Part 31 Chads troubles

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Chad and Regina went up to the window of the living room and saw Scar flirting heavily with his wife. He saw them to the couch,Zelena facing back to the couch, still being enchanted by Scar his eyes. "What is going on?" He whispered heart broken. Scar leaned over to Zelena which made her fall on the couch, he followed. What Chad didn't saw, because of his jealousy, was his wife trying to struggle against all of Scars actions. "How could she do this to me?" He cried softly when he saw Scar kissing Zelena passionately, all he thought he saw was that Zelena enjoyed it.

Regina pulled Chad away from the window, she saw Zelena didn't want this but she remained calm. "I'm sure it's nothing. Zelena wouldn't do this to you." She knew this wouldn't convince him. "Scar is very.. uhm.. flirty and somehow he enchants people. Kinda like that.. yea.."

Chad got mad. "You see her right?! This definitely means something. She's trying to get back at me for not accepting the situation."

"She's hurt. Emma went to see her last time and she was broken. Hurt people do stuff. Maybe it is somethng maybe not. We'll leave now." Regina hissed.

Chad sighed. "You just don't kiss other men when you're married! No matter how hurt you are."

"GOD! Do you listen to me? I also said Scar has some kind of charm. I don't know how to explain it. Just. UGH" Regina groaned.


"Scar, please don't..." Zelena bit her lip and grabbed the sofa rest tight when Scar went down on her neck and arms. She couldn't take it any longer but she actually didn't want him to stop either.

Scar traced the outlines of Zelena's body, ending at her pregnant belly and rested his hand on it. "Why? Haven't you missed it?" He again looked into her blue eyes.

"I-I uhm..." Zelena had no more words and kissed him back passionately instead, she wrapped her legs around his body, she regretted it but there was something that she couldn't stop it from happening.

Chad gave one more look into the window. It hurt him too see Zelena being used like this, even though he had no idea she was. "Let's just go..." he sighed. "She doesn't love me anymore, she's over me." He said so quietly, no one could hear.

"Of course." Regina immediately went back to the car.


When they got to Emma's house Regina decided to talk again. "Do you want to come inside for a drink?" Chad really looked like he needed one

"Have something strong?"

"Yup." Regina smiled sadly at Chad.

"Bring it on, I could use a lot." They got out of the car and got inside. "Just get me what ever you're having.."

Regina opened the door and let Chad inside. Regina went to get the drinks and got the strongest. She handed one to Chad. "Here you go."

"Thanks..." Chad have a small chuckle and shot the drink. "Woah, that one hit."

"I know" Regina chuckled.  She heard Emma come down the stairs. "Hey! You're back already?" She kissed her beautiful girlfriend.

Regina looked at Chad, who kept himself silent and gave himself another shot. "Yes.. well, things didn't go as planned. If we could call it that." She watched Chad down another drink or 2.

Emma nodded, she understood what Regina was meant to say and got the hint to shut up about it.

An awkward silence followed, Chad really wasn't in the mood to talk about the love of his life but he also knew deep inside that this guy, who appeared to be a lion from origin, was manipulating her. He just wouldn't realise it.

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