay. Bye Queen, bye Robin!" She said and already walked to the front door.

"Elphie wait!" Zleena yelled after her daughter. "I would love to stay but Elphie isn't allowed to fly alone, she's too young." She said in a hurry. "G, Emma... you coming?"

"Yes coming!" Emma yelled after Zelena who was following Elphie. Emma and Regina both said goodbye to Robin and the queen.


"Robin we need to talk about something." The Queen said nervously when everyone had left the castle

"What's that? Are you ill, is there something with the kingdom? Is it you?" Robin was nervous already. He never knew exactly when she was like this.

"It's nothing bad." The queen started. "Just something I have been wanting to talk with you about for a long time.." She didn't quite know how to start.

Robin gave her a gentle smile. "What is it?"

"Well.. I know you love children.." the queen carefully watched Robin's face. "How would you feel about adopting?" She asked carefully

"You mean, adopting one of those crying diaper pooping cute babies?" Robin let a huge smile appear on his face. "That's such an amazing idea! But why adopt one? We can easily have a kid of our own?"

"Yes I mean one of those crying diaper pooping cute babies." The queen chuckled. She thought of the other question for a few seconds, how was she supposed to be telling him this. "I can't have children..." she started off "I never thought it would be important." She whispered.

"I see, that's okay. Some woman just simply can't have children." Robin looked his Queen in the eye. "Of course I want to adopt a little baby. Everything with you."

The queen felt like she was about to cry. "You're the best, I don't know what I would do without you."

"Without me? Your life wouldn't be the same but I'm so glad it did M'lady." Robin smiled and kissed her cheek. "Any adventure from now on is with you and our family."

The queen looked at him and smiled brightly. "Can't wait for the adventure to start." She didn't know she could be so happy.

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