Part 51 shot

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Emma woke up as the first of everyone in the house. Her head was doing a lot better but still the headache was not complete gone. She rolled over and saw Hope cuddled up next to Regina. It was one of the cutest things. The blonde got her phone and took a picture, not wanting to forget this. She checked her messages to see if there was any news about Zelena but she didn't receive anything yet. Emma got out of bed and took some painkillers. She decided to read a book until the others would wake up. After only a short while Emma was sick worried about Zelena. She didn't know why but she had the strongest feeling. She got dressed and decided to go to the hospital just to check.


Chad woke up in the hospital next to Robin. "How the hell did I came from the couch to the bed?" He stood up and saw the doctors surrounding Zelena. "Is everything okay?"

"On the contrary.." The familiar voice spoke. The rest of the doctors vanished in a cloud of smoke, the one doctor that remained turned around. The scar was too familiar by Chad. Chad was wide awake and grabbed onto his gun holder. "You are supposed to be locked up... Get out of her way!" He said threatening.

"Why should I? Your wife deserves to die after all she did. How even could you cure her, dreamshade isn't curable!" Scar scoffed and walked into Robins direction. "She's a lovely young woman an I right?"

Chad pointed the gun towards Scar. "Leave my daughter alone!"

"Oh... tense are we? You're doing a lot for a girl that isn't even your own daughter." Scar looked down at Robin but he was more interested in Zelena.

"Leave us alone!" Chad followed Scar with his gun and pulled the trigger when Scar pulled a knife out and attempted to stab Zelena.

Emma heard a gunshot from upstairs and she ran to the first room she could think of. She watched as Scar collapsed on the ground and Chad was standing in front of him with the gun, in panic.

Robin woke up immediately by the gunshot. "What the hell..."

Chad stood with the gun in his hands. It was a long time ago since he shot someone. He quickly made the gun clear and got the other bullets out. He was in some kind of shock and watched Scars lifeless body. Robin sat up straight in the bed and saw Chad looking at Scar. "Is he..."

Emma walked in. "What happened?" She was so confused.

"He.. he'd..." Chad breathed heavily and couldn't quite form a sentence. He walked over to Zelena. She was fine.

Emma saw Chad had already cleared his gun but still she took it from his hands. "It's okay. You protected Zelena." She said.

"She still didn't wake up..." Chad sighed.

Robin stood next to Chad and put his arm around her. "Hey, mom will wake up. You know that."

"Dreamshade takes a toll on the body but once it is cured the person will wake up it just takes some time." Emma went to get someone to get the body and clean the mess.


Hope woke up and noticed her mom was gone. She woke up Regina. "Where mommy gone?"

Regina woke up. "I don't know. Let me call her." Regina got her phone and called Emma. "Where are you?" She asked.

"At the hospital, I went to check on Zelena and Scar was here. Chad.. uhm.. shot him."

Hope watched Regina's shocking face. "Mommy okay?"

"I'm fine." Emma replied when she heard her daughter in the background. "The only one that got hurt was scar."

Hope saw Regina nod and she knew Emma was okay. She got upstairs to dress herself.

"Did she wake up already?" Regina asked hopeful. 

"No, not yet." Emma sighed and looked over at Chad who held Zelena's hand. "I'll talk to you later okay?" She hang up again.


Chad let Robin stay with her mom and walked to Emma. "Who was that?"

"Regina, she asked where I was. She was still sleeping when I left."

"I hope she's okay." Chad sighed. "Yesterday was such a hard time for her..."

"I think she is. I could tell that she still feels terrible about what she said to Zelena but atleast now she gets to fix that when Zelena wakes up."


Some time passed. "Dad!" Robin yelled from the room and held her moms hand. "Dad, come quickly!"

Chad looked at Emma quite hopeful. "Call Regina back, now..." he said and quickly walked back to the room. Emma called Regina and then walked to the room too. Hoping Zelena would be waking up. Regina got all her stuff and took Hope with her to the hospital. Henry was at a friends place.

"She queezed my hand more then once... it won't be long now." Robin smiled. Emma's face lit up. This was the best news they could have heard in a long time.


At first I wanted to name this chapter after one of my fav sings of Hamilton, 'my shot' but it actually doesn't make sense in this situation... Then the chapter would be told from Chads perspective but that's not how I write haha so too bad. But when ever I got the time to edit and I saw the title I gave this chapter, I always had to put on that song because why not! Okay, that was me fangirling over Hamilton... Can you guess what's going to happen? Hard to guess isn't it lolz xx Zelly

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